It seemed to be just another day in the village of the falling rain as the sun began its decent into the western sky. I was part of Squad Alpha, consisting of my squad captain, X, and my teammates Timber, and Daughter. Daughter happened to be the Amekages daughter, resting at home from her great triumph in the Chunin Exams earlier that morning. Just before the street lights were lit, a large explosion could be seen from afar. I remember seeing it just moments before the recall bell echoed across the village ordering us to assemble before the Amekage herself. Apparently the Amekages daughter, in her fatigued state, had been kidnapped. I remember the look on the Amekage's face quite vividly. She was somewhere between the lines of fear and vengeful rage as she ordered us into hot pursuit of our lost comrade. There wasn't time for hesitation as we collected our supplies and then set out to rescue our Daughter. We are Rain Ninja, and this is our story....

Hiro's Chapter: An Army of One: Hiro sees a ghost!

Squad Alpha moved through the tropical forest as the rain started to lighten up. Timber, or Zadok, was quite the tracking ninja as the team swiftly moved across the land, gaining ground with each step. Approaching an opening in the forest Squad Alpha could see a group of three ninja, one staying behind as the other two took off. Squad Alpha broke through the tree line, getting a good look at the enemy. He was somewhat small, way too scrawny to be physical threat, but by the look on his over confident face he was up to something.

"Go on guys, i'll take care of this one," Hiro muttered confidently.

"Dont be stupid Hiro, we're a squad, we stay togeth...," X was cutoff by Hiro.

"Sir, I've assessed the situation. He's got to be a long distance fighter of some kind, I'm sure of it. The longer we all sit around here talking about it, the farther Daughter is being taken from us."

X looked at the rogue ninja, and then looked back at Hiro. "...Alright, but I better see you following up right behind us."

Hiro gave a half a** smile, "Heh, you got it buddy."

With that said, Timber and X bypassed the rogue ninja leaving Hiro to take him one on one. The rogue ninja tried to make a move to stop the rest of Squad Alpha, but only to be cut off by a basic barrage of projectile weaponry. "Leave them alone, your fight is with me!" Hiro shouted as the rogue ninja leaped back to avoid Hiros ranged weapons.

The rogue ninja stood back with his hands together, just glaring at Hiro. The ninja looked as if he had never faced an opponent in his life as he just stood if he was just stalling. Hiro loosened the large Windmill Shuriken from his back as he heard a rhaspy voice come from the rogue ninjas direction.

"Shina Diroko,"

"What?" Hiro question in puzzlement. Was it a name? What relevance did it have here?

"I am Shina Diroko, Jounin of the Mist, and you are?" The rogue's voice was cold, filled with hate.

"...I am Hiro Sherudon of the Rain," Hiro was curious as to what this ninja was up to? Could he even fight, or was this just a stall tactic.

"Hiro Sherudon...sounds familiar. I look forward to adding you to my ranks." Shina spoke confidently as he streamlined through a series of handsigns.

Hiro couldn't understand what the ninja was babbling about. Seeing him rip through handsigns like that must of meant something bad was about to happen. Acting quickly Hiro drew a tagged Kunai and rifled it straight towards Shina, who continued through the series of handsigns. Just before making contact the Kunai was cut off by a large, casket like pillar that had risen up from the ground. The Kunai exploded on impact, obliterating the single pillar, but to Hiro surprise this wasn't the only one. In a circular formation around Hiro the pillars rose up from the
ground, twelve in total.

Uncertain of what was happening, Hiro hunkered down for defense, ready to strike as the caskets sprang open. Inside the caskets were ninja from various villages across the land. "The kids a summoner, he doesn't need to fight. He's got his own personal army," Hiro thought as he stood hid ground.

"I could always use another long range projectionist in my standing army," said Shina with a cocky attitude. "Surrender now and your death will be quick and painless."

"Yeah right, if you want me then come and get me!" Hiro roared, building up his momentous spirit.

Very Well," Shina muttered as he signaled the deceased ninja to strike, closing in on Hiro.

Hiros started out by making one of his infamous projectile clones as they went back to back, attacking the oncoming ninja with their projectile weaponry. After consistent Fuuton training Hiro's projectiles ripped through the sky, almost like bullet in the wind, as him and his clone quickly dropped three of the shinobi. As they reached point-blank range, Hiro picked up his Windmill and swung it in front of him, like a Spartans shield, piercing across the rib cage of another shinobi, whose wounds were too great. Closing in the remaining seven soldiers over-ran Hiro's foothold forcing him to leap upward into the sky. The remaining clone was completely annihilation as four swords went piercing through its body, causing the clone to vanish in a cloud of smoke. As the cloud lifted, only one of the resurrected ninja remained on its feet as the rest laid on the ground, suffering from the Shuriken projected from the vanquished projectile clone.

Shina stood from afar, watching in awe. "He fights just like him, he looks just like him, but...its not possible."

The last resurrected ninja dropped lifelessly as a spiraling Windmill Shuriken landed in its back from above. Upon Hiro's decent, he landed on the dying ninjas shoulder plate, kicking off its shoulders to gain some quick momentum as he pulled the Windmill Shuriken from its back.

While Hiro was catching his breath, Shina realized his first wave of defenses was destroyed, and began to rip through another chain of summoning handsigns.

"Heh, I just wanted to see your worth. now its time to show you true power!" Shina talked himself up a big game, buying himself time to get through the handsigns.

"You call this power? You use the power of the deceased to fight for you, you have no power of your own!" Hiro preached just about recovered from the first wave of troops.

"Watch it brat, this next soldier will be the end of your demise. Took half of my army to apprehend him alone, what chance does a punk like you got against him?" Shina confidently shouted as he finished the list of handsigns.

A large casket like pillar rose in front of him, but this one was different. The markings on the side of it were more complex and spiritual as the front of the casket shot off. Hiro's eyes widened as he got his first glimpse of what was inside. The figure inside clutched the side of the casket, pulling itself into the light. two shadowy clouds began to formulate around the figures hands, creating two large Kunais, similar to swords. It was Kazuma Sherudon, Field Marshal of the Rain and deceased brother of Hiro. "Its not possible," Hiro questioned as a cold shiver ran down his spine. Kazuma looked the same as the day he went to the frontline of battle. His face was dead, lifeless with emotion as Hiro was hesitant to attack his older brother, his mentor, and his friend.

The fury and rage swelled inside of Hiro, seeing that his older brother was warped from the great warrior that he was, into another pawn in Shina's arsenal.

((Im gonna finish this later, btw any other Rain ninja want to be apart of this story just start writing your part in it. Could be fun Ex Zadok and Ambrosia find the other half of the squad and one breaks off to fight another etc))