Name of weapon: Hogosha (katana) and Suno (Setsuka, blade hidden in a parasol)
Your Rank: Academy Level right now
Who owns the weapon: Suzume Kinjo
Where it was found/Who made it: While the name of the blacksmith(s) who forged these weapons is not known, Suzume does know who they belonged to. The katana was owned by her father and the Setsuka was owned by his sister. Suzume's father was killed on a mission and her aunt was murdered. She had already inherited her father's blade but her cousin and uncle decided it would be best if she also inherited the Setsuka blade.

The blades have seen plenty of battle and are quite durable, above that of the average weapon. Chakra can easily be focused into the blades for extra power and cut. Plus they have sentimental value for Suzume.
Users Class: Samurai
The Range of the weapon: Both are close to middle ranged weapons.
Weakness: Nothing extraordinary, both are regular weapons. They are by no means indestructible and without proper upkeep the blades could become dull and weak.
Description: The katana, named Hogosha is a regular katana around three feet long. It has a dark blue sheath and a blue and silver handle. The guard itself is silver, a perfect circle, with the picture of sparrows on it. The Setsuka named Suno is around two feet long. The parasol itself is dark red and the handle is a sort of tannish red. There is a nice design of sparrows in flight on the parasol.