The Elements

The elements are the strongest tool for many. It is a chance to display power to your enemies. The elements are seperated into many different catagories. The catagories are as followed.

Fire: Heat and fire. the scorching hot flames of hell are released through this element, it is probably one of the most dangerous and powerful, yet it is known to cause unneeded destruction.

Water: the cold of the world. The deap blue sea at your fingertips. The healing power and the sharp power of the sea. This can be used with this element, no real drawbacks and works well in all situations.

Wind: the tornado's of heaven come down in a flurry of speed. This is one of the fastest elements being able to attack multiple times, cutting through other objects with ease and the swift power of the wind is obvious with gigantic tornado's and whirlwinds.

Lightning: Blast away your enemies with a well rounded element. Perfect for battle. Stop your enemies with single lightning bolts that are almost invincible, and send forward shockwaves from the ground. Sound can also be intertwined with this element.

Earth: The defensive power of mother nature at last. Stop the other elements with gigantic walls of earth, or throw mountains to your enemies. Blast away foes with rocks the size of there entire body, and make gigantic sand storms to blind those around you.

Dark and Light: although two seperate elements, they must be described as one. They are the good and the bad, the left and the right, the yin and the yang, but they are still two sides of a coin. Watch out for these, for they stand different from the rest.

These are the elements, combine more then one for different effects like ice and magma. You can only use the basics with one element, but the more you have the more things you can do with them, so experiment with your points and you will have a fool proof magic user.