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PostPosted: Tue Apr 05, 2011 6:15 pm
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Please do not post on here. If you have anything to say to me, use the pm system.

I have been working on novels for the past 12 years and rping for the past 3.5 or so. I pride myself in the amount of thought and effort I put into my work, so please don't bother me if you're only willing to do one liners or half assed rps. I'm not saying I'm completely unwilling to work with someone who's willing to try and wants to be a better writer/rper, I'm just saying, don't bother if you're not willing to put in the effort. It's no fun to invest your time into something when the other person won't pull their weight.

If you want to rp with me but find that I do not have a character that works with yours, the world, or situation you have intended, I am more than willing to create a new one or adapt an existing one if it doesn't mess with the character too much.  
PostPosted: Tue Apr 05, 2011 7:12 pm

User Image

Name: Theo Ull
Aliases: Tithe, Icarus Marx
Age: 26
Race: Human ***See Bio***
Gender: Male
Seme,Uke,or Seke: Seke - Seme

Looks like:
He is tall and lean and seems to have a general disregard for the necessity of a shirt on his own time. Dark brown hair. As for his eyes, he is almost never seen without wearing black coloured contacts to hide them. He is missing his right arm - scarring would suggest a rather messy amputation at the shoulder. His left arm bears a tribal tattoo in black ink. On the inner side his forearm (from elbow to wrist) there are several rows of track marks (scarring made from repeated use of a needle in the same place too many times), all lined up, symmetrical and neat. There is similar scarring on the small of his back, directly over the spine. There is also a series of numbers (0013694) tattooed down his left side.

Usually keeps to himself. He doesn't tend to sugar coat anything. If someone asks him something about himself - how he lost his arm for instance - he won't skirt around the gory details, even when dealing with children. His disregard for proper clothing might suggest a vanity or confidence in his own attractiveness and he likes to act like that is how it really is. In reality, he has a real issue with his mutation and deformities - to a point where that's all he can really see in himself and he does not like what he sees. In his mind, why bother covering up? A shirt won't fix anything. His attitude and how he deals with people tends to depend on which persona he is playing.

Tithe: There is no mercy, no morality. He is exactly what he was programmed to be and he doesn't apologise for it. He justifies it by telling himself that he is merely the monster he was made to be and at least the destruction is more or less pointed in the right direction now. Prone to violence, though his actions are rarely mindless. Lots of rage and hatred. When he indulges in this persona, he usually does some pretty nasty things and isn't terribly quiet about it given that no one can connect him to his other identities when he's fully scaled. He's known for blowing up buildings - almost always with people still inside. For something a little more personal, he'll either walk into a building and tear into whoever gets in his way before burning the place to the ground, or he'll go after people individually, watching them for a time before attacking them on their own turf. The latter is usually reserved for people who he believes or knows were connected to what happened to him, though vigilante work isn't above or beneath him.

Works as an English/Creative Writing professor at a local community collage. He also owns a small bookshop dealing with old and rare books, which he runs mostly on weekends and holidays. Most days, he heads to work early, works til late, and dines at a little restaurant across the way before heading home, occasionally stopping at a local bar or liquor store along the way. Over all, he's a pretty nice guy. He expects a lot of his students but he isn't psycho about it and will look the other way over a few late assignments as long as the work is still good.

Very rarely indulges in this persona and when he does, it's never publicly. For the most part he tries to bury his life as Theo, pretends it never happened or that he died and became Tithe.

He generally associates himself more as Tithe and sees Icarus as what he might have been and/or what he wishes he could be. He's very good at keeping his personas separate, to an almost split personality sort of degree.

He was snatched off the streets on his way home one night at the age of 19 and wound up a prisoner of centre working towards the scientific and genetic advancements of humans. He remained there for several years and his time spent there changed him greatly. As a result of what was done to him, he is capable of rapidly growing a sort of full-body armour composed of coarse, black scales. These immerge from under the skin and recede in the same manner. More often their appearance is triggered by instinct in already dangerous situations rather than active will. At times they will show up inconveniently when he is trying to play normal, usually at a much slower rate and in patches rather than all at once. Usually he can tell when this is going to happen as his skin tends to itch horribly and if they aren't coming in too rapidly, he can usually get away with being seen in public by hiding them with make up. Whether these scales come in the instinct driven way or at the random, it is sometimes difficult to make them go away, usually forcing Tithe to lie low for several days at a time. He is also a fire-breather. His body was designed to handle this ability but the design of his make is flawed. Early glitching usually results his body heating up for extended periods of time, sometimes to such an extremity that his touch can result in burns, scorching of objects he comes in contact with, and fire-starting. Eventually, as his design continues to fail and deplete, the glitching will prove self destructive. Fire-breathing starts to result in burns to the throat and mouth. The overheating effect becomes more common and can lead to illness and mental dysfunction/risk of damage to the brain. His vision was also altered - with some success and backlash. He has excellent night vision but suffers moderate to severe retina sensitivity to light. His perception of colour comes and goes inconsistently and his sight tends to rely heavily on movement.

After escaping, he spent a number of years in hiding, spending some time on the streets before he eventually managed to scrape a life together as Icarus Marx. He never tried to return to his former life, though he has kept tabs on certain people. His father walked out on his family when he was young. His mother died sometime while he was missing, leaving his now 20 year old brother to raise their little sister on his own. He's become something of a stalker of his childhood sweetheart. Follows him around at a distance when he's got the time, just to see what he's doing with his life. He calls him on occasion - never says anything, just wants to hear his voice. He has also broken into the boy's house once or twice, once again, leaving no clues of his presence behind. He isn't really sure how to feel about the habit given that it's kind of a crazy thing to do, even if his intentions aren't perverse. He's tried to stop and back off but his relationship with this boy was probably his last strong emotional tie. He can't help it.  



PostPosted: Tue Apr 05, 2011 9:48 pm

Name: Tanith Fletcher
Nickname: None
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Seme,Uke,or Seke: Seke - uke ***See Personality***
Race: Human, German American

Looks like:
Long blonde hair with pink and green dyed ends and strands. Tends to wear "girly" clothes and regularly cross-dresses for school plays, Halloween, and his summer career - sort of a rebellious thing, defying gender roles. Wears lots of jewellery -- his arms are practically sleeved in bracelets and his ears sport many piercings which are usually girly or delicate. He has a love for noisy jewellery like metal bangles, chains, bells, things that make a nice sound. He has a lot of scars on his back and forearms, as well as one on his neck - most resembling bite and claw marks as well as other slashes. He tends to favor covering these areas because of this, either with jewelry or clothing.

Energetic and outgoing, often restless when things are too mundane for too long. He's very confident of himself and takes the crap he gets for his style in stride. He's never really been much of a closet case. Tends to be openly flirty all around but he rarely actually means it as anything more than play -- when he starts to actually mean it or gets the feeling that the other person is reading more into it than he wants, his tune tends to change dramatically, especially when dealing with a seme. He can get very stand offish and short tempered and if he feels particularly cornered or frustrated, it's not beneath him to lash out. He's not afraid to get into an all out fight either, whether it's over something small or serious.

Tanith is terrified of dogs and is even nervous/uncomfortable around puppies.

It might be worth noting that while Tanith is listed as seke - uke, this does not necessarily mean his is a uke. It means he can go both ways but has more experience being the uke - not that he strictly prefers it that way (or that I refuse to play him any other way). It is simply his history. Since he broke up with his last boyfriend he has had a much harder time taking on that role. He has issues with control and has a hard time giving it up and trusting another person, so by this point he's actually either strictly seme or an unusually dominant uke and he'll need a strong seme to be the latter. In that instance, this probably isn't going to be an easy relationship -- he will require a lot of patience, tolerance, and stubbornness on your character's. Once you get past the guarded crap and he gets comfortable, you tend to see a lot more of his better aspects though.

Tanith's parents divorced when he was young. Since then he has been living with with his mother in Germany and spending the summers with his father in America, however, recent events have forced a change. Tanith is one of two lead singers in a tranz metal band that has become very popular in Germany. His rising fame has made it difficult for him to focus on furthering his schooling or really have much of a life. After a while, things began to spiral out of control. Tanith took off for three weeks without a word and he didn't come back so much as turn up by chance. His boyfriend at the time found him unconscious behind a dumpster not too far from his home, all torn up and bleeding out from a nasty dog bite to the throat. He spent a good chunk of time in the hospital but he never really offered much explanation to what had happened to him or where he'd been. Tanith made a lot of changes after that, some less rational than others. He broke up with his boyfriend a few months after his recovery -- a rather messy and harsh ending to a long time relationship -- and he switched things around, moving to California to live with his dad. During his spring and fall college semesters, he only returns to Germany for holidays with his mom and the occasional music video, appearance, or concert -- otherwise, he pushes all band related stuff off until summer break when he can give it his undivided attention. While in America, he tries to distance himself from his career as much as possible and aims to lead a life as close to normal as he can stand. He never talks about his career and tries to keep a low profile about it - he'd keep the whole thing a complete secret if he could but really, what are the chances of that actually working out for him?

Pic: Pending. One of these days I'll get around to drawing him.  
PostPosted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 8:30 pm

Name: Happh
Nickname: None unless you can come up with something
Age: 317
Gender: Male
Seme,Uke,or Seke: Uke
Race: Mer

Looks like:
Looks about 18. His eyes are black and are highly reflective. His dark brown hair is crudely cut close to the scalp, giving way to a "mohawk" of long turquoise fins. His skin is a blue-grey color and scarified with intricate patterns around the face, shoulders, and right hip, his body also baring other scars that were not of his own intention or infliction. His body is flecked with illuminative spots and veins that can give of varying amounts of light, sometimes blinding, sometimes nothing more than a gentle glow. Different colors and flicker patterns tend to mean different things. His fingers are delicately webbed, the nails more claw-like, curving slightly with an ivory, pearl like quality. They are rather long and fine, almost needle-like but they are also very strong and rather difficult to break. He can retract them. Like the claws, his teeth are fine, ivory/pearl-esque, and needle like. He has hundreds of them, four rows on the top and three on the bottom and while he cannot retract them, they are opposable, turning throat-ward, falling flat against the jaw and roof of the mouth and harmless when not in use. To accommodate the monsterous ranging bite such teeth would require, his mouth splits halfway across his face -- with his mouth fully opened, his head appears to split in half. His tongue and gums are black, the tongue long and texture-less. He has several sets of gills, located on his back, near the collar bone, and between his lower ribs. From the waist down his body ends in a rather muscular fishlike/serpentine tail that seems to be a cross between several sorts of fish, most notably the mudskipper and the oarfish. The tail is roughly 15ft in length. The scales are mostly a muddy sort of brown with a creamy underside, black markings, and flecks of gold, and the groin area marked with a splash of vibrant red. He has a set of spiny dorsal fins which flank his spine from head to tail. His pectoral fins, located in the hip area and flanking the groin, are rather large and wing like, with a "wing span" of about 5ft. He has several sets of pelvic fins spaced out down his tail, which are smaller and spiny. The tail fin is also quite massive, about 5ft across when fanned and 7ft long. All of his fins are transparent and turquoise.

Despite his age and decades of experience, Happh is still very curious and innocent, often letting it get the best of him. It is partially by nature and partially because of his culture, not having much experience with the surface world. In his own pod, the Mer were very close and affectionate with each other. They spoke in close proximity and rarely crossed paths without contact of some kind though there were subtle differences in interaction between mates and interaction between friends. This adds to Happh's innocence -- what might be an obvious signal to others has far more mundane meaning to Happh. His pod was mostly a peaceful one, very nurturing and compassionate and this is still strongly rooted in Happh, however, given his circumstance in life, he has had to become rather withdrawn and fierce. He won't hesitate to attack if he feels it is necessary and getting near him when he's feeding is a very bad idea.

The hair is a source of pride among Mer -- having cut hair is considered shameful and unattractive. To the pod of Happh's mate, it is symbolic -- it is done to widowed/widowered Mer to signal that they are now nonpeople and worthless. Happh was always loyal to tradition among his own. He remained that way with his mate's pod, even where tradition has failed him horribly. Even though it has been years since he left his mate's pod, his hair remains cropped short -- Happh cuts it himself with a sharp bit of shell, forever distinguishing himself as unwanted. He has little self-worth, yet he isn't insecure about it -- he's already come to terms with the idea that he is unattractive and worthless, it no longer effects how he lives as it is rarely relevent to survival and that is all he really feels he has to live for.

Happh is traditionally a deep water Mer, hence his coloring and unusual design. Deep water pods tend to live a harsh existence. While there are no discriminations about gender or age in mated pairs among them, mating for life is strictly enforced. A Mer widowed/widowered or unmated after a certain age loses whatever rights they might have had and are considered nonpeople to the rest of the pod, often ostracized to an extreme and abused in many ways. In most cases they are forced to depend entirely on themselves for survival. Most Mer of this situation starve to death since they are no longer allowed to hunt with the pod and are not naturally solitary hunters. Even if they are successful at hunting alone, they often have to fight others to keep their meal.

Happh's mate died only a few years into their pairing, leaving him to suffer the nonperson's fate. He took to solitary hunting rather well but the fights to keep his food were brutal and the more fights he won, the worse his treatment became. Eventually, Happh took what would be considered the suicidal option and left the pod to wander on his own. After months of aimless travel and no success at joining another pod, Happh eventually took to shallower waters. After one hell of a storm, he eventually came across a grouping of small tropical islands. The Mer in that area were less than hospitable, but being mostly shallow water dwellers and different in build, they weren't enough of a threat to Happh to drive him away. He settled and has been living there ever since.

Pic: Coming eventually

Other details:
Happh's islands are unihabited by humans but it is home to several monsters. It gets rather hot during the day, over exposure to the sun being a problem, and very cold once the sun goes down. Storms can come on suddenly and tend to be rather violent.  



PostPosted: Fri Apr 22, 2011 10:54 am

Name: Syracuse
Nickname: Currently known as Alcaeus, once given the title The Prince of Roses
Age: Unknown
Gender: Male
Seme,Uke,or Seke: Seme
Race: Warlock

Looks like:
Originally, Syracuse was a tall, finely built man, known for his delicate beauty - flawless, paper white skin, amber eyes, and long, silken, black hair. The magic charged poison the Order of the Rose required him to take on blind faith changed him. His eyes and hair turned rose red, his blood - black, his skin crawling with tattoos of thorny vines and roses. His skin also bears several scars from twisted rituals he preformed or participated in. His curse changed him even more. As a manticore, he bore the form of a massive, white lion with bat like wings and a tail that ended in a scorpion's stinger, his paws, mane, eyes, and markings retaining the red coloration the Order marked him with. When his curse finally breaks, much of his form remains very much as he was as a monster. He is huge, towering over most men, his body clearly built for brute strength. His hands and feet remain a painful cross between human and lion with razor sharp, obsidian talons. His teeth, too remain crossed and monsterous, his tail and fleshy wings stubbornly remaining as well. His wrists and ankles are marked with scars from the shackles he was forced wear both back when he was originally caged and as a Manticore by more controlling masters. The changes the Order's poison instilled in him still remain and though his former beauty still lingers, it is a different sort.

Syracuse used to be very social and suave, always the center of attention, always talking, always enjoying himself. Now he is quiet, rarely speaking at all unless it is a means to an end. He is very observant, always watching - taking in every move, every word, every detail. Though he retains a certain charm from his original self, experience has forged a darker nature in him, which he struggles against only when it suites him. He won't spare a thought for those he considers beneath him - a category that encompasses nearly everyone he could chance to meet save for a sparse few who catch his interest. Cuixtli was one of those few, or else he might have tried to kill him a very long time ago - one of many reasons why he was passed around so much being that he was often unpredictable and violent. He developed a soft spot for Cuixtli early on, allowing him an endless tolerance. He has served him well and quite willingly over the last several decades. Even now, there isn't anything he wouldn't do for his master, even as he approaches yet another change.

Syracuse was once a powerful Warlock. His image still remains in books as both a credit to the magical world and a cautionary tale. He dedicated his life to his craft, constantly pushing boundaries and testing his own limits. He was responsible for many incredible breakthroughs and changed the way people looked at and treated magic on many levels - until he went too far. Bringing his own end, he eventually joined a rather questionable coven - the Order of the Rose - in which members often played with much darker arts, trading human and Familiar lives and souls, their own flesh and blood, and sexual favors amongst each other and their leader in order to gain more power. When they were finally called to answer for their actions, a few members managed to flee and have remained in hiding ever since, many were executed. Syracuse surrendered quietly and plead guilty to his every crime. When he was not sentenced to death but caged instead, he cursed himself, turning into a Manticore. Several hundred years down the road, an exceptionally rich family of warlocks paid more than a small fortune to have him stolen away and kept as a Familiar. For the next 2000 years he was passed around from witch and warlock alike, his identity long forgotten, until he finally ended up with Cuixtli Namacuix, whom he has been serving for the past 500 years or so. After so many years of going unkept, his curse is wearing thin and those who remain of the Order of the Rose have been searching for him. What will happen when the spell breaks and what if he is found?

Pic: Once I'm done with commissions, I'll draw him.  
PostPosted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 11:11 am

User Image

Name: Corrvic
Nickname: Cor
Age: 230
Gender: Male
Orientation: Gay, Uke
Race: Fallen Seraphim
Collar: Red and Black
Tags: Heart, Sword, Skull

Looks like:
Cor is not exactly your typical angel. His eyes are dark gray. His skin is blue, much of it covered with angelic markings burned into the skin, his right cheek freckled with small dark spots. His hair is white, streaked with bits of black. He has three sets of wings protruding from his back and a long feathered tail, the plumage mostly black and flecked with gold. The pinkie of his right hand is clawed, the talon unbreakable. That finger is scarred just below the first knuckle from the attempts of previous masters to cut it off and never managing to get past the bone. His right ear is pierced, decorated with a tiny, glass bell strung on a short chain, that never seems to ring, close inspection proving it to be broken. There is a scar across his throat -- easily distinguished from the scarring of bad collars -- where it appears someone tried to slice his throat but failed to do it well enough to kill him. Both his palms are marred by a single thick ropey spiral pattern burn, repeated burns from something metallic from the looks of it, still angry and red and painful. His tongue is black, his teeth fanged -- two sets top and bottom, like a predatory animal. He rarely has the nerve to use them but bears them often as a threat display when scared or as an expression anger or irritation. He looks about 16 but he's small for his age and uncomfortably thin, suffering from malnourishment. Seraphim are natural fire breathers -- not so much if their bodies don't have the means to handle it, which is pretty much the idea behind his handling ever since he wound up a slave.

Cor has gone through several brutally abusive masters recently and the experience has left it's mark. He's very skittish and easily frightened and provoked into aggression and violence, too used to having to defend himself at every turn just to survive the kind of treatment that's become the norm to him. He's too far set into that lifestyle and instinct to expect anything different and it will take some time and work to break him of that. Physical contact is gamble with Cor -- he doesn't like being touched and will shy away if he can or resort to aggression if he can't but at the same time the hunger for contact is still there -- he's just too terrorized to easily give in to it. He's also rather reluctant to speak -- his last master wanted a pet that would be seen not heard -- he'll never utter a word if he isn't encouraged otherwise.

* He loves to cook and is quite amazing at it with simple dishes, though his tastes tend to lean towards the exotic.

* He cannot read but he has a great love of stories. Reading aloud around him would be an excellent way to ease him into getting closer on his own.

* He originally comes from a very affectionate culture. All fear aside, he craves it like nobody's business.

* Music was a big deal with his culture. He loves both wild/energetic and calm soothing kinds.

* Aloe Vera plants, charcoal, bits of magnesium and zirconium... as a snack. Keeps him healthy and able to breath fire without damaging himself.

* Drawing angelic runes. He'll carve them into things with his talon or draw them in the dirt obsessively unless he's provided with better means. It's a comfort thing -- he feels safer having them around and he's afraid of losing the knowledge of how to do them and what they mean.

* His little bell earring. Seems to mourn that it's broken.

* He won't set foot in a kitchen if his master hangs around too much and if anyone gets too close to him while he's cook at the stove, he'll stop no matter what he's doing and move away, letting the food burn.

* Alcohol and anything with any kind of alcoholic content. A good thing considering it makes him spontaneously belch flames.

* The cold. He's a real freezebaby if he's incapable of firebreathing and he's designed for much hotter climates.

* Being dirty, especially his feathers. If given the opprotunity he tends to bath compulsively and likes to dry in the sun if the weather allows.


Cor was born in the deserts of Israel to a small, nomadic flock of wild Fallen. He was captured and sold into slavery when he was still physically young (with his kind, they age like humans until their bodies spontaneously stop physically aging and remain frozen that way). He still remembers his family and their culture and mourns the loss of both.  


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