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Fantasy Kitten Star

Like a terrifying magical comet from outer space, crashing into your heart.

Being a counterpart to the Kitten Star, Fantasy Kitten Star is a kitten with tufts of fur on it's head that look like the points of a star. Some aspects of Fantasy Kitten Star are different from the other Kitten Stars: It's fur is cream-colored, it's eyes are closed, it has a red pom-pom on it's head, and it also has a pair of tiny, bat-like wings on it's back.

User Image Fantasy Kitten Star (I Am)

Average Buy Price:
68,862,800 gold (rev. 02.12.2014)

Chance Item (CI)

How to Get:
Crystal Overdrive -> Crystal Overdrive: Victory -> Crystal Overdrive: Ultimate Ending -> Fantasy Kitten Star

First Revealed:
Announcement: New CI: Crystal Overdrive (March 07, 2011)

User Image Kitten Star
User ImageNorth Kitten Star
User ImageJet the Kitten Star
User ImageAurora Kitten Star
User ImageMochi Kitten Star
User ImageLilac Kitten Star
User ImageRosette Kitten Star

Fantasy Kitten Star seems to be based on Moogles from the Final Fantasy series.