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miss reku

Dangerous Lover

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 8:43 pm
PostPosted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 8:59 pm
xxxxxxxxxElizabeth Carter

User Image

"Better a witty fool than a- Oh shut up Ares! No one cares!"

N E E D to K N O W

xxx- My name is: Elizabeth Irene Carter
xxx- But you may call me: Eliza, or Lizzy
xxx- I am clearly: Female
xxx- My birthday cake says: Twenty-three... give or take...
xxx- When I fall in love, it's with: Smart Men
xxx- My true identity: Athena

D I G a little D E E P E R

xxx- I act a little: Eliza, or Athena, as she was once known, is a serious, factual woman. She thinks things through, and feels that there is no problem without a solution if one has the patience to stop and think it through. She's modest, in that sense, as well as gentle hearted. However, she can be a bit brutally honest sometimes, and doesn't always see how sometimes her cold, hard facts can be hurtful. She isn't quick to anger like her dear brother, as her patience is one of her better qualities, but when she does snap (mostly as a reult of Ares), she can be as fiery as her brother, Ares. Eliza's wit and smarts get her through each day, as well as her approachable personality. But though Athena can be a bit insensitive to the feelings of others, she's still a woman, which makes her compassionate and understanding, as well. One should just be cautious of her logcial, factual nature, her sharp tongue, and her denseness about matters of the heart (in her personal opinion, she isn't required to know anything about 'love', as that is Aphrodite's job, and she wouldn't want to intrude).

xxx- Everyone has a history: Back in the day, Athena was quite the happy camper. Who wouldn't be when they had an entire city built in their name? People loved her, worshipped her, and she loved watching the human race figure things out. Of course, she sometimes fought with Ares over things, and she'd never gotten along with Hera very well anyways, but all in all, life was good.

However, when Persephone came with the warning Hades was going to release the Vices, she felt like she should believe the woman; she seemed so desperate, after all. But she she did nothing. Athena had been certain Hades was smarter than that, but her estimate was off. Hades released them, and things took one large turn for the worse. After the Vices were released, nothing happened immediately. But over time, people began to forget about the Gods. The temples stood empty, the cities began to modernize. And soon, they were history, literally.

Athen a couldn't deny she was totally unhappy about this. She didn't mind much either way, and as history had a way of repeating itself, she was sure that soon they'd be back to worshipping them. However, years passed and the humans had not returned. The Gods' and Goddess' powers had diminished considerably, and they could no longer do many of the things they had once thought o be trivial tasks. And even worse, the Vices' control over the humans was stronger than ever. At this rate, the mortal world would collapse on itself entirely.

Thankfully, Hades saved their day. He shared his power with Athena, as well as the others, and now they have traveled down to Earth, to a bustling city called New York. Funny, it seemed so much smaller when she was up in Olympus. Now, she must find her Vice, Pride, and try to teach him modesty, and, well, everything else that goes along with not being a jerk. She's still adjusting to the humans' ways, and her mortal body will take some getting used to. But Athena- er, Eliza, is determined to complete her mission, no matter what.

I N T E R E S T S of M I N E

xxx- Anything else: Eliza has gone to great lengths to keep her identity a secret. She has secured an apartment within the city (near a library, too; fancy that), and has even taken up the human sport of 'tennis'. She's still figuring the game out, but being the Goddess of Skill, she's a quick learner.
xxx- Keep it on repeat: Painting Flowers - All Time Low || One Girl Revolution - Superchic[k]

[[ Reku1495 ]]

miss reku

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miss reku

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 6:39 pm
xxxxxxxxxGrayson Voltaire

User Image
"Sorry, I'm allergic to bullshit."

N E E D to K N O W

xxx- My name is: Grayson Flannery Voltaire
xxx- But you may call me: Grayson. My name is just fine the way it is.
xxx- I am clearly: Male.
xxx- My birthday cake says: Twenty-four.
xxx- When I fall. in love, it's with: Both. I don't discriminate.
xxx- My true identity: Pride.

D I G a little D E E P E R

xxx- I act a little: Grayson is quite the character. He has a Superiority complex, often believing he is better than those around him and taking extreme pride in all that he does. If you do it, he can do it better and then some. He isn't vain, but he believes himself to be a handsome lad and it's too bad at flirting with the ladies; that is, of course, before they get into topics of who is better at what. He can be quite stiff sometimes and is the ultimate sort of perfectionist. He absolutely cannot rest until he's finished what he's started and it's the definition of perfect. He doesn't accept failure, and is quick to call other people out on their faults, but blatantly ignores his own. Still, Grayson has a softer side to him. When he is absolutely sure no one is around, he allows himself to relax and do such things as read and paint that he would normally tell others were a waste of their time. He can love, but his heart is tightly guarded. He's seen how woman and men alike can be and that monogamy is not as strong a value as it once was. Still, he had hope that one day... one day he'll find what he's looking for.

xxx- Everyone has a history: Grayson wasn't always this way. Quite the contrary, actually. He used to be a modest little boy who worked well with others and even allowed others to claim credit for he had done. Granted, he'd only been five at the time, but that counted for something, right? Soon, however, nothing he brought home to his father was good enough. His father sneered at his creative thought and laughed at his attempts to impress him. Comments such as: "Did you let your classmate do that for you?" and "Why isn't yours as good as your other classmates?" became a common occurrence. But still, Grayson tried so desperately to gain the attention of his father. He did everything perfectly, to the letter--surely now his father would see how great he was?

However, in his tenth year, Grayson discovered that his father was sleeping around on his mother--his sweet, sweet mother--and found he had been seeking approval for a man that was lower than the dirt underneath Grayson's feet. Enraged, he ripped every single on of his projects from the walls and cut them into tiny, tiny pieces. They were worthless, created with his father in mind--they wanted acceptance from a man who could not--would not give it. No, he would create for himself only now and forever. Everything thing he did, he would do to perfection and it would be far superior to anyone else who tried to compete with him. His father had trampled on him for too long. Now, all he had left was his Pride.

Soon, Grayson climbed to the top of his class and graduated Valedictorian of his high school class, much to chagrin of others. He was not known in his high school for being kind. He scorned others and outright laughed in their faces when they presented him with new ideas for "none were better than mine," he had boasted. He zoomed through his Ivy League University with ease, once again graduating Valedictorian. He went on to create his own business that, under his merciless, perfectionist reign, thrived. Now, he is the youngest CEO in the state, with millions of dollars in his bank account and a summer home in Panama. Still though, he feels as if something is missing... as if he isn't quite seeing clearly, but then his mind will fog up again because it's him, how could he ever be wrong?

I N T E R E S T S of M I N E

xxx- Anything else: Grayson doesn't like to admit it, but he has a soft spot for flowers. It's embarrassing and he hides it as well as he can. However, when he believes no one is watching, he often takes time to walk the scenic route to work through a beautiful garden filled with a colorful assortment of flowers. He loves their sent and wishes woman really did smell like Roses.
xxx- Keep it on repeat: Bad Reputation - Joan Jett

[[ insipid happiness ]]
PostPosted: Sat Apr 30, 2011 7:24 pm
xxxxxxxxxSuntira Dema

User Image
"But when the fruits of the earth were perishing, and the human race dying yet more through famine, no god, it seemed, knew where Demeter was hiding..."

N E E D to K N O W

xxx- My name is: Suntira Dema
xxx- But you may call me: Sunny, please!
xxx- I am clearly: A woman
xxx- My birthday cake says: 17
xxx- When I fall in love, it's with: boys.
xxx- My true identity: Demeter

D I G a little D E E P E R

xxx- I act a little: stubborn sometimes, and motivated. Ha, yeah, I guess my pigheadedness comes from being the patron of Pig-Farming... I'm caring and I really worry about the people I love. Comes with being the Goddess of Childbirth and Motherhood, too. I always try to help in every way I can, and I love being around humans. I'm friendly and easily approachable, and always willing to do favors to those who give me something in return. I'm motivated and usually pretty calm and casual, not so hyper, but still. Then again, when I get mad, you'd better be careful, since I like putting curses on people. Really evil curses. Think unquenchable thirst and hunger and all that jazz. Just don't mess with the people I love, or I'll mess with you. Big time.

xxx- Everyone has a history: Mine isn't so great. Get this; Kronos thought me and my brothers and sisters were going to overthrow him, so he swallowed us whole. Great, huh? First traumatic experience: I get eaten by my dad, then thrown up again after Zeus saved us, that glory hound. Me and my sister Hera were put into foster care, and that's where we really got our stuff together. Grandmother Gaia always took good care of me, so I learned to love the earth while my sisters and brothers learned to love other things. Then Hades, that jealous son of a gun, had to go and release the Vices on the humans. Now, let me tell you something. The humans may have their moments, but they always came through for us. I always made sure they had their grain to feed their little human babies and whatnot. Hades, on the other hand, had to go and be all high and mighty and say that he's going to make them stop worshiping us by filling their heads with all this crap we Gods have to deal with now. Mind you, I really love those mortals, even though they get on my nerves sometimes. I can't really say anything though, since I fell in love with a human before having my darling Persephone and all.

Anyways, getting back to the point, when Hades said that he was going to give us back our powers and let us try to battle the Vices, I was all the way at the front of the line. Sign me up, I wanna do whatever it takes to help them out! ...And then I get stuck with Sloth. Perfect! The single Vice I can't stand, and that's the one I have to deal with. Lust, fine. Gluttony, even better! But Sloth? Gimme a break! I guess I really have to put my back into this one. Thanks a lot, 'bro.

I N T E R E S T S of M I N E

xxx- Anything else: I love gardening, obviously, since my job is to grow stuff for the humans and keep Grandmother Gaia fertile and young-looking. No, I'm not too thrilled that I'm stuck in a city. I mean, all of that stupid metallic new crap is all over the place, and it takes a genius to find a tree or a park around here! And what's with this subway stuff? New York indeed! Somehow I feel like Old York would have been better for me. Whatever, anything's better than Olympus.
xxx- Keep it on repeat: Amazon (Let This Be A Voice) -- John Denver

[[ MitashiUchiha16 ]]

miss reku

Dangerous Lover

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miss reku

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PostPosted: Thu May 05, 2011 4:52 am
xxxxxxxxxChasity Elane Smith

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"We're not falling in love, we're just falling apart."

N E E D to K N O W

xxx- My name is: Chasity Elane Smith
xxx- But you may call me: Chass, or Elane.
xxx- I am clearly: female
xxx- My birthday cake says: twenty-three
xxx- When I fall in love, it's with: I don't fall in love, but I do enjoy me some action, no matter who it's with
xxx- My true identity: Lust

D I G a little D E E P E R

xxx- I act a little: Young and beautiful, Chasity has every reason to feel confidant and sexy when she walks down the street. She notices the looks she gets, the stares that follow her no matter what room she walks into. And she loves it, every last moment of attention, and especially all the young men and woman throwing themselves at her feet. She'll sleep with just about any good looking person, but this is all a front to hide how she feels inside. Underneath her gentle beauty is the torment of a past event that has left her feeling worthless and disgusting.

xxx- Everyone has a history: Most children are born to two loving parents. Most children have plenty of friends over the years, and grow up rather normally. Most children lead good lives. Chass is not most children. She was born April 18th to Amelia and Geoffry Smith, a lawyer and a runway model. They were a wholesome family, who actually held family reunions so everyone could meet all the new little ones and catch up with the older members. Chass grew up a good little girl, who was happy that her parents were happy. Through elementary school she did well at school, got along with the other kids even though some of them picked on her for being from a better off family. It was during a family reunion at age 12 though, that her attitude changed.

To her family it just seemed like random acting out, but what they didn't know was that Chasity's cousin, had come into her room at night. She was young, impressionable, and above all becoming a very lovely lady. He told her that it was fine, it was natural and that only a family member would treat her right while doing it. She had believed him, fearing something bad would happen if she refused, but still felt wrong after ward. She hurt in places she'd never felt pain before, and she felt constantly dirty, but never did she tell anyone. From then on she acted out towards her parents, and the people at school. When she learned that incest was in fact, not natural and good in any way, she felt even worse about herself. To numb herself to that emotional pain, she became the school slut.

After high school she followed in her mother's footsteps, getting into modeling. She goes to any party she is invited to, hooks up with anyone willing, and in the morning does her best to hold up her head and walk away from the regret.

I N T E R E S T S of M I N E

xxx- Anything else: Somewhere inside of her, Chasity still believes in innocence and love. She wishes, deep down, that someone out there could make her feel pure again.
xxx- Keep it on repeat: The Nicest Thing//Kate Nash
Like A Virgin//Madonna

[[ Cadenza of the Heart ]]
PostPosted: Thu May 05, 2011 4:58 am
xxxxxxxxxAzriel Moore

User Image
"Close your eyes and let the mind expand. Let no fear of death or darkness arrest its course."

N E E D to K N O W

xxx- My name is: Azriel Felix Moore
xxx- But you may call me: Riel, or Az
xxx- I am clearly: Male
xxx- My birthday cake says: Twenty two, I think~!
xxx- When I fall in love, it's with: Both girls and boys, I don't really mind~!
xxx- My true identity: Hermes

D I G a little D E E P E R

xxx- I act a little: Hermes, now known as Azriel, is a rather carefree individual. He's always been laid back and no amount of time can force him to change. He prides himself for being the most mischievous god, as well as the wittiest. He always has something funny to say, and, call him twisted, but he thinks it's funny when Athena and Ares get into one of their arguments. Despite all that, he's a rather loyal person, and he loves to help out. He's also rather kind, and his judgement is balanced. He never takes a side without listening, but he doesn't usually like to enter arguments; he's much too carefree for that! He's very easy going, so many like talking to him, while others just can't stand his jokes and rather eccentric personality. He likes knowing new things and making inventions (mostly to get himself out of trouble, because he does that a lot), and he's rather knowledgeable about many matters (mostly because he likes poking his nose where it doesn't belong many times...).

xxx- Everyone has a history: Hermes had been one of the gods who wasn't really noticed much, but he was a rather important individual amongst the gods, as well as humans. Who else would protect travelers from wayward thieves on the roads? Who else could bring messages between the gods? Who else would make sure that everything was balanced between rich and poor? Despite not being very well known, he certainly was needed, and that was good enough for him, he supposed.

He had been one of the few who actually believed that Hades would free the Vices. Hermes tried to warn the other gods; he told them that Hades would do it. No one listened to him, even though he was being serious. Even Athena, the goddess that Hermes was sure to have understood the situation the most, didn't think that Hades would go through with it. Since he was a minor Olympian, there was nothing Hermes could do, and he had to watch as the people slowly forgot about the gods and stopped worshiping them.

He spent his days afterwards in Olympus, since he could no longer leave; he had no power to travel back and forth between the mortal and immortal worlds any longer. Then, Hades finally realized what he had done and shared his power with him, among other gods, and he traveled down from Olympus to New York. His mortal body was a bit strange, but not completely uncomfortable, but what he's really worried about is getting his human, Lust, to stop her sensual ways without getting tricked into becoming her one-night stand. Should be easy for the god of tricksters like himself, right...?

I N T E R E S T S of M I N E

xxx- Anything else: Azriel doesn't really care if his identity is found out; it's only a matter of time, and humans aren't as stupid as the other gods take them for. But, just to put Eliza's mind at ease, since she's his favorite goddess, he'll keep it a secret for now...
xxx- Keep it on repeat: Nickelback - If Everyone Cared

[[ Hunter Crawl ]]

miss reku

Dangerous Lover

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miss reku

Dangerous Lover

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PostPosted: Fri May 06, 2011 10:19 am
xxxxxxxxxEdeline Maria Vespucci

User Image
"And they all be breakin' their necks like, who dat gurl?"

N E E D to K N O W

xxx- My name is: Edeline Maria Vespucci
xxx- But you may call me: Eddie
xxx- I am clearly: A female, thank you very much!
xxx- My birthday cake says: Twenty-one, give or take.
xxx- When I fall in love, it's with: Whoever catches my attention.
xxx- My true identity: Aphrodite.

D I G a little D E E P E R

xxx- I act a little: Edeline, a.k.a Aphrodite, is a free spirited goddess... uh, person. She is probably one of the most carefree people you will ever meet. She loves to cut loose, joke around, and have fun. She is always trying to keep things up and positive. Eddie is an optimistic person. She cherishes the little things in life, and never takes anything to granted. Her favorite emotion is love. But is that such a shocker? She is the goddess of love and beauty. Beauty might actually be her fatal flaw, though. She is obsessed with looking good. She doesn't have a problem with beauty personally, but she hates ugly people. Both inside and out. It is one of the things that makes her 'niceness' disappear. An ugly person. Edeline is smart, but not nearly as smart as Athena, for obvious reasons. She has a big mouth, and is very frank in what she says. She is an attention getter, and she craves it. It is in her nature. The girl also has a very mean, well, mean side. She is not afraid to show someone she doesn't like them, or tell them what the matter is. It may not seem like it, but she is the type of person that you would rather want to be her friend than her enemy.

xxx- Everyone has a history: Aphrodite has always been a known and loved goddess. All lovers prayed to her for guidance down the path to happiness. They prayed for their youth, their beauty, their courage to say three magic words. She loved her 'job' as this goddess. But the job also comes with heartbreak. Aphrodite use to lose worshipers all of the time when relationships didn't work out. Most of the heartbreak wasn't her fault. Maybe Ares sent him off to war, and the man became gay? Or maybe you were just so ugly, there was no hope for you anyways? The goddess has always loved her humans, though, for they feed her need for love stories. They made her giddy and happy. The occasional mortal would come along, a prostitute or a cheater, and they would make Aphrodite so mad. She despised seeing her loves break eachother's hearts. The goddess always did her best to fight the war of love in the human world.

When Persephone showed up and warned them about Hades and how he was going to release the Vice's, she didn't believe it. Not a single bit did she believe that Hades would do such a thing to them. But when he did, Aphrodite was appalled. She didn't speak to him for centuries after that, for her grudge against him was huge. The Vice's, especially Lust and Pride, destroyed romance in the mortal world. It was a lucky day that she got someone to ask for her help. She grew very bored, waiting for them to realize they needed the gods for their problems. But those annoying Vice's just grew stronger! Oh, how it vexed her that they had the guts to do this. And that Hades was just so darn stupid, she couldn't find herself to forgive him.

But then, it seemed he had a change of heart. Aphrodite was greatly ammused when Hades came to Olympus, saying how sorry he was and how he wanted to help get the Vice's back under control, and the gods back on top. Blah. Blah. Blah. Aphrodite would hold her grudge until he gave her a personal apology. Still, though, she agreed to his plan to go into a human form and help to fix the Vice's. She was not expecting to get Gluttony. It was almsot her exact opposite! She was giver, not a taker! She never over used anything! How could she possibly change his ways? Aphrodite has no choice but to try. So, she became a human like promised. Her human girl is around twenty-one years of age, and is in college working on a major in fashion design. Her name is Edeline Maria Vespucci. Aphrodite wishes she could pray to herself for guidance.

I N T E R E S T S of M I N E

xxx- Anything else: Eddie is amazing with fashion. She makes most of her clothes, and only buys the top brand names. She is a party girl. She also also a secret spoon collection. She doesn't want anyone to know about it because it kind of goes aginst her 'don't waste anything' deal.
xxx- Keep it on repeat: Who Dat Gurl // Flo Rida

[[ (Princess of Melodies) ]]
PostPosted: Sat May 14, 2011 7:35 am
xxxxxxxxxAutumn Violet Hiatus-Aria

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

"Well, I'm gonna tell you one thing:
I don't got the patience or the time."

N E E D to K N O W

xxx- My name is: Autumn Violet Hiatus-Aria
xxx- But you may call me: Autumn or Vi.
xxx- I am clearly: Female
xxx- My birthday cake says: 18
xxx- When I fall in love, it's with: Both boys, and girls.
xxx- My true identity: Envy

D I G a little D E E P E R

xxx- I act a little: I'm an introverted girl about important things. I was never a girl who would cry her little heart out to her friends, but one to do it in private. I guess thats why I don't tell people when I want something. And when they take it, I'm automaticly jealous. I don't have real big problems with making friends except for the fact that I sometimes will backstab someone without meaning any harm. I also have a highly addictive personality, Coffee wasn't muh of a big deal for me, until I drank it twice, now I can never stop drinking it. And so on. Also I'm quite sensitive about my height, I'm about 4'9, and not loving it. Please don't bother me about that. Thanks.

xxx- Everyone has a history: Once upon a time in a land, not so long ago I was born, in a house, in a regular suburban neighboorhood. Completely normal, and made my mother happy. I started hating her when she tried to make me better then everyone, and then when I didn't preform correctly (about age 2?) she popped out a baby. It was another girl. Perfect and blond. And so, my mother now always compares me to her. And its bull. Utter bull. In fact, I am jealous of my sister, for being spoiled, and beautiful and always what my mother wanted. My sister has a boyfriend who is the one that all the girls want. I had a boyfriend, who I dumped because he started stealing my tissues so he could examine them under a microscope, age 15. My only boyfriend. She also is the girl who's a cheerleader, gets all the leads in the plays and musicals, is student council leader, peppy, and still manages to get straight a's. Me? I'm the girl who's captain of the absolutely nothing, got to play a tulip in the school play in grade 2 (I don't even bother auditioning for that stuff.), doesn't really give a flying dung about if we get new chairs, and is maintain C+'s, for the most part. And frankly I wish I was her. My mom always loves her better, neither of my parents like me and they spend every dollar on her, anyways.
I was born in to the stereotypical suburban family, had a "perfect" sister, mom's a b***h, dad's a cowardly accountant. So wheres my life going. Well, I dunno. I wish I was someone else, that was rich, famous and in love, but I'm not. Hell, I wish I was someone who at least had a boyfriend who didn't enjoy examining snot particles. I'm not, and I'm always finding that green eyed monster hiding behind my smile when a friend tells me they have a boyfriend. I found the worst case of this was, Grade 8, my ex-best friend Sara-Marie Hilson had just gotten together with William Grey, one of our best guy friends whom I had a huge crush on, but never bothered to confide with anyone. And I lashed out, she told me, and I slapped her and told her to get the frigging ******** out of my life, and take her f*****t boyfriend with her. After that, I lost all my friends in that group, leaving me alone with Jon "Sniffles" Snorgcate, and my loneliness. Thats when it all started, and I began detaching myself from the mainflow of people, latching on to a group, and detaching from it a day later. I was a loner, in a sea of cliques, posses and gangs. Wanting, yearning for the connections that they had, screaming on the inside. Wanting acceptance and love. And know it'll never be there for me. Never.

I N T E R E S T S of M I N E

xxx- Anything else: I enjoy my music, and play piano, violin and have been in vocal lessons since I was about 13? I dunno. I also love origami folding stars and roses. And I hate my mother and sister. Hate, hate, hate!
xxx- Keep it on repeat: Young >> Hollywood Undead
Screaming Bloody Murder >> Sum 41
Weightless >> All Time Low

[[ RinaOfTheDead ]]

miss reku

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miss reku

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PostPosted: Sat May 14, 2011 7:26 pm
xxxxxxxxxSeamus Hues

User Image
"Don't think, feel..."

N E E D to K N O W

xxx- My name is: Seamus Sirius Hues
xxx- But you may call me: Hues
xxx- I am clearly: Male
xxx- My birthday cake says: Uhmmm...Twenty Four...
xxx- When I fall in love, it's with: Women
xxx- My true identity: Hephaestus

D I G a little D E E P E R

xxx- I act a little: Seamus is very aloof to say the least. He spends most of his time gazing off into the sky just thinking to himself. He is also very laid-back, and terribly shy. He gets flustered when he has to speak to someone he doesn't know very well especially women and it can be perceived as being weak. Because of the way he comes off, he is often picked on and has resulted in low self-esteem. He also lives the fire sign to the fullest meaning that he is calm on a regular basis but when angry, he completely sets off like fire. He doesn't get angry easy but he still can.

xxx- Everyone has a history: Seamus, better known as Hephaestus, used to be Olympus's Clockwork. He could create anything and everyone would come to him for his creations and for their armor. Aside from the harder and more embarrassing times dealing with his mother, Aphrodite, Ares, and Athena, he lived a contented life.

When Persephone approached with the warning, he did not comment but was worried. He kept the warning in his mind but other than that, he didn't pay too much mind. But, when the Vices were released, he started to feel his power weaken. He could no longer sculpt nor create like he could before and his physical incapabilities began to catch up on him. His admirers stopped praying at the temples and he was forgotten without a second thought just like the other Gods.

He started to lose hope and the courage to even try to create and it withered just like the fate of the people in him. However, when Hades realized his mistake and shared his power with him and the other Gods, his courage slowly returned. When he was assigned a Vice though, he didn't know how to react or what to do. His human body was weak and his voice was small and his Vice, Wrath couldn't have be a more fatal match. He intends to stick it out but his determination may just run dry.

I N T E R E S T S of M I N E

xxx- Anything else: Seamus has two cats named Artemis and Apollo
xxx- Keep it on repeat: Wake Me Up Inside by Evanescence

[[ Toyhe-N-Cosplayer ]]
PostPosted: Sun May 15, 2011 11:37 am
xxxxxxxxxXavier Seth Hallam

User Image
"A man of many words, but a man of few deeds."

N E E D to K N O W

xxx- My name is: Xavier Seth Hallam
xxx- But you may call me: Zav, But I prefer Xavier, Or by my screenname, Soulstealer45.
xxx- I am clearly: very manly, I mean male, very male.
xxx- My birthday cake says: 18
xxx- When I fall in love, it's with: women <3
xxx- My true identity: Sloth

D I G a little D E E P E R

xxx- I act a little: Well, being me I don't do very much. I sit around, play WOW, COD, L4D, Fable, Dragon age, Halo, and more. I've never been good talking to people, so the only friends I make are over the internet, and I'm pretty sure all the girls I've dated are 45 year old *****. Anyways. Thats pretty much all I do, really If anyone were to give me the choice, I would love them and cherish them to bits, but I've never really gotten that choice. The only girl I ever worked up the nerve to ask out turned me down and posted a mean facebook status about it. So now, I don't really bother, with anything.

xxx- Everyone has a history: Well, my mom was a single mother. Always has been, my biological father had the nerve to run off with his secretary when I was about a month old. We've never seen him since. My mom when I was about 3 moved in with my very caring grandparents who loved me very much, and nurtured me to the point of me, not wanting to use what I could do, and them doing it for me. I was able to do my homework by myself of course, but with things like chores, I didn't bother. So I was, or am a straight A student that can't do regular everyday things. When I was bout 9 I was given my first video game, and from then on I was addicted. My old homelife consists of sitting in my grandparent's basement and playing videogames, but now I've moved out and play videogames in my apartment. Now let me speak of my school life.
I went to a school in Canada, but I lived in a bad area. This school had many people, many of which either didn't know me, bullied me, or hated my guts. I didn't know why. The school was kinda stupid to me. I begged and begged my mom to let me do internet school but she claimed, "No Xavier, this is good for you, all you do already is is around on those darned contraptions and play games, if you go to schoool here's your chance to make friends and get a girlfriend." I didn'y believe that could ever happen to me. Sure I had a friend, but he hung out with other people that I didn't really want to talk to cause I wasn't good in big groups. Finally I made one friend in my theatre class who was a girl, her name was Hanna, and I knew I was in absolute love when I met her. I guess though, I wasn't that great of a friend, because when I asked her out, her facebook status changed to "Omg, funniest thing just happened, a dork asked me out. LOL! as if" After I saw that I kinda just shut up and didn't care anymore. No girl would ever like me the way I was and I was too lazy to change. So as soon as I graduated I moved in to this apartment and refused to ever come out, except for my job at the coffee shop downstairs, where I make just enough for the apartment and food.

I N T E R E S T S of M I N E

xxx- Anything else: I'm quite a good computer programmer, guitarist and bassist, and enjoy the whimsicalness of the xylophone. Also, my favorite game is Portal.
xxx- Keep it on repeat: I'm Not Okay >> My Chemical Romance
Dear Maria, Count me in >> All Time Low

[[ RinaOfTheDead ]]

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PostPosted: Wed May 25, 2011 4:56 am
xxxxxxxxxRaven Vessalius

User Image
"I've got all the time in the world, so don't ever give me 'it's a long story'.
No seriously. I do."

N E E D to K N O W

xxx- My name is: Raven Jeremiah Vessalius
xxx- But you may call me: Rave
xxx- I am clearly: Male
xxx- My birthday cake says: Twenty six...give or take
xxx- When I fall in love, it's with: Both genders; I don't discriminate.
xxx- My true identity: Apollo

D I G a little D E E P E R

xxx- I act a little: Apollo, who is now Raven, is not what many people would think he is. Sure, he's bright, sunny, and cheerful almost to the point of annoying, but that's not his only side. He also has a darker side which he keeps to himself, so he doesn't make his siblings worry; especially Lizzy, since she's almost like a mother instead of a sister at times. This darker side of him usually has to do with his being able to see the future. His prophecies have never been wrong before, and even though he knows better than to fully trust them, sometimes, even the cryptic words can strike uncertainty into the usually cheerful god's heart....

xxx- Everyone has a history: Apollo had probably been one of the most important gods, right under the big three. Of course, he was the god of the sun, other than music, and the arts. But he was also the god of prophecy and he foresaw what Hades would do even before he even thought of doing it. He warned Zeus what Hades would attempt, and succeed, to do, but the god of gods merely waved his cryptic warning away. And Apollo could no longer do anything but wait for that dreaded day. He knew that only Hermes would believe him, but nothing that Hermes said would be believed either.

Then Persephone came to beg with Zeus, but he ignored her pleas as well, and Apollo sank into even further depression. Nothing could save them now. And it was exactly as he had foreseen; the gods lost all power and the humans forgot them. But then Hades came back to his senses and sent them down to earth. Since Apollo has only a little power back, he can't see too far into the future yet, and can't determine the outcome of this 'game'...

I N T E R E S T S of M I N E

xxx- Anything else: Apollo, as expected of the god of art, is exceptionally good at music and art. He likes playing the piano, if he's in the mood for classical, or guitar, if he's in the mood for modern, and he has quite a pleasant singing voice.
xxx- Keep it on repeat: Fade Away - Breaking Benjamin

[[ Hunter Crawl ]]
PostPosted: Sat May 28, 2011 10:52 am
xxxxxxxxxMikaela Harvy

User Image
"I run on two speeds; sarcsatic and violent. Which would you prefer?"

N E E D to K N O W

xxx- My name is: Mikaela Lee Harvy
xxx- But you may call me: Mikaela, or just Mik
xxx- I am clearly: Female
xxx- My birthday cake says: 22
xxx- When I fall in love, it's with: Men
xxx- My true identity: Wrath

D I G a little D E E P E R

xxx- I act a little: Aggressive, arrogant, wild; the list could go on. Mikaela isn't known for her sense of humor or calm demeanor. She's loud, brash, always willing to pick a fight. She's never one to back down from a challenge, and when she takes one on, she always gives it 110%. When she doesn't win Mikaela can sulk for days. Always willing to give her opinion about something (even when she wasn't asked...), she never holds back. She could honestly not care less what you think.

Her temper is perhaps her most dominant trait. She can go off at the smallest of things, and no amount of anger management has helped. She tends to get tunnel vision when in a rage, and innocent people can be hurt in her wake. She's been kicked out of more than one establishment for making a scene. It takes a bit for her to calm down, but even then, don't expect an apology. As far as she's concerned, it was all your fault, anyways.

Even so, Mikaela isn't all horrible. She has a hard time opening up to people, and it takes awhile to gain her trust. But when you do, she's as loyal as a guard dog, and as protective as one, too. Her sarcasm starts to turn into actually joke-making, and she makes fairly decent company.

xxx- Everyone has a history: Mikaela never knew her mother. She died in labor. When she thinks back on it, it isn't so much with sadness, as with longing; how would her life had differed if she hadn't died that day? Her father, she was sure, was a good man before then. But after her death, he changed.

Even with a new daughter to take care of her, he took to alcohol to deal with the loss of his wife. After a couple years, he hardly remembered he had a daughter at all. The neighbors seemed to remember, however, and often Mikaela would go to the apartment next door and stay until her father sobered up a bit.

It wasn't until Mikaela turn ten that she started to have some trouble. Her father would drink himself silly all night, and then sleep it off in the morning. When she arrived home from school, he was always watching TV and/or getting drunk all over again. She tried to make him proud. She tried showing him her artwork, or telling him about how well she did on a test. But nothing seemed to work. And when she got too annoying, one night he finally hit her. "SHUT UP!" He yelled. She cried, of course, like any ten year old would, and escaped to her room.

Things continued on like that every since. A single slap turned into sometimes a severe beating. She did her best to cover it up, but make-up and clothing could only do so much. She often lashed out if anyone tried to get her to talk about it. Finally, around age fifteen, Mikaela had had a enough. One night, her father was in an especially foul mood, and when he went to grab her, she struck him back. A fight broke out, and eventually the police arrived. Her father was arrested for child abuse, and Mikaela sent to a foster home.

But the damage was done. It wasn't as frequent at first, but as the years rolled by, her outbursts of anger just got worse and worse. She was afriad to let people get close, in the fear that they would only hurt her in the end, like her father had. She bounced around from home to home, one family giving up on her after another. Needless to say, this didn't help her cause, either.

Eventually, Mikaela grew up. She barely finished high school, and managed to keep herself under control enough to get a job. She now works as a janiter at a local training center for boxers. She doesn't make much, but she's got free acess to all the equipment after hours. It helps her vent her anger. Even so, she still feels empty. She wants friends, she wants people to care about her. Her anger isn't targeted at anyone but herself. She's embarrassed at the fact that she's too scared to get close to people, so she lashes out at them so they don't figure it out.

I N T E R E S T S of M I N E

xxx- Anything else: Mikaela may not be very bright, but she's very street smart. Traveling in an uglier part of the city? She'll get you back safe and sound. Plus, hanging around all that boxing equpiment has paid off. Be careful. She's got a mean right hook.
xxx- Keep it on repeat: Fighter - Christina Aguilara

[[ Reku1495 ]]

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