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Original Heckler

PostPosted: Fri Apr 29, 2011 11:54 am
Back to the rp
PostPosted: Fri Apr 29, 2011 12:33 pm
"Every man dies - Not every man really lives.”
- William Ross Wallace

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Favorite necklace
NAME: D. Grimmalia.
ALIAS: Grimmalia, but most usually Grimma.
GENDER: Female
AGE: 17
MEISTER/WEAPON: Meister; two star
ABILITIES:Grimmalia posesses a very high level of Soul Perception; not only can she feel the appearance of a person's soul like many meisters, but by attributing each soul's wavelength to a type of music or a specific peice she is able to manipulate her weapon's abilities to their utmost effectiveness, playing Beetle's keyboard in contrasting or harmonizing tunes.
PARTNER: Beetle L. Bayrd
PERSONALITY: When you think of a good friend, someone who you can tell anything or love to spend time with, Grimmalia rarely comes to mind; while she can be kind and generous, her more gentle tendancies are hidden beneath a sheet rock layer of lifeless, deadened expressions and an outlook of life that is apathetic at best. Grimmalia dislikes dramatic situations and so has distanced herself for so long that she no longer has the skills needed to properly interact with or understand those surrounding her; as such she is often out of place, even when others try to keep her included. Despite her unintentionally horrific and general commentary of others, Grimmalia has a very low tolerance to pain, and relies on her weapon far more then she would like to; Beetle seems to be the only person with which she has a real and true friendship, and perhaps it is because of his desires to keep her sheltered that she is so weak in that respect.
BIOGRAPHY: Grimmalia is most famously known for being the daughter and only child of Lord Death the shinigami, but other then that exactly what she's done with her life is kept fairly quiet due mostly to the above mentioned trait of Grimmalia not speaking much, or talking about her personal time. Born as a shinigami, Grimmalia never once attended the DWMA as she already had plenty of power to begin with; however, the girl insisted from a very young age upon training herself without assistance from her father, or anything related to her heritage.At first Death denied this idea by offering Grimmalia possible candidates for a weapon, but each was promptly turned down until Death conceeded. After that Grimmalia took to travelling the world in search of her perfect weapon, someone she could entrust her life to. It was in this fashion that the shinigami came across Beetle L. Bayrd; a famous concert pianist well known throughout Europe as he had not yet extended reach to the states, Beetle and Grimmalia did not actually connect the first time they met, which happened to be on the streets (Grimmalia thought he was a punk and Beetle thought she was just some stupid girl). However, upon attending one of Beetle's recitals the tune between the two changed almost instantly; after a few minutes of talking about music and the peices that had been played, it was safe to say their partnership was set in stone. The decision between the two was so mutual that Beetle retired from the world of piano, just to be Grimmalia's weapon.

Most days after that encounter were spent training and leveling up; in almost no time at all, seemingly, Beetle had digested 99 keishan souls. That left only the witch soul to be devoured; only Grimmalia, Beetle and Death know that she almost didn't make it through that fight. The witch had been a violinist who had known Beetle very well thanks to a chance practice session in Paris two years ago; though the two were not close Beetle did heasitate just a tad, and that small ripple in the soul resonance between Beetle and Grimmalia very nearly ruptured a number of inner organs in the meister's body. Eventually the battle was was one and Beetle was granted the title of Death Scythe, but Grimmalia was hospitalized for a number of weeks. It was at this time that Beetle appraoched Death and requested that he be allowed to partner only with Grimmalia from then on, to better protect her. Death agreed, but in return asked the pair to come to DWMA to help him with a few problems..

HOBBIES: Grimmalia enjoys anything involving music; concerning it, her two favorite activities are playing piano duets with her partner Beetle, and composing music on a large organ nestled in her family's large mansion. Books are good too; Grimmalia will pick up just about anything that piques her interest, though she favors learning about different locales the most.
LIKES:Dark clothes and music, her father, listening to Beetle play the piano, spicy foods and dark chocolate. Grimmalia is quite the night owl and is always at her best when the sun sets, but she likes to sleep in just as much as she stays up late. Intelligence is a quality Grimmalia values highly, and as such she likes to talk with others about logical matters.
DISLIKES: (dislikes)
When I grow up // MayDay Parade (punk goes pop edition)
Broken Hearts Parade // Good Charlotte
Moonlight Sonata - Adagio

CRUSH: As of now, nobody has caught Grimmalia's attention.
EXTRAS: Certain strands of Grimmalia's hair are tipped with white; under certain circumstances these become the sanzu lines.
USER: Yoko_Matsubishi



Original Heckler


Original Heckler

PostPosted: Fri Apr 29, 2011 1:01 pm
"Same song; second chorus."
[appearance coming soon]
Treble Clef cufflinks to match Grimmalia's necklace
*Arches brow*
NAME: Beetle L. Bayrd
ALIAS: Just Beetle.
AGE: 19
MEISTER/WEAPON: Weapon; Death Scythe
SECONDARY APPEARANCE: In his basic weapon form, Beetle appears as a floating set of piano keys; they hover at the waist of his meister. He can also appear, when using his soul resonance ability, as a pair of handguns; each bears an engraving of a treble clef.
ABILITIES:Each key, or combination of keys, allows a blast of varying length, intensity and direction to be shot towards the opponent.
In soul resonance form, the primary attack is known as “sheet stepper”, to reference the general appearance of sheet music and the different “steps” notes are given in relation to each other. When using Sheet stepper, the spread out piano keys fold up and separate into two guns, each representing a half of Beetle. Different positions in which Grimmalia holds the guns are given names akin to musical notes, such as form A flat.

COLLECTIONS: 112 Keishan souls, 1 Witch soul.
PARTNER: D. Grimmalia.
PERSONALITY: The complete opposute of Grimmalia, most would describe Beetle as a bit quiet but overall, exceptionally friendly and a guy with a great sense of humour; however, this is only the outward projection that Beetle allows others to see. In reality he's everything Grimmalia fronts to protect herself; sloppy, loate to authority he does not respect and incredibly sadistic, when angered he tends to get more then a little out of hand. For the most part Beetle has learned to channel his issues into making himself more powerful to uphold his half of the weapon-meister partnership, but because he does truely admire and respect Grimmalia should harm come to her all hell breaks loose. Death once described his daughter's weapon as "a carnivorous beast, leashed up by discipline". At times Beetle appears to have his own agenda, but most of the time he just seems to be along for the ride.
BIOGRAPHY: Belonging to a long line of both dangerous weapons and prominant musicians, even now Beetle notes that he tended to live in the shadows of his older siblings; being the youngest of the family with two older brothers and a sister, Beetle's parents raised him in the heart of Europe and disciplined him to be just as the rest of his family so it's really no suprise that by the age of six Beetle was a piano prodigy. At the time he still went by his given name, Bernard, and allowed for the most part, his parents and siblings to lead him about by the nose wherever they so pleased. Until he turned twelve Beetle rarely even made any sort of thought or decision for himself; however, after discovering he enjoyed crushing bugs underneath his feet (therefore recieving the name he then chose to go by), things changed. Realizing that like that dead bug he had absolutely no control over his own life, Beetle became a problem child, and his family couldn't wait to be rid of him. They had many fights; during one Beetle discovered his abilities as a weapon. But that did not appear to change his skills as a pianist; at seventeen Beetle L. Bayrd was seeling out opera houses and concert halls all across Europe, even though by then he had lost intrest in the instrument as it merely represented his previous family circumstances.

However, the piano and his recognition are what lead him to his current partner, D. Grimmalia; just after finishing a show, Grimmalia climbed atop the stage to speak with him about his preformance and Beetle happened to recognize her as a gilr he'd bumped into on the streets earlier that day. Strangely enough he found her quite interesting, unlike his previous kudgement of her, and the two became close in just a matter of days. Grimmalia mentioned being a shinigami, a mesiter, looking for a weapon. She asked if Beetle would be her partner, and he agreed on the basis that she would have to make him a death scythe. It did happen eventually, but in the process Grimmalia nearly found herself dead. After much pleading with Death himself Beetle was allowed to stay by her side, and he has been there ever since.

HOBBIES: Beetle does not have many hobbies in particular, and instead tends to go along with whatever Grimmalia is doing at the moment; if anything could be considered a hobby it would be assisting his meister with her musical talents since he himself no longer enjoys playing the piano recreationally unless Grimmalia enacts a duet.
LIKES: (likes)
DISLIKES: (dislikes)
Punk Rock 101 // Bowling for Soup

CRUSH: Nobody at the moment; he's too focused on keeping Grimmalia safe.
EXTRAS: Other, if any
USER: Yoko_Matsubishi

PostPosted: Tue May 03, 2011 11:46 am
Necessity knows no laws.
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"Here for the usual business?"
NAME: Yexus Yang
ALIAS: Dominick
AGE: 15
MEISTER/WEAPON: One star Weapon
SECONDARY APPEARANCE: I am the drill that will pierce the heavens
ABILITIES: The Drill is stronger the better the Weapon and Meister resonate; Two powerful, resonating souls will wreck havoc on enemies, or become nothing but dead weight. You fit Yexus's weapon form onto your arm, like a gauntlet. If two souls resonate really well, Yexus spins fast enough to create a "Vortex", which can pull objects towards the drill.
COLLECTIONS: 42 Kishin souls, 0 witch souls.
PERSONALITY: A rather quite young lad, Yexus has a thing for planting and art (He is not good at it though). Very creative. He friends are few and far between, and that is usually because Yexus hardly hangs out with them. However, past his stoic front, Yexus shows a childish desire to be heroic; he would, at times, interfere into conflicts, showing a sort of bravery unexpected from people like him. Or, seeing that a direct confrontation would be to foolish, he would help anonymously. Although he does not usually force himself into other peoples business, when there is a problem involving him or a matter most stupid, he would not stay neutral, choosing to solve the problem. Unfortunately, that usually involves violence. Brutal, gory, and unnecessary violence.
BIOGRAPHY: Yexus would have liked to believe he was special, but he knows his life isn't all to unique. His life wasn't at all horrible; he was raised like any other. His family took him to school, took time get to know him personally, and did what they could to help him become a good person. Yexus, however, had a tendency to be a bit, adventurous. At a young age, Yexus would watch people fight each other, on tv or in person. You see, though his family was respected and rather law-abiding, his neighborhood was violent. he learned that is was better to stick to the shadows, and don't get involved with other peoples problems. that said, he would still go out and watch the fights. One day, however, at the age 13, Yexus got into a brutal melee between gang members. try as he might, Yexus was seen as an enemy against both gangs, and he was attack. As he fought, he learned something; he enjoyed the chaos. The bedlam made his blood flow, and he enjoyed taking blows as much as he did throw his own. It was during that fight Yexus learned of his Weapon ability, drilling a guy in his face.
Yexus got into more fights, but was sent to therapy. He eventually got over learning his blood lust, but was then set to Shibusen to serve under Shinigami. Yexus rather likes this deal, and still has contact with his family.
HOBBIES: If he isn't lying around on some roof somewhere, Yexus is watching MMA fights in TV(Or being in a MMA fight) or tending his tomatoes outside his window.
LIKES: Combat, cats, gardening, sleeping, reading.
DISLIKES: Self-Righteous people, politics, flowers, illiterate people.
THEMES: Good Life: One Republic
CRUSH: No one
EXTRAS: He can play the cello and has taken Tae Kwon do for two years. Sometimes tells people his name is Dominick, just to confuse them later on.
USER: Ryonara


Original Heckler


Original Heckler

PostPosted: Tue May 03, 2011 11:58 am
"Are you sure about this? I really don't want to hurt you.."
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Coat and the White Combat Boots
"Oh, uhm....I'd rather not get involved.."
NAME: Laura Keeler
ALIAS: Just Laura.
GENDER: Female
AGE: 16
MEISTER/WEAPON: Meister; one star
ABILITIES:Just the ordinary Soul Perception technique.
PARTNER: Undetermined
PERSONALITY: For the most part Laura's quite friendly; all smiles and cheerful words, the young blonde can easilly fit into almost any circle because despite her potential to become popular she cannot usually handle being in a position of leadership. In this way, others do not veiw her as a threat and generally welcome her with open arms, something she has learned to practice on her own terms as well by accepting others without judgement until the need to do as such is presented. Incredibly empathetic, Laura is very good at determining when others are feeling upset or uncomfortable, but sometimes this desire to help just turns into reckless and unappreciate prying. For the most part though, she's generally well liked and well rounded; however, when placed into battle Laura is about as useful as a spotlighted deer in the middle of the road; she isn't very courageous and often second guesses herself out of fear to the point of being incredibly weak against even the lowest leveled opponenets without someone to give her a push. However, when connected with someone who beleives in her, someone who understands and accepts that weaker part of her, Laura can become focused and determined; this dual battle personality is represented best by her clothing, generally black and tough, but still delicate and feminine.
BIOGRAPHY: Growing up, Laura never had the best home life; her parents always fought about every little thing, and their atrocious habits, such as drinking and smoking themselves to cancer and lung failure, didn't make the best environment for a young girl. From a very small age Laura was taking care of things people twice her age should have been doing; she was washing the dishes, cooking dinner, going shopping and somehow making it to school all on her own by the time she was ten, and a such never experienced the fun most children have of growing up. Surrounded by people but always fearing judgement, Laura found a way to ward off suspicion by adopting a gentle and friendly personality while sheltering her fragile nature; nobody saw through it until death. Laura still remembers the day very well; just after school on the day after her thirteenth birthday her parents had been out pursuing their own interests, leaving the girl alone in the house. How that letter found its way in she still doesn't know.

The letter addressed Laura's budding skills as a meister; when her parents found out, it was the first time they'd actually ever smiled for her. Truthfully the two had realized what bad parents they'd been, and, quick to want a better life for their daughter, sent her off to the DWMA as soon as she was able to attend. Since then she's had to learn to cope with many new challenges, under the watchful and supportive eyes of the one and only lord Death. She still keeps in contact with her parents, but the whole family knows they won't actually ever be as put together as one might approve of.

HOBBIES: Laura’s very good at cooking, and as such is always trying out new recipies. She enjoys shopping, but truthfully only rarely goes out to buy things for herself; most often she purchases materials to keep her weapon clean and in good condition. In fact, despite her averson to combat she’s known as a weapons genius for understanding every part of her partner.
LIKES: Reading, board games, sweet foods and most animals. Laura likes being around people, but only in respect to those she knows well and fondly.
DISLIKES: Homework, for one thing; she’s not that good at math, or anything involving equations. Laura hates being brought into battles since she doesn’t have a lot of self confidence, and can’t stand the sight of needles or the smell of hospitals. And clowns; god, she hates clowns.
Kiss and Tell // Kesha
Pocketful of Sunshine // Natasha Bedingfield

CRUSH: Nobody right now.
EXTRAS: While Laura is terrible with logical work, she's very good with languages and knows a number of them.
USER: Whitefiregirl  
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