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Solaria Soldiers

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"When I needed a place to hang my heart, you were there to wear it from the start."

This is who I am
My name is: Ashlie Rae O' Neil
But I like to be called: Ashlie or Princess
The Number of candles on my birthday cake: Seventeen When I was born the doctor said I was a Female
I'm always crushin' on: The guys
I usually am very: Friendly and outgoing. I love being around my friends and I'm hardly ever in a bad mood. But when I do start to get grumpy, I can never remember why or what ticked me off.
This is the role I play in this tale of woe: Sailor Virgo. Solaria's Princess.
This is my true power: Lightning

My Life So Far:
I've always been a bit on the odd side. All throughout my childhood, people and children avoided me because they were afraid of the 'curse' that the little red and white stuffed fox toy that I carried around would put on them. I was also considered weird because the necklace that I wore all the time would start glowing whenever I started crying. My mother and father spoiled me because of it. I don't think my little brother's much too happy about that.

When high school came along, I was forced to face it alone. And when the strange dreams of the burning kingdom and the black outline of the boy came, I had to face that too. And what's with that dream anyway? Why does the boy kiss me before rushing off towards the burning castle? Why do I feel heart-broken just seeing the castle ablaze?

Princess Yuna Of Hyrule

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"Whenever I need someone, Why are you always there?"

This is who I am
My name is: Mikoto Ari Lin
But I like to be called: Ari
The Number of candles on my birthday cake: Seventeen When I was born the doctor said I was a Female
I'm always crushin' on: Guys
I usually am very: Shy, nice, protective, curious, observant
This is the role I play in this tale of woe: Sailor Sagittarius
This is my true power: Water

My Life So Far:
Mikoto was born as a normal girl. She always thought she would stay that way. When her parents died she was sent to live with her Papa (grandfather). She cared for him dearly and would always be with him. She even helped around his Bakery. As she grew old she became talented in cooking because she was studying under her grandfather. Mikoto keeps having this weird feeling every time she is near water. She never understood it but it was like the water is calling her to use it in some way. She always ignored it but she will soon realize she will need it.

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"Balance. It's a two way street. You can't have the good without the bad. Like Light, There's always the shadow thats casted from it."

This is who I am
My name is: Sakagami Tomoyo
But I like to be called:

The Number of candles on my birthday cake: 17 When I was born the doctor said I was a Female
I'm always crushin' on: the guys
I usually am very: blunt, sarcastic, smart, quiet, levelheaded.
This is the role I play in this tale of woe:Sailor Libra
This is my true power: Crescent/Cosmic energy

My Life So Far:
Ever since I was a toddler, I grew up having a regular family. However, though I have one, the business they're in causes them to be away on business for a remainder of the year. Till the age of fourteen, where I was allowed to live by myself while my parents were away on call, I had a caretaker who lived with me, Priscilla. I was never your casual girl who would be seen socializing with others, I was, and still am, quite the loner. Living a life of my own, a kid like me got use to being alone. And, whether some see it as fortunate or not, I see it as just making me stronger, and more independent on myself than relying on others. In my high school years currently, I'm still quite distant and unsociable with most, but I have gotten to know a select few. I haven't lived a life where you had something to look forward too in the morning. Or a mother to get you out of bed in the morning. But now, in my third year of highschool, a time of change has come, that no one would see coming. Not the change of gettng ready to start a life of ones own, but a reality no one would think existed. The question is, is this change for the good, or the bad?

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”Wishing upon stars doesn’t get you everything.”

This is who I am
My name is: Andi Sinclair
But I like to be called: Anne
The Number of candles on my birthday cake: Nineteen When I was born the doctor said I was a Female
I'm always crushin' on: Boys
I usually am very: Shy at first but once I know I can trust you I will be there for you through thick and thin.
This is the role I play in this tale of woe: Sailor Cancer
This is my true power: Wind

My Life So Far:
My parents are very good people, they are known for singing and dancing at church and volunteering often. We live an upper middles class life because my parent’s work is supposed to be in the record business but I cannot trust them anymore. When I was only fifteen years old I became lost one day after school when my parents neglected to pick me up. I ventured a long way away from any place that I would be able to recognize and soon I wound up found by someone I was not suppose to meet. Bad things happened to me that I can never forget. When the police found me my parents acted like they were relieved to see me but behind closed doors they weren’t so happy. They sucked the media in like a sponge and soon their business became even more popular than it was before.
~OMG Biscuits~

Lunarius Soldiers

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"I'll find my peace even in your chaos."

This is who I am
My name is: Achaz Abrax Adam
But I like to be called: Chaz
The Number of candles on my birthday cake: Twenty-Three When I was born the doctor said I was a Male
I'm always crushin' on: The Ladies
I usually am very: A clam and settled mind even in the worst of situations. He believes in the good in any being and will try to bring it out. He can be viscous when you harm his friends. He doesn't ever raise his voice and loves to have fun and is a kind guy at times but can be pretty stupid and impulsive.
This is the role I play in this tale of woe: Sailor Leo
This is my true power: White Fire

My Life So Far:
Chaz has always lived a normal life going to school and making start A's. He actually works at the hospital with one of his friends. He during his free times races at the race track. He has been in a few accidents but he doesn't care at all. He has found his own way to make his life exciting because it would be dull without the things he does. He often gets off school early and goes to visit other schools or does other work besides working at the hospital. He has lived a simple life, a calm, peaceful life.

Lately during his races he has been seeing things about castles and fires and burning. He had no idea what it was for but he started to remember things though there faint one flash was so real it caused him to get into a terrible accident as he raced. He still remembers some of the faces but not the names at all. He remembers something about an attack, a flaming castle, and two kingdoms. He had been ignoring them and trying to live life as he has started racing again.


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"Govern thy life and thoughts as if the whole world were to see the one, and read the other."

This is who I am
My name is: Alexis Henry O` Neil
But I like to be called: `Lexie (only by close friends and my sister), Alexis
The Number of candles on my birthday cake: 17 When I was born the doctor said I was a Male
I'm always crushin' on: Hot Girls
I usually am very: Laid back, slightly lazy, sometimes loud and crazy
This is the role I play in this tale of woe: Sailor Aquarius
This is my true power: Ice

My Life So Far:
I was always the quiet outcast, the kinda guy that hung on the edges of things yet observed and noted things you'd think unimportant. I've learned over the years to note simple statistics, though having two law enforcement officials, one in Homicide, the other in Vice, doesn't really help. My family's somewhat scattered at times, considering I try to stay away from the house, and my sister... she's a little unusual anyway... always talks about burning castles, though she doesn't know she talks in her sleep, and I don't have reason to talk about her secrets anyway...
Ryu Kenshin-Tengoku

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”Strength comes from someone’s heart”

This is who I am
My name is: Izekiel Pike
But I like to be called: Zeke
The Number of candles on my birthday cake: Twenty When I was born the doctor said I was a Male
I'm always crushin' on: Girls
I usually am very: Stubborn, protective, easy to please and kind hearted.
This is the role I play in this tale of woe: Sailor Taurus
This is my true power: Earth

My Life So Far:
I traveled from orphanage to orphanage and from foster home to foster home until I finally turned eighteen and was declared that I could live on my own. I do not know what it is like to have blood family but the foster families I had were as close as I could get and I do not take that for granted. Although I went through school I take remedial courses to try and prepare me for college so that I can one day further my career and earn more money, now that I am living on my own.
~OMG Biscuits~

Galaxia Soldiers

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"Find some peace and relief in these eyes of mine."

This is who I am
My name is: Eclair Lao Renallia
But I like to be called: Eclair
The Number of candles on my birthday cake: Twenty-three When I was born the doctor said I was a Female
I'm always crushin' on: The guys
I usually am very: Stubborn and stuck-up. I hate being told what to do and I can often yell at people for no reason.
This is the role I play in this tale of woe: Neo-Sailor Capricorn. Galaxia's Queen.
This is my true power: Black fire

My Life So Far:
Ever since I was fifteen years old, I longed to be with the Prince of Lunarius. He was absolutely gorgeous and I instantly fell in love. But when I saw him with that joke of a Princess, fury rose in me like a gasoline fueled fire. It consumed me until jealousy got the best of me. I attacked both kingdoms the night of the Treaty Ball, making it look like the kingdoms attacked each other.

After receiving word that all twelve of the Children of the Zodiac were being protected on Earth, I created Sailor Soldiers of her own. Evil versions of the originals. Now with my team of twelve, I plan on destroying Earth and all of the Sailor Soldiers permanently.

Princess Yuna Of Hyrule

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"Dont judge us by our appearances!"

This is who I am
My name is: Akito Kurosawa
But I like to be called: Agi
The Number of candles on my birthday cake: 18 When I was born the doctor said I was a Male
I'm always crushin' on: Bi-sexual
I usually am very: cold hearted, mean, emotionless, curious, protective
This is the role I play in this tale of woe: Neo-Sailor Gemini
This is my true power: Black Lightning

My Life So Far:
Agito and his twin Akito were born like any other human being. When they were around certain things they felt oddly connected to it. Agito loves lightning mainly when it looks black. Agito and his twin hardly ever talked to anyone and when they would it always sounded harsh and mean. They were soon longing for a purpose in their life and why they feel odd around dark things or anything that involves being evil.

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"Touch Agito and you will regret it!"

This is who I am
My name is: Akito Kurosawa
But I like to be called: Aki
The Number of candles on my birthday cake: 18 When I was born the doctor said I was a Male
I'm always crushin' on: Bi-sexual
I usually am very: Quite, nice, strange, curious
This is the role I play in this tale of woe: Neo-Sailor Virgo
This is my true power: Darkness

My Life So Far:
Akito and his twin Agito were born like any other human being. When they were around certain things they felt oddly connected to it. Akito loves the darkness and spend most of his time there with his brother. Akito and his twin hardly ever talked to anyone and when they would it always sounded harsh and mean. They were soon longing for a purpose in their life and why they feel odd around dark things or anything that involves being evil.