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Name of weapon:Akaikami (Red Paper)
Your Rank: Genin
Who owns the weapon:Akkari Matsuro
Where it was found/Who made it: This Umbrella was crafted for her on the journey to becoming a shinobi. Her great uncle Honno, who lives within the village made this for her. What he told her to keep secret was the blade that was hidden in the handle. She was to only use this blade for defense against her enemys and those against the village she lives in. This was the first step to learn a new way of the blade.
Users Class: Ninjutsu
The Range of the weapon: Close Range
Weakness: The umbrella is made from paper and bamboo, this weapon can be easily burned or otherwise destroyed.
Description: This umbrella is called Akaikami or "Red Paper". The name is ment to symbolize the blood that stains the umbrella. With the use of this umbrella, being 4ft long, and having a 3ft blade hidden in it, it can be used as a simple umbrella for blocking rain or the sun. But this umbrella also serves as a tool of assassination. With learning how to quickly draw its blade, one can simple encounter a enemy shinobi, or anyone for their choosing, and simple end their life. But you have to be crafty with the blade to pull such movements off. The umbrella will eventually need repair. As you can already tell, it is made from paper. The Umbrella does not boost anything or grant any kind of power. Its up to the shinobi to learn how to wield the blade in the umbrella.
Rp Sample:

Akkari was walking down a street at night. She was coming from a tea house that she was working at. It was suppose to rain, but the clouds seemed to form, showing no signs of rain. She had her umbrella with her just encase the weather was going to change. It was a cold night, the sky covered in dark grey clouds. The moon could not be seen from behind the giant sheet of grey. She then felt a trickle of water fall from the sky. She took the umbrella and opened it up. Seconds later, the rain began to fall. It was not heavy, but moderate enough to tell that she needed to get home. Upon coming past a alley, and strange man began to follow her. She simply started to walk a little faster, seeing what the man wanted. The man was a street theif. He pulled out a kunai, and began to run at Akkari. It was common for street thieves to hunter down people during the night, it was the perfect time to get away with a murder. She noticed him running at her and she then stopped. He charge at her with the blade in his hand swinging at her with a overhand motion. He was going to stab her, but that was not going to happen.

As he was about 3 feet from her, she spun around and did a back hook kick, knocking the kunai from his hand. She then closed her umbrella while spinning and rammed it hard into his stomach. The thief keeled over on his knees and was holding his stomach. She then drew the blade from her umbrella and pointed it at the mans neck."Tell me this, why should i spare your life?" She was looking down at the man. The rain was still pouring down and her eyes casting fear into him."My family, they need food, we are pour....its the only way we can eat and have cloths...."the man was scared, but not enough to run away."And you live this life being happy by stealing from people? Why do you want to put your family through this?" she wanted to know the truth."I have no choice. We live on the street. No one will help us. I have to do what i need to in order to help my family." The man went to grab the kunai that was in his reaching distance. Akkari step on the blade and kicked it away. She still had the blade pointed at his neck. She let the man stand up, and he ran. She kicked a rock at the back of his head and she ran forward. She pushed the blade in her hand through his heart."Your family will be safe. I will see that. But what you do is against everything your trying to do. Murder is choice. Slaughter is even worse," The man began to choke on his own blood. He fell to the ground. Akkari wiped the blood off her blade and put the blade back in its sheath. She walked away.

- "Oh wise and powerful Beth, I beseech thee for thine approval. I hath reviewed the rules of the customs, and vow never to use this weapon beyond it's limits and never to god-mod with this weapon. Furthermore, if I should ever break this oath, I shall relinquish my weapon to thee, the one true approver."