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Original Heckler

PostPosted: Sat May 21, 2011 10:14 am
PostPosted: Sat May 21, 2011 10:15 am
"You are more then the sum of your past mistakes."
User Image
*Smiles* "Hello."

My name is...... (Professor) Luna Draconiforus Bell
But you can call me... Lu-lu, only by those with intimate bonds, such as immediate family members.
I am obviously a... Female
And I was born Not a day over 200. years ago.
This is who I am... Headmistress of Hogwarts, Order of Merlin first class.
My colors equal... Ravenclaw, though she was almost placed in Gryffindor.
My wand consists of... Kelpie Hair, Chimaera Scale and Dragon Heartstring; elder, 10 inches.
Which helps me specialize in... Well rounded in every form of magic.
I fight for the side of... Light

I can be pretty... Depending on the circumstances, Luna has two very different sides that rarely mesh together; on the one hand she's quite friendly and sweet and more then happy to give advice to students who come seeking honesty. Born with the intelligence of a ravenclaw but the passion and spirit of a gryffindor, Luna is a favoirte face no matter where in Hogwarts she is to be found; in her restless nature however she tends to shirk her important duties, so if you're a fellow and slightly nagging staff member, don't expect to find her anytime soon. As headmistress of Hogwarts, things are much different; Luna veiws the students as her children in a way, and as such, when faced with an obstacle that threatens her sschool and its inhabitants she can get exceptionally nasty, proving her skill and titles are not just for show.
Hitting Rewind...Many years ago, Luna was born in a small village located deep in the English countryside to a pair of non magical parents, who both worked modest, nine to five jobs but always had time for their little girl. Raised to be self supporting and rather individualistic, at a very young age Luna was supporting herself for the times when her parents could not, cooking, and cleaning and doing housework to make her parents' lives a little bit easier. What they did not know was how Luna was getting all the work done so fast; an eight year old Luna would happily claim that the dishes would do as she asked them, and, as any normal parents would have, her mother and father simply thought she was playing pretend. Until her father tripped down the stairs and Luna caught him mid-air. Needless to say her parents were equally amazed and worried; making plans to homeschool the child until this strange "phase" passed on, when Luna turned twelve her Hogwarts letter came in through their fireplace, since her mother had been deathy afraid of the giant owl landing on their windowsill and had attemped to deny it access. Along with a letter for Luna came one for her parents; turned out her great grandmother was a wtich, but somehow the magical blood had diluted until Luna's birth. Upon reaching Hogwarts, Luna gave the sorting hat quite a hard time; first he declared she was Slytherin material, then Gryffindor, but eventually settled her in Ravenclaw and in that house she reamined for seven years.

It was during her second year that Luna met one certain girl, by the name of Viola; despite her being in Slytherin, made for the spot as a nasty bully, the two grew to have quite a solid friendship. It lasted until year six, when Viola actively spoke out against the teachings of Hogwart, saying that because they were not being educated in the dark arts they were being deprived of knowing everything a student could know. Luna confessed she could not agree with it, and afterwards Viola seemingly dissapeared; only once did Luna see her again during her tenure at Hogwarts, in the forbidden forest, drinking unicorn blood. Determined to never stoop to such levels, Luna's career in the wizarding world was incredibly promising and fufilling; after graduating form Hogwarts the nineteen year old witch took a path in dragon research, and became a leading expert on all things involving the massive creatures. With positions at Hogwarts, the head spot especially, continuously changing, the council eventually realized that they would need someone to officially fill the slot. Luna was contacted, and the witch was more then happy to take the spot.

But there was opposition; having grown much stronger, Viola challend Luna for the spot, and their friendly spar soon turned blood curdling, ten deaths being the result. Knowing that Viola could never be turned away from again, Luna asked for a mirror to be fashioned, a mirror to contain Viola's image and essence for eternity. The request was granted, thereby imprisoning Viola for many years. She resides, now on the third floor behind a massive locked door...waiting for someone to release her. For her great courage and deed to society, Luna was given the title of Orde of Merlin, first class.

I really enjoy... Luna is a high supporter of Quidditch, so she tries to attend every match. You can also find her exploring the many secret passages of Hogwarts, or curled up in her office with a good muggle book
Love it! Seeing her students succeed, muggle items, her family, quidditch matches, sweet foods (has a real bad habit of sneaking chocolate, no matter if muggle of wizard based), getting out of work, indingnew secret passages and a number of other things that would take too long to mention.
Eew, Nasty! Having to discipline students, students (and staff) poking around where they shouldn't, Viola (complicated relationship), being told how to run her school visits from the council (nosy old biddies, they are), and spiders.
Turn it up!
You are More // Tenth Avenue North
Piece of Me // Brittney Spears
Super Bass // Nikki Minaj

Sssh, don't tell! That "she" will escape where Luna has locked her up, and cause harm to the students of Hogwarts.

I'll deny it! N/A
Am I forgetting something...? Luna's pet is a massive phoenix named Flint.
Stop following me! Yoko_Matsubishi

- - - - - - - - - - -

"You want a show? I'll give you a show."
User Image
"Please...won't you let me out of here?"

My name is...... Viola Marianna Vayne
But you can call me... Viola; anything else and she's just using you.
I am obviously a... Female.
And I was born Stuck perpetually at 150 years ago.
This is who I am... Dark Witch
My colors equal... Slytherin
My wand consists of... Runespoor fang, Dragon Heartstring and Kelpie hair; willow, 10 inches.
Which helps me specialize in... Dark curses, jinxes and hexes.
I fight for the side of... Dark.

I can be pretty... At her core Viola is cruel and vicious with the silver tongue of a snake; though she can be an angel, kind and sweet and understanding, for the most part that secondary part of her personality is a ruse, to further getting what she wants, and she makes use of it well. Her patience is less then commendable, as is her tolerance for incompetance; if you screw up you can apologize, but don't expect to get a second chance. A true formor slytherin, Viola is quite good at wroking her away around obstacles to chaieve an end result that doesn't compromise her original idea, and often it can be difficult to suggest things to her that she does not approve first. She's like a rose with thorns; long, sharp, poisonous thorns.
Hitting Rewind...Viola was born into circumstances which hold a polar opposite line to the way Luna grew up; Viola's mother and father were born very sucessful magic users, both working in top level positions at the ministry of magic. However, the two were penny pinchers and despite their wordly influence the house Viola grew up in was small, cramped and suffocating; additionally, Viola's home was absent of the warmth and love that Luna recieved. To keep their naturally inquisitive daughter quiet, as a young girl Viola was given any number of materialistic possessions so from a small age she became adept at deciving others with her public standard and position. When Viola's hogwarts letter came via delivery owl, nobody was more thrilled then Viola herself; to get away from her suffocating, tiny and lifeless circumstances meant a lot to the blonde, not only for a chance to reinvent herself but for a chance to aquire special knowladge. In fact it was this ambition, this ruthless cunning hidden behind an angelic face, that allowed the Sortting hat to easily place her in Slytherin, something she not once regretted.

Throughout her first few years, Viola struggled to find a place where she could fit in; unlike many of her fellow serpant dwellers she had no intrest in submission through violence or childish bullying; however, upon meeting Luna, a Ravenclaw girl and fellow second year, Viola's social circles expanded. Soon enough she found a home in every house, and indeed, there was much promise for the young witch. But as the years moved on, Viola began to question the institution of teaching; by omitting dark arts the Slythering irl felt she was being deprived of another set of skills to further her ambitions. Nobody, not even Luna, agreed with her vocalization; by year six Violoa left Hogwarts to pursue her own ideas. During this gap in her education, Viola came across many references to the formor dark lord Voldemort; unlike others, the witch found him a visionary, and began to re-enact his ideas, causing terror across the wizard community. Most specualted her dissapearing.

However, when the post for Hogwarts headmistress opened up, Viola saw it as a chance to change the system of education which had thrown her ideas away. Luna beat her out for the spot after a vicious, grueling battle and locked the bloodied witch away in a mirror, unbreakable from the inside so she could never be freed to cause more damage. She's been locked away in that mirror for many years now; and she isn't happy about it.

I really enjoy... Being left in a mirror for years doesn't allow you a lot of hobbies.
Love it! You'll find out eventually.
Eew, Nasty! You'll find out eventually.
Turn it up!
Tea Party // Kerli
Underclass Hero // Sum 41

Sssh, don't tell! Nothing you get to know about.

I'll deny it! No time for that when you're trying to kill every living thing in sight.
Am I forgetting something...? The tattoos on Viola's arms are all self made; much like Dolores Umbridge inscribed words onto Harry during her teaching year, Viola engraved pledges of faith to the dark arts.
Stop following me! Yoko_Matsubishi


Original Heckler


Original Heckler

PostPosted: Sat May 21, 2011 10:22 am
"A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way."
- John C. Maxwell

User Image
*Grins, salutes* "Yo."

My name is...... Kyler Ash Helbire (Hel-beer)
But you can call me... Ky, usually; shorter and easier.
I am obviously a... Male
And I was born Eighteen years ago.
This is who I am... A seventh year at Hogwarts, and captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch team.
My colors equal... Gryffindor
My wand consists of... Phoenix Feather, Chimaera Scale and Runespoor Fang; oak, 11 inches.
Which helps me specialize in... DATDA and Offensive magic.
I fight for the side of... Light

I can be pretty... Friendly, outgoing and sometimes a bit of a troublemaker; out of everyone in my family I'm probably the biggest conversationalist, and yes, I'll admit that from time to time I stick my nose where it doesn't belong (though not to the point where I'd have any of my privellages revoked). Never one to hold a grudge and more the sort of person who forgives and moves on, people have called me a bit too soft hearted and easy to take advantage of; however, that couldn't be any less true. See, I don't like pressure though I have no problem with responsibilities, and I find it easier to just go with the current of society. But let's get one thing straight; just because I'm well liked by others and would rather play nice, doesn't mean I won't get nasty if the need should arise. You see my sister around? If you so much lookat her funny I'll take you out behind the gamekeeper's hut, got it? Same applies to my friends, and anyone else close to me and my personal life. I'd like everyone to think I'm a good guy, but I'm also a man, and I've got my pride to uphold.
Hitting Rewind......Well you'll get pretty much the same story from me as you would from my sister; our Mother was, in her youth, a prominant rights activist witch who taught us to fight for what we believed in, to speak up, be heard and define outselves based on our own perceptions, not off of what others thought. She still speaks out today, and can be seen quite often in the daily prophet for being what she acts upon best; a rebellious figure. Our father, though a Muggle, grew up around magic thanks to his siblings, and because of his exceptional skill with numbers, was offered a non goblin position at the Gringotts's bank where he works to this very day. Being the elder siling in our family I recieved my first Hogwarts invitation letter two years before Clarissa did; Dad was coming home from the bank and that owl pretty much dive bombed him with the letter, heh. Ended up keeping that owl as my pet, too; he's a great help with both pranks and the morning post.

Anyway, when I first stepped into Hogwarts let me tell you, I'd never felt more at home, not even in my OWN home. Everything about the castle was so interesting, and all just waiting for me to explore; that desire to make a name for myself is probably one of the the reasons the Sorting hat put me into Gryffindor. Really, it wasn't too hard decision; I think I had that hat on my head for two seconds before I was placed. After that it was just a matter of finding a spot to fit in; intellectual stuff had never been my strong suit, but I fell hard for Quidditch and actually ended up scouted by the captain of the team during my first year, as a chaser. When the captain left the school he brought me in as the new head of the team, and I switched to keeper. Clarissa followed me in a few years later, and so here we are now!

I really enjoy... Participating in Qudditch, playing muggle video games, exploring secret passages in Hogwarts and pranking good for nothing, snobbish Slytherins.
Love it!
+ A good game of Quidditch!
+ My family!
+ Fellow gryffindors!
+ Spicy foods!
+ Anything involving adventure!
+ Warm weather!

Eew, Nasty!
- Anyone who messes with those I care about.
- Homework.
- Losing a Quidditch match.
- Clingy, slutty girls.
- Snobbish people who think they're better then others.

Turn it up!
Back to You // John Mayer
The healing has Begun // Matthew West

Sssh, don't tell! Hm, I wonder...

I'll deny it! What? Pfft, no.
Am I forgetting something...? When I graduate I'd like to go out for a professional quidditch team. My eagle owl's name is Sprocket; he's good abotu bringing post for both Clarissa and myself.
Stop following me! Yoko_Matsubishi
PostPosted: Sat May 21, 2011 10:27 am
"I know something you don't know. That's hardly a suprise, though."
User Image
"What do you want? I'm busy studying."

My name is...... Clarissa May Helbire (Hel-beer)
But you can call me... Clara, Ryssa.
I am obviously a... Female
And I was born Sixteen years ago.
This is who I am... A sixth year at Hogwarts.
My colors equal... Ravenclaw
My wand consists of... Unicorn tail, Hippogriff Talon, Ashwinder Ash; ivy, 9 inches.
Which helps me specialize in... Charms, Jinxes and Defensive Magic
I fight for the side of... Light

I can be pretty... When you look at my brother and I, it's almost impossible to tell that we're related unless you only take looks into account; we're pretty much polar opposites. Where Kyler is outgoing and friendly to pretty much everyone, I tend to be far more reserved and not as kind to people I don't know. In terms of conflict, I try to rise above all the petty issues that come along with my age group; others have called me exceedingly mature for how young I actually am. Perhaps it's due to my prioritizing nature; work before play is the code I live by, and I'm constantly attempting to keep my older brother on task. However, like my friendly and gentle sibling, I have a much harder edged side; this does not come out as physical violence, but rather verbal abuse. If you come about my person at the wrong time, expect a sharp tongue lashing, one which will most likely hurt you in some way or another. Don't say I didn't warn you.
Hitting Rewind...Well you'll get pretty much the same story from me as you would from my brother; our Mother was, in her youth, a prominant rights activist witch who taught us to fight for what we believed in, to speak up, be heard and define outselves based on our own perceptions, not off of what others thought. She still speaks out today, and can be seen quite often in the daily prophet for being what she acts upon best; a rebellious figure. Our father, though a Muggle, grew up around magic thanks to his siblings, and because of his exceptional skill with numbers, was offered a non goblin position at the Gringotts's bank where he works to this very day. I recieved my letter to Hogwarts just a few years after my older brother, Kyler, started; I still remember that those owls couldn't get into our two story, english countryside home fast enough, mine especially (Kyler likes to think they were racing each other; I wouldn't be suprised).

The rest is pretty much history; most of my family and friends expected I'd be put in Gryffindor with my brother, but when placed in Ravenclaw I was pleasantly suprised, and it didn't take long for me to really fit in with my fellow intellectuals. And my family, as I did, found my house placing to be a perfect fit. This year will mark my sixth time coming to Hogwarts, while my brother is coming for the final and last time; I already know he wants to go out with a bang so I'll have to keep an eye on him, but it shoudn't be too bad. I wonder what sort of things will await me this year? After all, you'd be stupid to think anything at Hogwarts would ever stay the same, right?

I really enjoy... Though I don't enjoy it, I study quite often. Reading is always enjoyable, as is a good game of wizard's chess.
Love it!
+ A good book.
+ My family.
+ Intelligent conversation.
+ Sweet foods.
+ Quiet places.

Eew, Nasty!
- Stupid people.
- Repeating myself.
- Perverted boys with huge egos.
- Spiders and most bugs.
- Getting a spell wrong.

Turn it up!
Woah Oh // Forever the Sickest kids ft. Selena Gomez
Here we go Again // Demi Lovato
Sssh, don't tell! Sometimes I get really jealous of my brother's athletic ability...wish I could play Quidditch but I can't fly a broom to save my life.

I'll deny it! You'll know as soon as I figure it out myself.
Am I forgetting something...? My pet is a white cat, named Collin
Stop following me! Yoko_Matsubishi


Original Heckler


Original Heckler

PostPosted: Mon May 23, 2011 3:12 pm
"What?! Excuse me, I don't destroy things. I reshape them creatively."
User Image
"Oops! Sorry! My wand slipped!"

My name is...... Perstephone Ophelia Solaris
But you can call me... Steffi, Steph, Ms. Superklutz, The Destroyer, Prone, Mudblood
I am obviously a... Female
And I was born 17 years ago.
This is who I am... A fifth year Hogwarts student
My colors equal... Slytherin
My wand consists of... Mahogany, 11" with a Chimaera Scale core – Very rare, yet very powerful, good for quick combat; fashionable
Which helps me specialize in... Curses and transfiguration, although I'm not good at them either way...
I fight for the side of... Light

I can be pretty... Steffi could be considered your average, nature-loving, quirky schoolgirl with a knack for mischief and a love of adventure. She's generally pretty cheerful and doesn't often show her true feelings when she's angry or sad. She feels incredible satisfaction when she pranks her schoolmates, and doesn't really have too many friends because of her tenancy to cause trouble. However, she's never lonely, preferring to delve into her studies of the Dark Arts... not to learn how to master it, but to learn how to fight it.
Hitting Rewind... Steffi is a mudblood; her mother was a witch who fell in love with a muggle, and who shortly after had a child: Steffi. The family moved to a small cottage in a mudblood village on the outskirts of Scotland, and there Steffi grew up as a happy child. Her mother was a well-known witch and an alumni of Hogwarts, so it wasn't long before Steffi received her first letter by owl, telling her that she had been accepted to the legendary school.
Happily, she embarked to school, and immediately began building a reputation as a troublemaker. She had always been a bit annoyed by rules, and so she began plotting against the school similarly to her two idols, Fred and George Weasley, who had already graduated. She often played pranks on her fellow Slytherin Housemates, and they soon came to see her as a bother and a nuisance. She, however, didn't care, blaming it only on a mistake by the sorting hat. Nevertheless, she made it this far and plans to conclude her education at Hogwarts with most of her hair.

I really enjoy... Studying, sleeping, pranking her housemates
Love it! Sunshine, being out and about the ground, learning new things
Eew, Nasty! Being indoors all day, nightmares, detention
Turn it up! Trifling Stuff
Sssh, don't tell! I'm secretly afraid of... wait, I'm not afraid of anything. But I do have a secret... I kind of want to be more girly. Like... pretty. Not so boyish. you know?

I'll deny it! Whuut...?
Am I forgetting something...? Waiiiit.... nope.
Stop following me! MitashiUchiha16
PostPosted: Wed May 25, 2011 3:40 pm
"We are never as great as we aspire to be..."
User Image
"Charmed to meet you.."

My name is...... Seamus Reeds Heart
But you can call me... Reeds or Heart
I am obviously... male
And I was born seventeen years ago.
This is who I am... This is my sixth year at Hogwarts
My colors equal... Ravenclaw
My wand consists of... Hippogriff Talon, Ashwinder Ash, mahogany, 13 inch.
Which helps me specialize in... Charms and defensive magic
I fight for the side of... Light

I can be pretty... I'm shy and I have very low self-esteem due to the way I was treated by my family. However I, and not to gloat, am brilliant and very curious. I find myself to be rather quiet, caring, but I am very open-minded. Others say I am quite humble, considerate, and those who actually get to know me find me to be rather friendly. I've heard that I give off a steely, imposing exterior but it's just because I'm abnormally tall.
Hitting Rewind...I grew up much like the famous Harry Potter did; A young wizard unknowing of his powers in a family that didn't appreciate him. My father was a wizard but died when I was five and my mother, a human, never cared for me much. She knew I was a wizard but kept me locked up and had me do chores and such for her and her boyfriend. I recieved the letter to Hogwarts: Ministry of Magic, the day I turned eleven, from a hawk while I was trying to fix the television antenna for my mother's boyfriend. Wanting to get away, I went to Hogwarts without a second thought thinking I'd recieve a better life there. Because of my past however, I refused to let go of my insecurities and though I showed much promise, I was so afraid that I hardly let myself excel. Teachers worry sometimes that I'm so drawn back and keep so much to myself but I'd rather not expose my life to them. I'm afraid of letting anyone else into my life because I don't want to be hurt again.

I really enjoy... long quiet walks, piano playing, and reading
Love it! Learning, animals, and the arts
Eew, Nasty! Ignorance, yelling, and flying
Turn it up! Wake Me Up Inside-Evanescence
Sssh, don't tell! Flying and heights...

I'll deny it! Don't infer such a thing
Am I forgetting something...? I do not have a messenger owl, I have a hawk named Skylark. It's the same hawk that delivered my letter.
Stop following me! Toyhe-n-Cosplayer


Original Heckler


Original Heckler

PostPosted: Wed May 25, 2011 9:54 pm
"I put the 'fun' in 'functionality'."
User Image
"Hello, poppet."

My name is...... Jack Akkovich Traipse
But you can call me... Rings.
I am obviously a... Guy.
And I was born 15 years ago.
This is who I am... I'm a magical jeweler, and friend to those I meet.
My colors equal... Ravenclaw.

My wand consists of... Ebony, Chimera scale core. Twelve inches.
Which helps me specialize in... Charms, Curses, and Spells with lasting effects.
I fight for the side of... Light

I can be pretty... friendly to most people, but extremely cold to others that I dislike. I'm willing to sell my wares and get along with everyone, but second chances are scarce. If you really get me angry, I'll rant and rave, but I won't fight unless It's necessary or I've lost my temper completely. An easy way to get me to do that is to gloat about your blood status.
Hitting Rewind...I was born to a Muggle father and Witch. My grandmother discovered the use of harpy talons in a potion to cure a disease that my father had when he was young. Rather than erase his memory, my mother introduced him to the Magical world, and they fell madly in love. Our tiny family is still stable, and my father lives more like a squib than a muggle. We are relatively middle-class, and my parents were ecstatic when I got my letter. I grew up in a Muggle school, so I know a lot about the muggle world. I'll miss my friends, but, hey, it's a magic school!
Ever since I was little, I've always loved Jewelery, especially rings. I've made it my life's goal to open a shop on Diagon Alley selling my specially enchanted accessories. At Hogwarts, I love to run about at night, causing trouble, but only if I know I won't be caught. My grades are good, but not excellent. They could be the latter if I tried harder, but my mind is constantly moving from one thing to another, which keeps me well distracted.

I really enjoy... Drawing, Jamming out, and getting into trouble, but most of all, I like to make jewelery and give it away to people who need or deserve it.
Love it! Music, well designed things, chocolate, the rain, and snow.
Eew, Nasty! People who think they're better than everyone else, idiots, being bored, and fake people.
Turn it up! Brain Melting.
Sssh, don't tell! None. If you ask I'll tell you, simple as that.

I'll deny it! N/A as of right now.
Am I forgetting something...? N/A
Stop following me! w0lf xer0
PostPosted: Thu May 26, 2011 11:56 am
"Now you see me, now you don't."
User Image
"Heh, made you look."

My name is...... (Professor) Melissa Adiana Rylecreft
But you can call me... Mel, Lyssa, Adi.
I am obviously a... Female
And I was born 21 years ago.
This is who I am... Head of Gryffindor House and teacher of Defense against the dark Arts.
My colors equal... Gryffindor.
My wand consists of... Unicorn tail and Runespoor Fang; Ash, 11 inches.
Which helps me specialize in... Defense against the dark Arts, Charms and Legilimency.
I fight for the side of... Light

I can be pretty... There are as many sides to Melissa's personality as there are options for her hair color; depending in the circumstances she can be sweet and friendly, headstrong and stubborn, black heareted and sadistic...the list goes on for miles. Melissa believes heavilly in the future of Hogwarts and it's students, and is incredibly dedicated to the class she teaches; so much so that it has been rumored she's the best defense against the dark arts teacher the school has ever had. As a leftover from her student days Melissa can be quite the prankster, and often lets jokes and harmless fun slip by with merely a warning, especially if it is at the expense of the other professors for she loves the reactions they give; this builds her credit with the members of the house she leads, for her courage and bravery practically make her a student all over again. However, Melissa knows when to buckle down, and isn't a pushover about things; she knows what needs to be done, and will make it happen
Hitting Rewind... Melissa is a halfblood; her father was a normal human being and her mother a rights activist witch who worked for the protection of magical creatures and their recognitions as fellow members of the magical society. On her mother's side there had been a fairly long historty of Metamophmagi, though occassionally such classifications would skip over a year and thus her mother did not recieve the gift. But Melissa did, in full; from the moment she was born her hair went through a wide spectrum of colors, from blue to black and eventually settling on the red hair her father had contributed. Needless to say an acceptance letter to Hogwarts came to her when she turned a respectable age. Her parents were thrilled with the development and almost as if it was meant to be she spent her years as a prankster Gryffindor; always one for mischief, chances were if there was a prank worth talking about it had come from Melissa. However for all her goofing off she always did excell in defense against the dark arts; it was undoubtedly her favorite subject, and after passing all her exams, including the NEWTs, Melissa was asked to come work at Hogwarts as a professor in the subject she'd once loved so dearly.

I really enjoy... Besides supporting the Gryffindor quidditch team and teaching, Melissa can often be found egging on harmless pranks from time to time. She's also an avid reader.
Love it! Chocolate, her family, pranks (to a certain degree) and her past house (Gryffindor spirit through and through). Mellissa isn't very big on cats, but she loves dogs. Big dogs with loud barks are her favorite kind.
Eew, Nasty!Misconceptions about half bloods or "mudbloods", lazy students who don't do their work, boring people who dont know how to have fun, spicy foods and small purse dogs.
Turn it up!

The only song // Sherwood
I forgive You // Every Avenue

Sssh, don't tell! She's a metamorphmagus; not many people know that though.

I'll deny it! Haha, what?
Am I forgetting something...? Melissa can produce a patronus in the form of an arctic fox; additionally due to her metamorphmagus powers, Melissa is known for changing her hair color every other day. The professor owns a large Rotweiler named Pesca, who can be found wandering the school halls all the time as a familliar sight.
Stop following me! Whitefiregirl


Original Heckler


Original Heckler

PostPosted: Thu May 26, 2011 4:10 pm
"An eye for an eye makes the whole world go blind."
User Image
"Oh, can't we all just get along?"

My name is...... Aubry Fenchel
But you can call me... Just Aubry, thank you.
I am obviously a... Female
And I was born 15 years ago.
This is who I am... Fifth year student at Hogwarts
My colors equal... Hufflepuff
My wand consists of... Unicorn tail, Demiguise Hair, Kelpie Hair; rosewood, 8 inches
Which helps me specialize in... Herbology, Care of Magical creatures and Transfiguration.
I fight for the side of... Light

I can be pretty... Sweet and genuine, if not a bit reserved; Aubry is a kind, soft hearted soul and as her feminine appearance suggests, incredibly fragile; forever trying to see the best in people, Aubry is an optomist when at her best, and still maintains a light hearted attitude even at her worst. Perhaps the best emodiment of the Hufflepuff spirit, Aubry believes in working hard to get what you recieve, though in her own achievements and rewards she tends to be quite modest, allowing others to take leadership roles. Very non-confrontational, Aubry can be found with people from almost every house at any given time; however, this positive is also a downfall. Because Aubry likes to focus on the positives it's very easy to pick on or take advantage of the brunette's kindness; thankfully her friends are almost always there to support her when things get bleak.
Hitting Rewind...Growing up, Aubry had a fairly standard childhood; both her parents were born magical, and though they were never excessively wealthy the family managed to grow up alright. As a photographer for the Daily Prophet with a less then exciting paycheck, Aubry grew up taking care of a large family, with four younger siblings, three brothers and one sister. Her mother stayed at home for the most part to keep the children in line, but with all that free time she produced a number of bestselling books which helped keep the income afloat. In terms of her own abilities, Aubry was a considerably late bloomer in the magic department; her mother and father thought she would never have any ability, but thankfully on her tenth birthday her magic came through and her owl from Hogwarts was safely delivered. However, that owl was not just a letter for Aubry's family; knowing the financial state Aubry's family was in, Headmistress Luna Bell gave the fenchel family a large sum of money to move to a more comfortable house. In a way, she saved them all from downfall and eventual poverty.

When Aubry was placed in Hufflepuff her family was very proud of their daughter; in their eyes, being placed in the house that valued hard work and honesty was a prize on it's own. From that point on Aubry determined to become a powerful, influencial witch, to make her parents and siblings proud, to give her family a better life. It hasn't always been easy and Aubry definately as to work harder then some people, but in the long run she knows it will all be worth it.

I really enjoy... Aubry is very good with animals, so much so that the care of magical creatures teacher asks her to help with preparing lessons from time to time. The young witch is also quite the gardener.
Love it! People (usually), most animals, her parents and siblings, muggle music, adventure and romance novels, iced tea, trips to Hogsmeade and the smell of rain.
Eew, Nasty! Being picked on or seeing others being bullied, being unable to help when people need it, thunderstorms, ghost stories (though she's fine with the castle ghosts).
Turn it up!

Saying Goodbye // Every Avenue
Why not // Hilary Duff

Sssh, don't tell! Though she would never admit it, Aubry is desperately afraid of inadequacy, of letting down her family.

I'll deny it! Someone..but I'm not telling!
Am I forgetting something...? When she graduates from Hogwarts, Aubry wants to be a Magizoologist.
Stop following me! Whitefiregirl
PostPosted: Thu May 26, 2011 5:15 pm
"Is that the only solution?"
User Image
Hello there!

My name is...... Karson Perrindale
But you can call me... Karson
I am obviously a... Male
And I was born 16 years ago.
This is who I am... Fifth year student at Hogwarts
My colors equal... Ravenclaw
My wand consists of... An Ashwinder Ash core, reed, and 10 inches long
Which helps me specialize in... Charms and protection spells
I fight for the side of... Light

I can be pretty... Karson is always polite to strangers and kind to friends. He prefers to solve a problem with his mind and wand than with his fists and what little muscle he posesses. Cautiously observing from afar is also something he does often, though he won't stand for violence and will try his best to break up fights among the lower year students. He also has the tendency to become lost in thought, especially when posed with a problem.
Hitting Rewind... Karson grew up in a small, mostly Muggle town in the northern parts of England. Having grown to love the cold, he has always had a fondness for the icy winters that sweeps through the halls of Hogwarts every year. His past is unremarkable, with nothing exceptionally exciting happening save an odd run in with a leprechaun who was in need of help when he was a child. When he arrived at the school in his first year, he was put in Ravenclaw shortly after the Sorting Hat was placed on his head. Every year he returns to Hogwarts and remains there over the course of the school year, not leaving for Winter Vacation.

Karson has spent most of his years at Hogwarts sticking to himself, though he has found a few people whom he trusts and spends time with. He enjoys most of his classes except Astronomy, he didn't like staying up so late with more classes the next day, and Defense Against the Dark Arts which he isn't very good at save his protection spells, but he does enjoy Divination, unlike some of the other students. He tries his best to earn points for his House through his academics and good behavior and is always on the look out for misbehaving Slytherins.

I really enjoy... Karson loves to wander the school, especially in Winter, spend hours on end in the Library, and practicing spells with his fellow Ravenclaws
Love it! The cold, Charms class, iced tea
Eew, Nasty! Snakes, Astronomy, and Slytherins
Sssh, don't tell! Karson has a great fear of snakes

I'll deny it! None
Am I forgetting something...? He has a pet salamander, whom he calls Calcifer after a magic fire in a movie from his childhood
Stop following me! Grindzy


Original Heckler


Original Heckler

PostPosted: Fri May 27, 2011 7:08 pm
"There is no good and evil. There is only power, and those too weak to seek it."
-- Lord Voldemort.

User Image
"Hello. Are you here to learn some magic?"

My name is...... Adolphus Barnaby Laroche
But you can call me... Proffessor Barns/Barny, Adolph
I am obviously a... Man
And I was born 32 years ago.
This is who I am... The teacher of Charms at Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry.
My colors equal... Slytherin.
My wand consists of... a Hippogriff Talon core, nine inches of Reed. Extremely light, and easily maneuverable.
Which helps me specialize in... Nearly all spells, hence my line of work.
I fight for the side of... Darkness.

I can be pretty... Friendly, all around. I'm pretty easy on my students, and very easygoing, which made it all too simple to get the job at Hogwarts without a hitch. Although I have such an air of benevolent ignorance, I'm secretly plotting the downfall of everyone around me. I really hate most of my students, and could happily go on without a single other person in my life.
Hitting Rewind...I was born and abandoned by muggle parents. They dumped me at an orphanage, and although the letter said that they hadn't the money to take care of me, I took the stories of my orphaned companions to be more truthful -- that my parents had simply not loved me. Many times, I made odd things happen in the orphanage. Some peoples' things would be found inside my dresser drawers, and if I lied awake at night and thought about how much I hated one of them, they would suddenly toss and turn, or even wake up screaming and crying, for no apparent reason.
I eventually received a letter addressed to my exact bunk in the orphanage, and when I asked a teacher if she knew what it was, she took it her boss, who took it to his boss, and so forth until they had all had a good laugh at it. Secretly, though, one of them recognized the letter with green handwriting on it and took me to Diagon Alley for supplies, and off to Hogwarts I went. With not a penny to my name, and being one of the few mudblood Slytherins in all of History, I was left alone and laughed at most of the time. I found refuge in my studies, and decided to turn my anger upon the very thing that had spawned it -- the hatred at Hogwarts. Deciding to show everyone what a filthy mudblood could do, I put on my mask of happiness and took to destroying the school from the inside out.

I really enjoy... Destroying small things and putting them back together, dueling.
Love it! Fudge, and manipulating the unwary.
Eew, Nasty! Pure-bloods, basically everyone.
Turn it up! Monster -- Skillet
Sssh, don't tell! I'm deathly afraid of flying, and my potions are less than satisfactory.

I'll deny it! No human being has ever been able to sway my heart from rage and pain.
Am I forgetting something...? My Slim obsidian-colored cat, Claudia, who is the only thing, alive or dead, that can bring me love.
Stop following me! w0lf xer0
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