Gah, I need some art for my rp character Nightshade... I don't have any yet, soo yeah, and I don't have much gold right now, so it would be great if you could do it for free... If i really love it then you could get anything from 1,000-10,000 Sooo... Yeah... Since I don't really have an example picture I'll describe below...

Hair: basically the hair on my Gaia Avi
Style: Emo, Punk, Goth, ETC...
Fav Colors: Red and Black
Species: basically a cat with huge ears and a slightly bushy tail
Eye color: Basically any color that is Bright/Neon... Example; Bright lime green, glowing yellow, Bright red, ETC. ETC.
Extra: Tons of mascara and long eyelashes... loves to wear chains and shizz... a choker necklace if possible... also, demon wings would be great!!!

K Thx, Peace!!