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Gracious Lunatic

PostPosted: Sat Jun 04, 2011 7:43 pm
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"I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones."

-Albert Einstein

A X Midnight Falcon X Original
Pictures from Photobucket
Inspired by Red Tide, various science fiction short stories, Albert Einstein's quote (Above), and my imagination
Links: Main Page
PostPosted: Sat Jun 04, 2011 7:46 pm

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The Basic Information
AGE: 19
GENDER: female
WRITTEN DISCRIPTION: She is shorter than most her age, with a gentle face and lavender colored eyes. Her hair is long, curly, silky, and the green of leaves, save for one bronzy-brown streak. She has the pale skin of anyone who has spent their whole life inside.
IDENTIFYING MARKS: Dark green hair, pointed ears, purple eyes, skin as hard as wood, but as flexible as regular human skin.

The Public Information

SIDE: Rebellion
WEAPONS: Two guns, BlackCrows, the standard issue for law enforcement. They shoot electric charges instead of bullets, with multiple settings, but three main ones- one for pain, one for knockout, and the last for death. They're rechargeable, all one needs to do is just plug them in.
JOB: Formerly, and still, law enforcement. She is part of the rebellion, but she keeps her job, because she knows that she needs to stay unsuspected. One just doesn't quit their job in Sanctuary, anyway.

The Personal Information

PERSONALITY: Lydia is incredibly stubborn and not willing to give up anything she feels that she needs easily. She is a natural freedom fighter, one of the leaders of the rebellion, and she has been hurt incredibly by the taunts and teasing of her childhood. She was only a law enforcement officer until the rebellion sprang up.
PAST: Early in her life, Lydia was taunted by all of the human children she went to school with. She was known as "tree" or something of the sort, even though most children hadn't seen trees. When she was fourteen, chosen for a job, she was chosen as one of the rare Adapted to become a law enforcement officer. She took the school for it for the required two years, and even then, she wasn't trusted as any of the human officers. So, when she heard of the rebellion, she immediately joined.
THEME: Force Ten

X Midnight Falcon X


Gracious Lunatic


Gracious Lunatic

PostPosted: Sun Jun 05, 2011 11:29 am

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The Basic Information
AGE: 18

WRITTEN DISCRIPTION: Because of his long and snake-like lower body Kou looks pretty much huge compared to the humans of his age, or at least "helluva" taller. The body parts of him that look somewhat human are slim and slender, and because of his perfect snake skin and scales that covers his body he looks rather young compared to his age. Do not let the skinny arms and chest fool you however, as the limbs contains more strength then most people in his age and he could easily send a grown up man flying with a whip strike of his long tail.
The long, wild and messy brown hair the decorates his head suits him really good even though he never tends to it, giving him somewhat of a wild charm. As for his eyes, they are brightly yellow, maybe a bit golden, with normal pupils that however changes into the typical slit-shaped ones whenever he activates his heat sensor vision; another ability that makes him into a perfect scout for the rebellion.

IDENTIFYING MARKS: Well, he have quite a few, doesn't he? Aside from the forest green scales and the smooth snake skin he also has a row of small spikes running along his spine. And upon the middle of his forehead a small little horn is taking its place, which he loves getting petted by the way. His ears are pointy and his nails a bit long, making them useful as claws in certain situations.

The Public Information

SIDE: Rebellion, but has a job as a Adapted Worker. Useful as a cover.

WEAPONS: DragonFly - DragonFly is a long range anti-infantry magnetic railgun bow.
It uses magnetic power to project arrows in place of a traditional string, so dragonfly has no strings but still has the feel of it being there due to the magnetic pull. It isn't fully charged until a trigger on the handle is pulled, which then allows full power of the magnets to activate, launching the arrow at high velocity. Pull-back is initially only 20lbs, but then becomes 1000+ when the rail magnets activate. A magnetic force that sounds insane, but needed to launch the arrow.
The reason for such unusual weapon is because of his nature; He's quick, silent and deadly. A perfect assassin and scout, which would have no use of a weapon that made a lot of noise, such as a gun.

JOB: He works as a spy, scout and even assassin for the rebellion mostly. But at the same time works for the humans as a cover, dealing with problems among the pipes, vents and anything on the outside of the Sanctuary of course, since his slender, agile and flexible body lets him reach places some other Adapted ones can't.

The Personal Information

PERSONALITY: Kou is, in some ways, a bit naïve... Because of his childhood and all the bad things the rebellion says about the humans he now sees everything in black and white. Humans are the black side of course... To him such thing as "good humans" doesn't exist and he isn't the one to look at things from different views. In that way, he's a bit childish. Eager to prove himself within the rebellion he does what he is told without hesitation without even thinking about the consequences could hold, since in his naïve point of view everything that the rebellion does is of the "greater good". They say that there's always two sides of a coin... Not for Kou. He doesn't realize what an dangerous tool he could prove to be in the hands of a corrupted rebel leader...
Aside from his hatred for humans and naïve view of life, Kou is VERY friendly towards all other Adapted ones. He's often too curious for his own good and very playful/childish for his age. Maybe it has something to do with his animal genes, or maybe it's simply the way he is.
Kou can sometimes be rather confusing or strange as well though, such as randomly come up with a comment that has nothing to do with the current subject, or simply break the silence with the strangest of questions... For example, he once during a "mission" briefing said that he almost wished Lydia actually was a tree, so he could hang and cling upon her. After all, he is as much a snake in nature as a human...

PAST: Even Kou's parents was struck by shock when the little snake boy was born, even though they too were Adapted ones. Kou was classified as one of the most evolved children that year as his parents only had slightly tinted akin and a few patches of scales here and there upon their body. It was a large step from that to what their little boy looked like...
His family life was alright however and he was loved by both his parents, however, they both sadly died in a well known accident where the door leading back inside to the Sanctuary had somehow jammed and stuck, making it impossible for the Adapted workers to get back inside. It took quite some time before people began to understand that something was wrong as the workers still hadn't returned, and because of the delay none of those outside made it. Those Adapted who hadn't died outside the Sanctuary soon died from the illness at the isolated medical bay. Kou's parents were among those who died after being brought inside, and now that he no longer had any protective parents life at school became even more harsh...
It was no question whether Kou would get bullied or not... His parents knew from the start that he'd be the class's freak because of his so intense mutation. Only a year or two after his parents deaths the rebellion finally made contact with Kou, telling him that there was sources indicating that the accident was planned out by humans. Whether this was true or not no one ever knew, but it did bring recruits. Such as Kou...
Kou soon became one of the most useful spies, scouts and assassins within the rebellion, even though it took some time for the other members to get used to his strange behavior.

THEME: Monster
EXTRA: Kou is very fond of hugs, as he seldom receive any. Why? Because everyone, even other Adapted ones, are afraid to get crushed by his snake-like body.

Shiruba Tekuno
PostPosted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 7:05 pm

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The Basic Information
AGE: 17
GENDER: Female
WRITTEN DESCRIPTION: Anouk has long oragnish blond hair and violet eyes. Her skin is pale and soft and smooth. She wears earrings everyday. But don't be fooled. Being so small makes her faster and she can hold her own in a fight.
IDENTIFYING MARKS: Her long ears are one way to identify her and she wears old pear earrings that her great grandmother gave to her. She also has cherry blossoms tattooed on her back.

The Public Information

SIDE: Rebellion.
WEAPONS: She carries two small scythes with her at all times. They were from what once was Japan. Her great grandfather brought them in the second world war.
JOB: Anouk is a scientist looking for life in the ruins around the sanctuary

The Personal Information

PERSONALITY: Anouk is very kind and understanding. She has a big heart and cares for everyone and everything. She believes if there are bad, there are also good in the world.
PAST: Anouk is a very sympathetic person. She has always blended in with normal humans, the only adapt telling feature being her long pointy ears, which she keeps hidden. She doesn't hate the normal people, but she doesn't like the way they treat other adapt. She believes everyone has a place in this world and without one there could not be another. She joined the rebellion because she wants to show everyone that there can be equals in this new dead world. She hopes the earth will go back to normal, the way her great grandmother described it. Anouk is a scientist looking for life. She can run extremely fast and therefore, she can travel to the abandon city. She hopes to find life before the real battle takes place, so it will stop it.
EXTRA: She's very affectionate and emotional. She can cry at the drop of a hat and get very mad very easily.

Lillith Rose 23


Gracious Lunatic


Gracious Lunatic

PostPosted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 9:34 pm

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The Basic Information
AGE: 16
WRITTEN DISCRIPTION: Other then the two golden rods from the back of his head, Yexus looks human with all his parts on. He has short brown hair, and intense purple eyes.
IDENTIFYING MARKS: Has ear piercings.

The Public Information

OPINION: He doesn't want to fight them. They saved his life once, but he can't stand by and his his family and friends get slaughtered. At times, he wants to join them, but he knows very well that if the Adapted won, neither he or anyone he loves will survive living like the Adapted.
SIDE: Army
WEAPONS: He has with him two Kukri knives on his back, which he bartered with from Adapts who explored the outside world, and a Winchester Model Lever-Action shotgun from his father, which can use either beanbags or 12 gauge buckshots.
JOB: Was learning on how to maintain machines, but when the Rebellion broke out, he was drafted into military service for his body.

The Personal Information

PERSONALITY: Yexus was never one to cause or take part of problems, and he never found the use in insulting people. If he were to have a problem, he would find a way to solve the problem before it got out of hand. Rather creative in his methods, and ever since his surgery, he's been a little less then humanistic at solving them. Still, a nice fellow if you don't have any beef with him, he see things in a rather through the eyes of the philosopher: always questioning, unsure of the truth and the right from wrong. Though that could just the the cybernetics eating away at his soul; he will maintain order within the Sanctuary, through both benevolences and fear.
PAST: Yexus was once human. He was like other human children, who went to school and learn their place in the world. Unlike many others, Yexus had a family: his father worked in manufacturing guns and various machines like radios, and his mother made clothes. At school, Yexus had to go with both Humans and Adapted. He never could understand the purpose of the segregation, but he was shunned for it by the humans, and unwanted by the Adapted. Still, he was not the only little boy who was curious, and he eventually founded a group of boys and girls, all humans, who wanted to make a bond with the Adapted. He as his group gained more members, it gained power. By the time he was eleven, he created the group known as the Mediators: those who would like two know how human or Adapted were like, without the hatred. It worked well, until there was a sudden outbreak; at the time, Yexus, 13 of age, was confronted by humans who did not appreciate his work, and they trapped him to be victim to the disease.
Though shear force of will, Yexus managed to survive the outbreak initially, but the disease would kill him; his organs began losing function, he was going through shock, and his skin was rotting away. The doctors did their best to keep him stabilized and alive, they even got rid of the disease, but Yexus would not be able to live his life off the life-support. And them, his savior came; a Adapted doctor, who learned on cybernetic technology from the outside. The Adapted doctor had squid-like features, like multiple tentacles as his arms and legs, and a beak surrounded by more tentacles, like a beard. That Adapted said that the experiment would involve many of the Sanctuary's technology; technology needed for other purpose. And the treatment itself may not work. His family, however, refused to let their son lie useless in a bed, suffering the rest of his life doing nothing; his father began working on the parts the Adapted needed, and his mother worked double time to keep the family afloat. It took over a year for everything to be prepared; cybernetic organs, mechanical muscles, artificial nerves, reenforce skeleton structure, and nano-flesh skin. When the operation began, it took over days; first, brain and remaining nervous system where to be removed and stabilized, where is was then fitted into the new body. After four days, the operation was done; Yexus, fitted into a cybernetic body, would be able to return to normal life. Though his body would be unable top grow from his young adult form, his mind will continue to grow and increase, and he would learn to adapt to his new body.
By the time he was 15, He was back into action, leading the Mediators and educating the younger generation of the Adapted and Humans. By this time, Yexus was learning how to work with machines, specifically, cybernetics, like himself. The Adapted who helped him was never seen after his operation, but his family treated the Adapted much more kindly then before. But then, came the Rebellion. It first started during a group meeting of the Mediators: it was routine, simply that Yexus was checking up on his people, addressing any problems. But during the meeting, someone tried to assassinate him; a arrow was shot at him, bit it broke upon making contact with his skin. From there, pandemonium; only the sub-leaders of the Mediators knew where they would meet, and this assassination attempt meant that it could only be one of those leaders. Very quickly, the peaceful organization Yexus made crumbled into chaos; afterwards, he was drafted into the war effort. Despite not wanting to fight the war, he knew what he would have to do. Taking the remnants of his organization, he kicked their pacifists butts and turned them into an organized gang of fighters; No longer known as the Mediators, he changed them into the Authoritarians; a coalition of humans and Adapted who wish to continue the original life of the Sanctuary.

THEME: You going to go far kid
The kids aren't okay

EXTRA: The golden rods on his back of his head act as a sort of adrenaline booster; his perception and reaction to the world around him increases, giving him a slight advantage in chaotic or sudden situations. Though the Authoritarians still accept Adapted, traitors are not spared; human or adapted, Yexus personally executes them publicly. At the same time, non-combatants of both sides are taking in and cared for. Again though, if it turns out they are playing a ruse in order to disrupt their operation, they will be crucified.

PostPosted: Fri Jul 08, 2011 3:52 pm

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The Basic Information
AGE: 20 years, 3 months and 9 days
WRITTEN DISCRIPTION: He is tall and skinny but is actually stronger then he looks. His black hair is quite long and it tends to get all shuffled even though its so thick. His eyes are a blue colour (look at picture at little sister Faith) and he is really pale since he never has been exposed to sunlight.
He appear as a bit of a bad boy since he basically only shows boredom or such emotions.

IDENTIFYING MARKS: He has two, a tattoo on his shoulder that says "Hope brings love". Everybody read that differently. The other one is a single ear-piercing on his left ear.

The Public Information

OPINION: He is brought up by a family who hate the adapted but Hope is just indifferent to them. He does not care, he neither likes them or hate them and sometimes, that is even worse then hatred.
SIDE: Civilian
WEAPONS: If he ever fight anyone its a man on man battle with his fists. Fists or knives. He is very good with knives.
JOB: He works as a chef.

The Personal Information

PERSONALITY: Hope is a lazy person. He does not speak much but he is a complainer. He find most things bothersome but he thinks it really important to be fair. He might be indifferent to most people but if they do something that he does not find fair, he will speak up his mind. Usually the only people he cares about is his family and it's really hard to get him to open up about them. He has a handsome charm though and girls love him.

PAST: Hope's parents dislike the adapted and Hope was raised in that manner. If he was not to lazy he would probably hated them as well and joined the army against the rebillion. He have two sisters, Faith and Lisa (no sister named Love). Lisa just moved out and married another human who fight against the rebellion. Faith on the other hand is a freedom fighter for the adapted. She has coloured her hair pink to support them and she tries to make humans more friendly with the adapted.
When Hope was younger he did not care about school and most of the time he just skipped it. When it came to choose a profession he already knew what he wanted to be so he did not find the need to know maths when he could hang around other chefs and learn to handle a knife instead. His mentor became an older, grumpy woman who was one of the most respected chefs in sanctuary. They still work together.
Hope have pretty much dated most of the girls in sanctuary who is at the same age as him (or a little older). No, that's wrong, everyone but one. His best friend Amanda and Hope have known etch other as long as they remember and they are totally fine as just friends. Amanda knows his family very well and she usually hang around at their little home alot.

THEME: Paramore - Monster
Heartless - The Fray



Gracious Lunatic


Gracious Lunatic

PostPosted: Sun Jul 10, 2011 11:36 am

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The Basic Information
AGE: 21
GENDER: Female
WRITTEN DISCRIPTION: Amaya is and average sized girl with all her curves.Her wings make it hard to walk sometimes so she prefers to fly.
IDENTIFYING MARKS: She has black wings.Amaya eyes are as grey as the sky in a storm.Her skin is as pale and soft as the clouds,but has a scar in her back near her wings.

The Public Information

SIDE: Rebellion
WEAPONS: She is very good with daggers.But when everythign else fail she has a hidden gun.
JOB: Tranportation and Research,She flys around the planet and around sanctury doing whatever they order her too.She doesnt want to do it no more...

The Personal Information

PERSONALITY: Shes a quite girl.She hates the fact that they treat her like a slave or some sort of plane.SHe feels sad when she see what has become of the outside world.She caring and if you dont mess with her she can be nice.
PAST: Her mother died during birth.She was raised by her father which she loved but sadly died of a genectic diease.He was human probably the only good human she has ever met.She wishes one day she can meet a human as caring as her father.She wishes there didn't have to be killing but sometimes you dont have a choice...

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