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User ImageFor a dorm room, it wasn't too bad--not for Adalia anyway. There was a bed (though the bedding was a dull palette of whites and blues), a simple wooden desk just to the side of the window overlooking the East, and a dresser that looked like it would probably fall apart with just a few tugs at the drawers. It really wasn't much, but it was more than Adalia could ask for she reminded herself as she finished unpacking her bag of clothes and miscellaneous items.

"Well, here's to a new start," she murmured to no one in particular while standing in the middle of her new room, running a single hand through her messy locks of dark violet with a sigh slipping from her lips. It was going to be a long one, but she may as well go out to explore. With that thought embedded in her mind, Adalia tucked the key to her room in the pocket of some jeans she'd tugged on and headed out the door for some exploration.