((This is an RP that anyone can join at any time, without knowing anything about any of the other characters or the story so far (though it's advised that late joiners read up!). Any person may take the story in any direction, as long as it's reasonable! I've got the basic story in mind, and I'll make sure your alterations to the storyline stay on track. This RP will be whatever style you make it, so it's all about player preference. I need LITERATE PEOPLE for this roleplay, and no 2-3 line posts unless it's absolutely required will be tolerated. Just for reference, it's time period is modern. You don't need profiles, just make sure your introductory post tells us everything we need to know about your character. Keeping some personal details a secret can be interesting, too. ;3 Just have fun with it.))

Zanos, a fair-sized town, was beginning to quiet down as the sky slowly lost it's blueish color, a light purple appearing in its stead. The shadows from the buildings were at their longest, leaving most of the streets shaded from the falling sun.
The street lamps were already lit; much too soon, all of the residents agreed, as they weren't really needed until around 8:30, when they turned on at 7:48 every evening. Many beings still populated the sidewalks and streets, most heading for home, some heading to work, and many just passing through to get to the big city, Pharone, which was a ten minute drive north-northwest from Zanos. Pharone was usually preferred over Zanos, mostly due to the job oppourtunities and abundance of places to spend money. While Zanos was not nearly as large as Pharone, it had all of the basics; convenience stores, a couple of competing grocery stores, fast food, a hotel, a bowling alley, a nice restraunt or two, and a bar. The bar was popular, and many people went there just to hang out with friends, some preferring not to drink at all, just socialize, and the bartenders didn't oppose except for when there was a big sports event or something of the like.

As the sky grew darker, a dog entered the town on foot. She was a tall, slender Border Collie, wearing a plain black t-shirt and worn jeans. Her fur was mostly black, save her chin and chest down to her inner thighs, and the tip of her tail, which were all white. Over her shoulder, she wore a small satchel. Her overall appearance was rough; her pads were worn from walking, her fur was fairly dirty, and she wore a serious expression. Despite all of that, she was quite attractive. Most guys thought it was cute that her ears flopped over due to their own weight. But she was not one to be concerned with her appearance.
She continued walking as true darkness fell, finally passing by the buildings and houses that showed that she was getting close to the main part of town. As she walked, she kept glancing as a photograph of a handsome male Border Collie with a hyper-looking German Shepherd guy wrapping an arm around the Collie's neck and smiling at the camera with an expression of pure joy on his face, while the Collie wore an awkward smile. Almost every time she stole a glance towards it, she inhaled deeply and sighed. Before too long, she decided that it would be best for her to put the photo away.
She knew that she would find a hotel just off the main road, and that's exactly what she was looking for. It certainly wasn't hard to spot. She arrived at the hotel minutes after 9 PM, and promptly walked inside and towards the reception counter.