Okay, I've been working on a little cartoon for about two years now. It's drawn in pencil, not colored (except for a portion of one chapter). It's a simple comic about the lives of a red fox named Sorana and a yellow Lab named Jack. I'll admit, it's far from the greatest thing in the world, but it provides a fair bit of entertainment from what I've seen.

I've got the plans for the final two chapters, and am in the middle of the first of the two. I have a couple of questions, where I could use some suggestions.

First, how should I go about uploading this to the internet? Yes, I know that's a silly question, but consider that I don't currently own a computer. I can't very well take pictures on my phone and post them. That's only useful for the individual characters' pictures.

Second, where would be a good place to post this? Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.

If I think of any more questions, I'll post them. Or if you have any information I might find useful, please post it. If and when I get it up on the internet, I'll post a link to it.

Thank you!