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PostPosted: Mon Jul 18, 2011 12:47 pm
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 18, 2011 12:50 pm
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__where to: where do i go ?__♔ ♔ ♔
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_________________________I F__Y O U__N E V E R__T R Y ,__T H E N__Y O U ` L L__N E V E R__K N O W .
_________________________________I F__Y O U__N E V E R__T R Y ,__T H E N__Y O U ` L L__N E V E R__K N O W .

▪▪ ♚don't let: ◞your dreams( ★crash down` ____ )
( c ) the sweet far thing.
______________________________ *a strange battle through life !
` Edward Elric
I refuse do drink it.........


♚ characteristics
________That's personal
________Still personal keep asking and maybe you'll get a different answer

♚ seiyuu
________Nolan North

♚ life's sound track
________Iron // Woodkid
________My Hands // Leona Lewis
________Daia no Hana // Yoriko

User Image________
`want to know some more?

♚ Personality
________People may say that I act like a kid at heart but really maybe I can blame it all on people calling me the word of taboo, yes that's right short, shrimp, small-fry, etc. You get the point anyways more on the topic about me. People say I tend to be a bit impulsive when it comes to just about anything, I agree with this because I have lept into the jaws of death before without care just hope that doesn't get me killed cause so far it hasn't. If there's one thing I don't like it a sniviling cry baby I mean it's OK to cry soemtimes but not all the time which is why I'm also strong willed which comes with head strong.

People before have said that I should just give up, you know lie down and die, but for as long as I can remember I could never do that sort of thing. And in all that die hard attitude I've grown a sence of persistance to most things wheather they be personal or not. And if most people don't remember I have a huge temper so don't even get me started on that or I'll kick you a** with one hand behind my back and that arm will be my real one.
♚ Biography
________My life isn't all rainbows, butterflies, and fame or even infamy. I was born in Amestris with my just as important brother Alphonse Elric. It was never my mother that took care of me but my father was sort of estranged to both me and my brother. Our lives turned over when our mother Trisha Elric died of sickness. At the time me and my brother were reckless and trained in alchemy to an extent.

Out of love for our mother my brother and I decided to use our alchemy to bring her back to life. We thought that we had it down. We had all the components, the right kind of circle drawn down to the last detail. We thought that this would be just another trial and error experiment but we were right, we passed the trial and it was all error. I lost my arm in the process, my brother lost his material body, and we brought something into this world. In a last ditch attempt I had to save my brother so I gave up my arm to bind his body to a suit of armor.

After the incident with my brother saved me by bringing me to a group of family friends, the Rockbells. There I decided for myself to get my brother's body back no matter how hard I have to fight for it. So I endured the process of integrating auto mail onto my body and then decided to join the State Military to get my brother's body back. And so the name Fullmetal Alchemist was made.

♚ Extra
________Well I don't like milk, the cats Al always brings home, being called short, and this arm because it's still a pain in my a**. And uhm I guess that's about it

__________________▪▪ ♚ iSnakeeyes  


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PostPosted: Mon Jul 18, 2011 12:54 pm
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xx ❶ ❷ ❸xx» Desire
xxx.x ( CHILDISH && RUDE && TWISTED )xxx
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxFEMALExxxxxxNINETEENxxxxxx STRAIGHT

xxxxxxx HOMUNCULI x x waiting so long

xxxll Vintage Nerd ll

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__where to: where do i go ?__♔ ♔ ♔
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_________________________I F__Y O U__N E V E R__T R Y ,__T H E N__Y O U ` L L__N E V E R__K N O W .
_________________________________I F__Y O U__N E V E R__T R Y ,__T H E N__Y O U ` L L__N E V E R__K N O W .

▪▪ ♚don't let: ◞your dreams( ★crash down` ____ )
( c ) the sweet far thing.
______________________________ *a strange battle through life !
` Desire
"A woman can never be too pretty."


♚ characteristics
________Five Feet, Seven Inches
________120 Pounds, as she is very thin and lanky.

♚ seiyuu
________Kanon Wakeshima

♚ life's sound track
________Gollums Song // Emilíana Torrini
________Still Doll // Kannon Wakeshima
________Lalas Lullaby // D. Gray-Man Soundtrack

User Image________
`want to know some more?

♚ Personality
________Desire is cold, playful, and flirtatious, and with this, she is the woman every guy wants. Desire has no trouble getting guys to give into her every whim and loves to use that to her advantage. She is a controlling person and a seems to enjoy making people angry or aggressive, finding it amusing how easily upset people can get. Desire can be secretive and never really trusts in anyone. She doesn't even seem to be fully capable of trusting in herself. Desire has no full memory of her past, and even the parts she does remember she does not tell anyone about as she figures there is no need to know of a life that is not her own. She has a childish side however, and shows it on most occasions. Never having the ability to be a child, nonetheless have one, she often likes to toy with others and play rather dark games. Desire is considered to be just a bit twisted. Having to live an empty life could do that to a person. She is violent and has a destructive personality although she will rarely show it, due to the fact that it is unladylike and does not suit her beautiful appearance. Despite everything though, there is a part of Desire that is waiting to be freed. A part of her that is kind and caring, although its almost impossible to show. Almost.

♚ Biography
________In her past life, Desire was once known as Desiree Hall, a famous dancer and performer. She was a well accomplished woman and a woman of great beauty. It was this that led her to be quite popular among men and to become married at the age of only seventeen. is names was Charles Walker, an accomplished high-ranked military officer. He was a kindly man whom always came to all of her shows and at the end of each one he would always give her a bouquet of scarlet red roses. It was this quality in him that had led to her to fall in love with him and marry him without a second though. She was so young and so head over heels that she didnt waste time thinking of the consequences.

With her young age and popularity, Desiree was quite the idol among many great socialites of the Amestris government. Known for her fashion, beauty, and wonderful singing voice Desiree was also quite popular among men. She was also made famous for her elegant parties, of which only the most elite and powerful Amestrians were invited. She was very much in love, with both her husband and the sudden stage light put upon her. Though she had what appeared to be a wonderful marriage, it seemed that the amount of love seemed only upon her heart, for her husband seemed ignorant of any feelings of the sort. It seemed that she was his trophy and she had no choice to be as such, for when marrying Charles she left behind her dancing career as well as any family and friends she once had. Wealthy society was cold and cruel, and with her known debts she could not survive without her husbands money.

It was her husband's lack of affection though, that caused her to feel a growing loneliness. He was a harsh man, no longer the handsome boy whom had always greeted her at the end of her shows, with eyes bright and a charming smile. It was the loss of such a love that Desiree looked to others for affection, finding it a source of comfort and relief. But it was those flirtatious ways that had made Charles angry with her and in this anger that he had cut off all of her strings to the outside world. He alienated her from others, allowing no visitors to talk to her and ignoring all phone calls. Desiree, being the free spirit she is, couldn't accept being locked up. She was only capable of talking to the servants and even then it was hard to find those whom she could talk to, for they were either to scared to loose their job or were simply not interested in Desiree's talks of ballet or of singing.

In her solitude, Desiree spent her time alone in her room or in the Estate's lavish gardens. She would sing to herself or dance if only for an audience that wasn't there. During one of her afternoon's there, she met a gardener by the name of Sampson Riley. He was a gardener whom after an amount of time Desiree had grown close to. He was her only friend and during his work, he taught her things she had never known before, such as the names of specific plants and which ones could heal one's wombs or take the life of another. He was an intelligent man whom shared her interest of dancing and show business. Often she would sing to him as he was her only company and the bright light within her dim future. It was this fondness in each others company that had them falling for each other. They had an affair in secret, for if Charles were to find out who would know the terrible consequences. Afterwards, Desiree had gotten pregnant with Sampson's child, though she herself had not known such an important factor.

Unfortunately though, it was Charles whom had found out first. With her growing size and their lack of any physical contact, he had suspected her of an affair and whats more, a pregnancy of someone other than himself. He had began to go crazy with rage, for he would allow no other man to love her or touch her but him. He was a man filled with envy and pride, and it was this that drove him on a rampage. He destroyed everything he could grasp and as Desiree walked through the door he couldn't bear the thought of her within the arms of anyone but himself. He wanted the proof. If she really were pregnant than the child would not be his, but if he was wrong than there would be nothing to fear.

Her screams were unbearable to his ears, but he needed the proof. He needed her to be empty inside... Days later, officers found Desiree sprawled upon the floor, her belly cut open and her eyes dead open in terror. In the corner the found a crazed Charles, a bloody blade in hand and eyes in shock. Next to him lay a small burlap sack, drenched in blood. He kept rocking back and forth, muttering to himself darkly. "It was in there... but I got it out...it's gonna be now...okay..." He kept on repeating this, even after the officers had taken him away and put him into a hospital. He had gone crazy, and after a while, the world had soon forgotten him. As for Sampson, his grief had overcome him and he resorted to alchemy in order to restore the life of his now lost love. And so, after months and months of research, Sampson performed human transmutation- the ultimate taboo. In the process, he lost both his legs and what he had created had come back to haunt him. Desire was created, and along with her birth Sampson had died. He was found with a gun in his hand and a bullet wound in his head. A supposed "suicide" due to the guilt and grief of his affair with Desiree Hall.
After Sampson's death and her "rebirth", Desire went out on her own, joining a group of homunculi whom were determined to control Amestris and the fragile humans within it. Desire found humans to be weak and selfish beings, whom were capable of nothing but sustaining their own lives. She grew a hatred of humans and a love of toying with them. She now uses her newfound ability to manipulate such beings and has found her new meaning in this world- to control the humans and create a new world where they will pay for the sins they have created.

♚ Extra
________Desire has the ability to shift her physical form into any image she has in mind. She takes the form of a young girl most of the time and her true form is unknown to anyone but her and those who have dared to see it are already dead by then.

__________________▪▪ ♚ ll Vintage Nerd ll  
PostPosted: Mon Jul 18, 2011 12:56 pm
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__where to: where do i go ?__♔ ♔ ♔
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_________________________I F__Y O U__N E V E R__T R Y ,__T H E N__Y O U ` L L__N E V E R__K N O W .
_________________________________I F__Y O U__N E V E R__T R Y ,__T H E N__Y O U ` L L__N E V E R__K N O W .

▪▪ ♚don't let: ◞your dreams( ★crash down` ____ )
( c ) the sweet far thing.
______________________________ *a strange battle through life !
` Eden
"What did ya say? I tuned out a while ago."


♚ characteristics
________Five Feet, Four Inches
________130 Pounds and she's pretty thin. Hey, it's hard to steal a good meal every now and then.

♚ seiyuu
________Natsumi Kiyoura

♚ life's sound track
________Apple Biyori // Rocky Chack
________Tabi No Tochuu // Natsumi Kiyoura
________Perfect World // Rocky Chack

User Image________
`want to know some more?

♚ Personality
________Eden has a violent and sarcastic personality. She is sly and clever, always seeming to find a way out of tough situations or create a troublesome plan. Eden, after growing up in the slums, has a great ability at stealing and is not afraid to use it. She is flirtatious and untrusting, but has a kind and softer side beneath it all. Eden is protective, a habit caused by having so many siblings in the past. She hates showing her emotions easily, but always seems to let them out. It is a trait most people envy, but she dislikes most of all. She is a bit of a moocher and isn't afraid of being impolite or not using proper manners.

♚ Biography
________Eden once was a bright child. Her hair was once a light blonde and her eyes a beautiful gray. She grew up amongst a family of seven as the oldest of five children. Though her family grew up in poverty they were as close as any family could be. Eden's father worked as a officer in the military so he was rarely home and when he was, he was resting. This left Eden and her mother to do most of the work at home. Everything was so peaceful and happy, but it wasn't to last.

One day Eden's father was reported to have been killed in the line of action in the Ishval Civil War. After that, Eden's mother fell apart. She was in so much pain from the pain of her husbands death and the stress of having to fill the mouths of five children. She became so incapable of even moving, so Eden had to take over. She took care of every sibling, even of her mother who seemed to be so lifeless. Maybe it was the lonliness or the feeling of lifelessness that made Eden's mother set the house on fire one day, after Eden had gone out to get groceries with what was left of their money.

When Eden had returned to find her house on fire she had struggled to run inside and save her family, but the officers trying to take out the fire held her back. Eden was forced to stare on in disbelief as her family, the only things she had left, was turned to ashes. After her home burned down, Eden was forced onto the streets. Her only hope for food and clothes was to beg for them. One day while she was patrolling the streets for sources of food she was kidnapped. A couple of men blindfolded and tied her up in ropes, shoved her into car and drove off. She was taken off to Laboratory Five, and thats when the experiments began.

Eden was put in a cell, her only food was scraps and leftovers. During the mornings she rested, during the nighttime was when the real nightmares began. Soon enough, the experiments were over. Eden became a successful chimera, her DNA bonding perfectly with the animal genes. Her hair, once blonde, had changed to a reddish-brown and her eyes a crimson color. Her reflexes became considerably great, and her instincts became sharper. But not everything was successful. After what the experiments had done to cause an extreme change in Eden's body, her immunes system had become weak. She became sickly, getting high fevers and dangerous colds.

The experiments were not fully complete, was what she was told later on. She had to go through the pain once again, and her mental stability was beginning to weaken. But one day, after resting from yet another unsuccessful day of experimentation, Labratory Five was taken down. Being much quicker then most other Chimera's, Eden had made her escape soon enough. So more days of experimentation, no more days of being trapped, and no more days of suffering. Now she wanders from city to city, finding and stealing whatever she can get her hands on.

♚ Extra
________Eden is an advanced chimera, reaching a point where she is almost equal in both her human and animal traits, though she is still incomplete and because of this she is often in a weak state which causes her to get quite ill at times. Her animal form is an Eastern Wolf.

__________________▪▪ ♚ ll Vintage Nerd ll  


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Desirable Sex Symbol

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 18, 2011 3:16 pm
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__where to: where do i go ?__♔ ♔ ♔
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_________________________I F__Y O U__N E V E R__T R Y ,__T H E N__Y O U ` L L__N E V E R__K N O W .
_________________________________I F__Y O U__N E V E R__T R Y ,__T H E N__Y O U ` L L__N E V E R__K N O W .

▪▪ ♚don't let: ◞your dreams( ★crash down` ____ )
( c ) the sweet far thing.
______________________________ *a strange battle through life !
` Flynn Cogburne
I intend to kill ya in a minute!


♚ characteristics
________180 ilbs

♚ seiyuu
________Jeff Bridges

♚ life's sound track
________Cry for help // Shinedown
________Reckless Fire // s-CRY-ed
________What a Wonderful World // Louis Armstrong

User Image________
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♚ Personality
________Fylnn has a rough and tumble, get it done, ain't nothing to it attitude towards life. All things considered, he's the Redneck of State Alchemists. But don't let that fool you into thinking he's incompetent. underneath his rough exterior, Flynn is both kind and intelligent. He hates injustice, disloyalty, and utterly despises anyone who badmouths alchemy or alchemists. Flynn is a violent drunk. When in a snookered state, any little negativity can set him off, though luckily, it takes an almost unheard of amount of liquor to get him into any sort of altered state, and if he drinks much more than that, he falls into a stupor. Flynn became a state alchemist mainly because he had no other calling in life. After intense study, Flynn discovered he had a knack for it, but couldn't find a good profession for his talent besides being a dog of the military.
Flynn's entire family is grossly jovial. In fact, despite his great size, he's considered the runt of the family. Unlike him, his family is short, overweight, terrible cowards, and afraid to step out of the kitchen. That aside, they throw some of the best parties Amestria has seen. In the science world, they would considered Italian, though Flynn speaks in a rough southern dialect.

♚ Biography
________Flynn was born in Central. For most of his young life, he was normal, save for the fact that he was the leanest in a family of fatties. When he reached the age of five, his family started teaching him how to cook. As they say, science started in the kitchen. When Flynn found alchemy, he related it to the kitchen, which actually worked. Flynns first alchemic transmutations were in the kitchen. He made cakes and pies, pastas and salads. After learning what he could from cooking alchemy, he moved out to something that always interested him: combat alchemy. Flynn became well-known for his earth alchemy by the age of fifteen. Then he branched out to flame alchemy. It was a difficult journey to figure out fire alchemy. It required finding a proper transmutation circle, and understanding the composition of the air. Flynn figured it out after eight years, and after that, he decided that his best course of action would to be to join the military. He became known as the Scorched Earth Alchemist when he made a miniature volcano for his exam. Flynn's signature move became making lava, which really is just melted rock. It wasn't that difficult to make, but very difficult to control. Flynn managed it though. Currently, Flynn is helping with the restoration of Amestria in anyway he can. This is mainly bodygaurd and similar jobs, since his alchemy is mainly destructive.

♚ Extra
________Flynn is known as the Scorched Earth Alchemist because of his unique mixture of fire and earth alchemy. Flynn possesses a gun holster, but instead of a revolver, he carries a zippo lighter he made with alchemy. It usually has no fuel.

__________________▪▪ ♚ Baka-slash-chibi13  
PostPosted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 8:11 pm
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__where to: where do i go ?__♔ ♔ ♔
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_________________________I F__Y O U__N E V E R__T R Y ,__T H E N__Y O U ` L L__N E V E R__K N O W .
_________________________________I F__Y O U__N E V E R__T R Y ,__T H E N__Y O U ` L L__N E V E R__K N O W .

▪▪ ♚don't let: ◞your dreams( ★crash down` ____ )
( c ) the sweet far thing.
______________________________ *a strange battle through life !
` Insanity
Dont coe near me if you cant handle me!


♚ characteristics
________5 ft 4in

♚ seiyuu
________Marina Inoue

♚ life's sound track
________Energy // Marina Inoue
________Bewtiched // Blood On The Dance Floor
________Imanginary (NIGHTCORE) // Evanescence

User Image________
`want to know some more?

♚ Personality
________Insanity acts insane most of the time. When she doesnt act insane is is really curious and protective. She hates being around the Alchemists more then the other Homunculi. Insanityhas the tendency to find the sight of bood and pain hilarious. She always laughs and looks happy all the time. She is hardly seen not smiling.

Insanity acts the way she does because she was raised like it. When she saw someone die in front of her her mind just snapped and she went insane. She still acts like she did before her mind snapped but she hardly shows it. She does act childish sometimes but not all the time.

♚ Biography
________In her past life Insanity was called Irene Riddick. She was a really good artist. She was always getting paintings sold and having colleges want her in their school. Their wasnt much Irene could do since she was young. When Irene was little she hardly had time for friends bacause of her parents. She was always at how studying or learning edicate for future events. Irene was always told that if she had any social life she would be punished. She agreed out of fear. She was always afraid of her father.

When Irene was younger around 5, her fater would hit her because she had friends and always stayed at their houses after school instead of coming home. After the beatings, her mother would always take care of her and treat the marks she gotfrom her father. Irene always figured her father hit her ecause he hated her and never wanted he but her mothe will always say its not true and that she should never say that. Irene soon stopped talking about how she thinks herfather dilikes her any everything. When Irene turned 15 she witnessed someone get shot when she was walking home. She didnt know what happened but all she did was see all the blood and that there was some on her because she was too close. She hed her breath and ran home. Her father and mother both saw her enter th house but didnt say anything since she ran to her room to shower and change. She became mute for a week afterwards. She kept replaying the blood over and over in her head and soon she snapped and everything didnt make sense anymore.

Irene soon turned 19, she started dating and she was happy until her father found out when she had her boyfriend over. She tried to stop her father but it was too late, e killed her boyfriend. That was when Irene when crazy. She took the weapon from her father and killed him with it. A couple minutes later she wa shocked and started freaking out. Herm other wasnt home and Irene ddnt want to g to jail so she placed her fathers body in the living room and went up to her room. She had the gunher father used on her boyfriend and shot herself landing next to her boyfried dead.

The next time Irene woke up, she was told her new name was Insanity and no longer human. She didnt beieve it until she ookedin the mirror and saw how different she looked. Her eyes were a purple cat eye and her hair was black now. She gasped and tried to figure out what was gong on but she couldnt everything was jumbled up and she couldnt remember what happened earlier. She soon started to listen to the person who called her Insanity and figured out she was a homunculi and that she doesnt have a past anymore and that she should only liten to what she was told. She nodded feeling safe kind of. Later on she was more then eager to be a homunculi. She liked her power and fixing the sins all the humans had... or so she thought. She figured out exactly whyshewas Insanity because whe she killed she started laughing like no tomorrow and loving the sight of the blood shed.

♚ Extra
________Insanity's power is to make things burn. She always likes to make people who have treated her wrong burn till they bled. She always fond their screas funny. Insanity has her hobby of drawing. She stil loves to draw no matter what even if she is on a assaignment.

__________________▪▪ ♚ Bravery-Homunculus  


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