since this deserves its own thread.

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''Oh wise and powerful Beth, you are going to be doing alot of reading."

Absolute Divination

YOUR RANK: Jounin (S-Rank in a few days)


WHERE WAS IT FOUND/WHO MADE IT?: After coming to COMPLETE terms and mastery with his angel, he began to understand the true logic behind the entire layout of angels and demons. Using this knowledge, and his knowledge of weapons, he spent many a year crafting the ultimate concentrator for his angel's power.

WIELDER'S CLASS: Weaponmaster

RANGE OF WEAPON: As far as his angel's techniques reach.

WEAKNESSES: Kleine may ONLY use his angel in this state. No using ANYTHING but blood manipulation. Sure, he can do taijutsu, but no styles. This shuts off everything but blood ninjutsu. As well as this, it may only be used for ten posts before it is canceled and Kleine is sent into a temporary weak-state. Each post costs 15 chakra, though there are no techniques (it is purely manipulation of the blood. This style depends on skill and precision rather than pure damage), the cost is simply to maintain the form.

DESCRIPTION: In many religions, many legends and the things that follow, it is said that man is made from mud, and built in the image of their god. This is the founding basis of Kleine's life-long project, Absolute Divination. To ascend; to reach deification. The shape is nothing but the blank form of a man, nude and without individuality. The skin bearing no difference to the color of blood -- this form completely signifies all that the Blood God is. The only thing that can be seen different from the shape of a man is the jewel, holding itself below the collarbone as it radiates energy throughout the form. The jewel represents the world -- constantly feeding its residents the energy they require to go on in life, the body representing humanity as a whole. But what is above the world? Above humanity? Higher in stature and importance stands a god. An absolute, divine being. However, the shape is not all emptiness. From the origin of the palms, a black five-pointed star is shown. On the very forehead lies an emanating light, shaped hexagonally, which is also for a purpose. The back holds six holes, showing the fact that there is completely blackness within the deity's form. These, however, have a purpose, as will be described.

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The first step in the process of divinity is to create. Whether it be humanity, or servants of your own, perhaps even creation of your own kingdom, living alone within the universe is unbearable, even for the creator of it. This stage focuses on shaping blood into living beings or even objects. The hexagon in the center of the forehead will show its use -- it will be able to process millions of different things at once, all six points representing one thing.







This is indeed the only way to cut off any of these from the user. By striking any of the points on the forehead individually, you will perhaps be able to shut them down one-by-one. However, shutting down one vital one does not mean the user will completely fall into a dumb state. For example, if one were to shut down the first point, view of the world around them, the fifth point, reaction and precision would still grant the ability to evade attacks. However, shutting down both of them would completely destroy all focus and vision. Another combination is self awareness + speech and emotion. Shutting down self awareness would simply make them unsure if the world was an illusion or dream, though they would still talk and perhaps even feel fear. On the opposite side, shutting down speech and emotion would make their minds blank, but they would understand that they are a living creature. Control of the body and manipulation of blood are also a combination; they're your combat points.

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This is where the use for the Divination's original arms comes in. The stars will begin to glow a bright red hue, at all times, even when manipulating nothing. They will then grow jewels of their own, much like the primary (except smaller), but on their shoulders. These will be the only instruments capable of using jutsu. However, they may ONLY use the nine-winged angel techniques, nothing else. They can use all of the skills, but of course, they still cost chakra. Not only that, but the jewels in these arms carefully measure chakra and its flow, assisting in detecting any genjutsu that may occur. Finally, these arms are capable of shutting down the Divine state and returning Kleine to his human form.

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This stage represents the fact that a god must rule with a firm hand, forcing their subjects into submission before they destroy the kingdom given to them. As time passes, discipline will become more and more frequent, and only will it lead people to rebel.
Although late, this is the first time the holes in the back of the wielder's body show their use. Six arms -- much like the hexagon on the wielder's forehead sprout from their back, similar in composition to the body of the deity itself. These focus on taijutsu, making sure close-combat enemies cannot gain the edge without struggle. Not only that, but each has a purpose. Each arm has a name, and they all show their usefulness in one way or another.

ARM ONE AND TWO (BEHOLDERS): These arms are the first set, above all of the rest, and twice as long as the other arms. Five meters in length, they focus entirely on leaping from object-to-object, or helping evade physical attacks. This is to set an example for the rest, ALL arms focus on the physical aspect of the Divination. They also focus on immobilization, a palm strike from a beholder will send a shocking stun tremoring throughout your body.

ARM THREE AND FOUR (GATEKEEPERS): These arms are primarily used for taijutsu. Extremely strong and durable, they wield the power to easily rip humans limb-from-limb. Capable of smashing through steel within a few blows, they are the ultimate pillar of physical strength within the Divination. They are in the center of the six arms -- the middle set. They focus mainly on destroying enemy defenses, not really on causing the most harm.

ARM FIVE AND SIX (HARBINGERS): The final set, the lowest one, will rarely ever be used. When and if one-through-four manage to immobilize the enemy and destroy their defenses, the harbingers will step in. They are the quickest arms, moving only as a blur. You could even say it is one of the fastest strikes in the world. They're surprisingly bladed despite their blunt shape, almost as deadly as a diamond blade. When you're vulnerable, they'll immediately calculate and precisely strike where they know will be fatal. Because of these, along with the arms above them, it is extremely dangerous to come in close-contact with the Divination.

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This stage is the only stage where the Absolute Deity jewel is directly involved. If any vital points are to be shut down, it will give self-awareness and complex thoughts to EVERY individual area, from the head to the toes. They will all work in collaboration to defeat their oppressor, though they will be substantially less coordinated than when they are one separate being. They will also begin to assume different roles, the arms on his back will instead become almost ENTIRELY defensive, as well as his original arms, the hexagon on his forehead retaining to be one of his only offensive measures left. Finally, the jewel will hand over control to Bishamonten so that, even if the hexagon is disabled, blood manipulation will be possible, but only to the equivalent of his third-stage form, which this form arguably surpasses. Basically, it will become Kleine except weaker for the fact that its manipulation of blood will not be that great, it still won't be able to use any other ninjutsu, nor will it be capable of using weapons. This is a last-resort state, and it is usually spent getting the body to safety.

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At the very end, if the jewel imbued within him has been destroyed, Kleine will shut off his soul from his body. The soul will soon gather all of the energy it can, from the world around him, from inferior life, from the air and the sky -- and it will imbue itself into the ground. Blood will begin to pour out from the earth, before, within only moments from the beginning of that stage, an ever-extending blade will reach from the ground and attempt to strike the enemy through the heart. If it touches the enemy, it will use whatever power their soul has left, and feed upon it, reviving Kleine from his would-be imminent death.


I really don't want to, I'd prefer to not have a preset way to RP this, or any prior experiences, I don't want it to become less cool before I even use it. You should know how it's gonna be played; it's kinda hard to understand and oddly structured, but simply by reading it (and knowing how I play) it should be understandable.
[NOTE: The Divination is literally the soul of the nine-winged angel, untouched by selfish or evil desires, completely neutral, as it meets a complete balance.]

(Btw, don't ask about the pic, there's a reason for it; but you'd know that by now. ; p

ALSO BTW: There are no requirements for the states, they're just to organize and show which parts the Divination developed first. However, it's also, as you can tell by the stage names, the cycle of a god's life, from creation to destruction.

NOTE: VERY iffy about the fifth stage, I know it's "wtf" but it probably won't kill anybody. Lol
Plus, I'd have hope in surviving until the end, I don't think I'd give up my life so easily.

NOTES: Kleine DOES die if he uses the final stage (unless it succeeds, though it's extremely hard to hit and will probably miss even against a genin...). As people develop things that strengthen them, make them grow, they also develop things that harm them. This is far past harm; it kills him.

I can't use taijutsu styles... don't get me wrong on that... my only taijutsu is the arms on my back... and of course... his natural body.

I have to say this twice since some people speak before they read... *points at Muffin* I can only use blood element during this stage... nothing else...

Physical contact with Divination's extra arms cannot be used to chain techniques like rewire/sigh of the yellow dragon/etc

Any creatures created are mindless and wild. Only animals can be made, and I cannot make things like
Just small-time things.)

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XXXXXXXXXXX c r e a t i o n X|X s a l v a t i o nXX|XXd i s c i p l i n e X|X r e b e l l i o nXX|XXj u d g m e n t