I know I'm not crew, or anything like that, and well, I haven't been active lately. But thats because of reality. ^^ but anyway, I was thinking, after reading through the topic 'seriously guys' about the recent inactivity, what a lot of people have as complaints are mostly to do with role playing, lack of originality, ect ect. and then the other side of the coin. Need of a chatter box, or something to just have little chat's Yaoi or not Yaoi related. So i thought, maybe it would be wise for the leader off this guild to consider creating two new forum's ((or topics, I can never remember what its called)). I don't mind personally donating if there isn't enough funds or something for it because I think it would make this a more active guild. One for a chatter box, where you can just talk about anything, or ask random questions, or do random fun word games just for the hell of it ^^, and another for role play ideas, tips, advise, and questions. just a thought ^^''