As a calf, Carl grew up as a happy young elk wondering the forests of Gaia. The grass was green, the flowers were fragrant, and the sun was always shining. As he grew older and the hunters began to appear, Carl wondered from his family ever deeper into the forests. He would discover a whole new world, a dark world. Though it was safe from man, the lands were heavy with magic and predatory creatures. Carl would have to learn to defend himself. This was not a difficult task because he apparently had a latent thirst for blood.

The longer Carl stayed in these forests, the more independent be became. He also undertook physical changes. His musk became stronger to ward off smaller animals. His eyes gained the eerie glow of a predator prying for the kill. He grew in size to be one of the largest elks any of us has ever seen.

On an average day, Carl was roaming through the magical forest looking for his next meal when he happened upon a dumpster. This dumpster did not look any different from any other dumpster, not that Carl had ever seen one before this time. However, it inside it held a man. Old Pete to be exact. Carl was tempted to eat this man but found him to be unappealing and unappetizing.

Old Pete and Carl became fast pals and it was Pete who would lead Carl to the little shack he had discovered on his journey to find the Dumpster of the Universe. Inside were boxes of items, racks, a counter. Soon the two realized this was a store rather than a shack.

Old Pete helped Carl to set up Junk in the Trunk before deciding that it was best he resume his quest once more. His spirituality was more important than money or a cozy little shop to call home. The shop still opened, however, and this is how Carl came to own Junk in the Trunk and gain swarms of adoring fans.