her natural art becomes Mozart,
words become a dart,
Aimed at my heart
Ready to tear me apart

If only, she wouldnt go
if only, she woulda known
If only, Nothing!!! that happened a long time ago.

Flare Time to move on,your thinking is Slow
Shes gone lets get the show on the road
Step up play your role
Or Mess up at the price of you'r goal

Who needs her when your gunna be something far greater
every hater shall be hit and even form a crater.

Your becoming pitiful Gain Control
If you're not careful, Youll turn Cloistral

If not you for your friends
They'res no depends
One mistake it ends
from the days you ascend

Stop walking so fast
You forgot you're present and passed (past)
Dissappeared like an outcast
were tyna find where you were at
locating where you were last.

Well are you going to answer us?
We are all anxious

Is love so dangerous?
Your find yourself at risk

Pull yourself together
you gotta counter

Ill be quick to find a cure
Your heartsick for sure

But My conscious is unaware
if Im still even they're

Ive gone to places I dont even know
following the indirectional arrow
Only to be shot down by sorrow
so much heartache for one to swallow
Bit more than I can chew on the super-size level

I try to find myself but lately ive been so Low (solo)...
