-be respectful to other people.
-do not criticize other people's work. its very rude.
- if you absolutely HAVE to criticize, keep it to yourself.
- for the love of god, do not steal other people's work!
- if the person writing asks you not to post, dont post.
- i reserve the right to do anything i want with the rules.
- that means adding, removing, and editing.
- do not do anything stupid.
- you can have as may stories as you wish
- the stories can be anything you want
- please dont add to your story a one liner.
- you can have multiple stories at once.
- you can kill who ever you want
- you ((im gonna regret this)) can bring back someone who died
- dont post anything too confusing or boring.
- nothing too graphic
- then again.... lol no no! jk XD DO NOT get too graphic! if you can paint a perfect picture with words, thats a god-given talent. do not use if for evil.
- if the clothes come off, its probably breaking tos
- and you shouldnt be typing it.
- unless those clothes are being ripped off in a completely manly fighting scene between two masculine straight guys.
- i can add/remove any rules i want. ((as stated earlier))
- if you dont like, you dont have to stay.
- you can post for fun if you wish
- or just read for fun
- what would a story be without a plot twist?
- if you have a question about your next post in your story, first of all its prolly breaking tos and you should be posting it anyways. second, pm me and i'll tell you if its ok.
- dont argue with people.
- dont have poor spelling and grammar >.> it makes you look stupid.
-((please keep out of play things in double parenthesis))
-"dialogue is in quotations."
-thoughts are in italics.....
-stressing a word or phrase is underlined.
-quiet talking and whispers should be in this small size! (but not super small.... thats impossible to read)
- please post at least 2 a week! (:
- if someone is being annoying, tell me before you take things into your own hands >.>
-dont be stupid
-dont argue with me
-i reserve the right to delete anyone's post or an entire topic if i so choose.