Warcraft Chronicles
Are now recruiting!

We are focused highly on Heavy-Roleplaying based Server, and we are currently looking for staff members who'd be interested in being part of our team!

The Server is hosted by Vodka-WoW Server, and it will have separate realm specifically for Roleplaying!

The server uses 3.3.5a Trinity Core and we'll base the plot and story from the Vanilla WoW content timeline. We'll work our way through the time, and our goal is to change game environments to change too due to the plot progression within the lores and characters.

The Site is Up and Running!


We are highly looking for:
-Programmers (1/2)
-Designers (Model/Map/Race/Weapon) (0/2)
-In-Game Storytelling Game Masters (0/3)
-Forum Moderators (0/2)

-You must be 16+ or Higher
-Whatever you are applying to, must have an application/interviewed by me in a professional manner
-You must require a passion for roleplaying in the server

We are also accepting applications/interviews for Game Masters, however, we will not be accepting application/interviews right away until we have the developers, programmers and designers settled.

Any questions? Please contact:
AIM: Aldotsk
Skype: Aldotsk
MSN: aldotsks(at)hotmail.com