no not forcing anyone to play for my own personal gain.

its not half bad, only 2 different civilizations to pick from for now, 2 more are planned for the end of this year,

so by the end of the year we'll have:


now its free for just anyone to play, but it IS limited, but by the time you reach that point you might think you want full features.

well fair warning.
its 20$ for each individual civilizations premium pack
8$ for missions packs (or boosters they call em.)

and its 40$ for everything in a bundle purchase right now.

now with 2 more civs on the way, this is gonna total to something like 100$ for everything they release being bought individual, i'd estimate somewhere between 60-80$ for everything in a big bundle this holiday.

so not gonna lie, spendy game in the end if you want everything.

but as far as age of empires goes, this one is pretty solid imo.

if you want to try it, you can find me on the alexandria server playin the greeks.

i wanna be celts tho...