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Among some of the most beautiful and oldest trees, deep in the heart of Allden, is a place full of magic and romance. However, don't mistake that for peace. This place is full of danger and of death. As its residents know...all to well.

The fairies of Allden are the food for the creatures that lurk in the night. Some of these creatures are large and dangerous, others small and only slightly a threat.To protect them, guardians were created. The guardians, though always male, have the ability to fight off the creatures that would turn the fairies into dinner. The guardians are gifted with weapons made by the fairies themselves. While the guardians, nor the weapons have magical abilities, the weapons and the guardians are very strong and not something to be messed with.

These fairies, however, are not completely helpless. They are not like the ones who hear about it fairy tales. They are the size of a moral human...except with wings. These women will not stand by and let something eat them. They will fight, and with power at their fingertips, who knows what could happen?

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