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F u l l N a m e: Wrequeus Arielle Tybalt

P r o n o u n c e d: (RECK-us R-E-L tib-BALT)

N a m e B a c k g r o u n d: 'Wrequeus' is the first name that was made up from scratch by his mother during his birth, no one in the country knows Tybalt's first name besides one person (His Caretaker) His first name is a key/passwords to futuristics; 'Arielle' was his mother's name-- high class tradition is stated that the child born takes the mother's first name as a middle name as respect to show to the mother; 'Tybalt' is his surname which has been continueous in the high class society.

A g e: Thirty-two (Age may be changed on request.)

H e i g h t: Stands at 6 foot 4 inches.

R a c e: Human. (Race may be changed on request.)

T i t l e: In the beginning he was pledged with 'Sir' as his royal title, but was later titled 'Lord' after he married his first wife; Lady Rahchelle (whom deceased). He still accepts 'Sir' as a title though.

P e r s o n a l i t y & B i o g r a p h y: Tybalt is a businessman of a tech company in search for furturistics, where money is the forever axis that his world tilts on and negotiations helps spins it. He has a high sense of greed and sexuality,Tybalt has a sweet ability to lure women of all kind into his playful den and bring them high to his sexual level. He controls a suave, mysterous persona and dominates everything he can. He has an intelligent thought process that gets him what he wants in the most slick ways. He is a cunning man with goals in his life and business that he puts in plan.

S e x u a l i t y: - - - - Not processed. (Secretly Gay; Seme.)

Please PM me if you are interested.