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Heed the Glowing Call

As night fell in the swamp, His Eyes opened for the first time and beheld the wonder that was night fall. Cicadas sung their song in the silence of night, breaking the darkness with the pleasant melodies. His first steps into the Swamp's muck was awkward; he tumbled and fell, face first into the muck. As he pulled himself from the mud, He looked around, walking with surer steps of a kimeti growing into his own hoofs.

As He ventured forth, following the lullaby of the Cicada as the endless night dragged on, His eyes beheld something he had never seen before. First, there was only one; a pinprick of light, so tiny that He wondered if his eyes were playing a trick on him. And then, slowly, more and more of the floating lights revealed themselves. Fireflies. They surrounded him, basking Him in their warm glow. Beckoning him to follow as the swarm moved onward, so he did. He trailed after the swarm, and as they moved faster, so did He.

Soon, he was flying through the swamp, tripping over roots that rose beneath his hooves and stumbling to keep pace with the swarm. They were racing, chasing one another. One moment, He was trailing behind, and then the next he had to spin around to catch their sudden change in direction. Elation was plain in his face; his heart pounded with the excitement of this game of hide-and-chase.

And then, as suddenly as the game had begun, it ended. He ran after the Swarm, following them as the ground suddenly dropped below him. The last thing He saw as he fell was the twinkling of the Fireflies mingling with the stars of the open sky. And as he continued to stare, as his vision blurred and blackened at the edges, he could not tell which were stars, and which were fireflies.