This forum is not about your absences but rather about how active you will be. For example, if you are generally inactive on weekends or if there are certain times you can/cannot be on than state that here. Any and all instructions reading your characters or means of contacting you can be placed here as well.

Best Regards,

~Your Moderators


[b]My Activity:[/b] (Any reasons or general definitions can be placed here. This is where you tell when you will and will not be on and if you choose to, why.

[b[Character Instructions:[/b] (This is where you tell us what to do with your characters when you are not available. You should also state who, if anybody, has the right to control your character and what their requirements/limitations are.)

[u]Character #1:[/u]

[u]Character #2[/u]

[b]Contacting Me:[/b] (How can we contact you if we need to for any reason? This can be done on both on Gaia and off Gaia media)
