Heaven and Hell never imagined a worse sight than the world of man.
A world bloodied by war between races, survivors falling to the disease-ridden remains of their homes, and lack of faith in the gods becoming necessity simply to survive as a mortal.
Human, immortals, beasts…no creature stands idly if they want to live. The races have separated and separated again. And again. And again. The gods used to watch the world for the anticipation of watching their creations evolve. Now, the human defends against all who are different from themselves. Vampires enslave any creature with a heartbeat for sustenance. Werewolves simply allow their natural instinct to overpower their humanity. To each their own…each takes to their own life and remains living for themselves alone.
Vicis Custodis, also known as the Time Keeper, is a god even among gods. The only entity to stand outside the boundaries of existence itself. Ever the brash decision maker and trickster, Vicis has decided the ravaged world should no longer exist. These savages no longer deserve to live…
While Vicis' celestial peers argue amongst themselves whether to prevent or allow this global genocide to proceed, Matris Vita, literally the Mother Life, warns the unknowing races of the undetermined day of reckoning. Vicis Custodis, in attempts to fulfill this mass murder, escaped the eyes of the gods to the apocalyptic-bound world. His whereabouts are yet to be discovered. But as any god knows...the longer a deity remains among mortals, the higher the risk of death. Outside the barriers of the heavens, gods lose their gift of invincibility. Fortunately, all else remains the same...and for the master of time, there is very little Vicis can't manipulate. Body, memories, talent...all can be rewound or sped up.
How many will heed Matris Vita's signs? When will the world end? Who will pursue across the troubled lands to nations unwilling to trust one another in attempts to find Vicis Custodis? What being among the doomed planet will have the strength to stop a god?
1.) Standard ToS -- know and respect them.
2.) Romance is encouraged but keep it PG-13.
3.) Profanity and violence is ok but like romance, keep it PG-13.
4.) PM profile.
5.) PM profile with a heart so I know you read them...
6.) Please be as active as you can. Real life isn't going to bend to Gaia so I understand not being able to get on all the time.
7.) Do not god-mode or kill off other characters without consent. No one person can have control over a scene.
8.) Respect each other, we're aiming for a good time here.
9.) If there's a plot twist you'd like to include, let me know! I love new ideas. ^_~
10.) Prior relationships or knowledge of other characters is always helpful to advancing the story but not required.
11.) A few things about standard species: Vampires CAN walk in sunlight unscathed. Werewolves can transform anytime. Elves are immortal against natural death but not injury or murder. Any questions about other species, just ask.