Character Name: Sain Meryn

Age: 25 Will often look younger or older depending on how he utilizes his magics.

Physical appearance:

Personality: As a mystical mercenary, he understands the power of perception in all things. If people believe they are cursed, then they are cursed. Sain is a bit of a smooth talker, subtle threats mixed in with incredible claims to ensnare and bewilder buyers. He is not unwilling to take advantage of people, and in some cases flat out take what he needs. Sain loves nothing so much as to go toe to toe with a hated opponent, and generally will kill even helpless individuals if he can benefit from it. He has a strange obsession with retribution, and will go out of his way for vengeance.

Occupation: Witch. He generally sells his mystical services for a profit.

Biography: (describe your past and NO forgetting about who you are. If you did, then explain what happened that made you forget your past)

Weapons: (for each weapon fill out the form)

Name of weapon: 6 Flanged Mace
Number of Points: 0
Weapon Skill: None
Description: A non-magical flanged mace, about 2 1/2 feet. Good at piercing armor. It has a grip and is of a dull iron.

Talent(s)/Ability(s): (fill out this form for each new ability)

Name of ability: Hex
Amount of points: 25
Description of ability: Through these curses, others are bound and harmed.
5 points- Can give another nightmares through ritual and an object owned by the victim.
10 points- Can make another less lucky through ritual.
20 points- Can give another the 'Evil Eye' with intense gaze, markedly weakening an individual. Effect increases with more points. Can only effect one person.
30 points- Can make a doll, tied to an individual. This takes a tiring ritual and a belonging of the individual sacrificed to flame.
40 points- Can harm the doll to curse the individual it is tied to, giving an intense decrease in healthfulness.
50 points- Can harm the doll to directly harm the individual it is tied to. The individual must be able to see the doll for this effect to occur. For example, if Sain sticks a needle into the doll, the target will feel a sudden intense pain in the same location
60 points- Can curse an area, bringing markedly decreased ability to any not marked by the caster.
75- The curse of the area can also begin to effect the land itself, hurting crops, weakening structures, and bringing increased rates of illness.
85- Can use the doll to temporarily influence the actions of an individual.
100- Can wreak terrible harm on another's body, at best causing them to swing clumsily and stumble about, at worst causing another's heart to simply stop. Through ritual, the effects are more magnified, through combat they are more precise if weaker.

Name of ability: Enhancement
Amount of points: 15
Description of ability: Increases the physical powers of individuals and items.
5 points - Generally increases the resilience of the self through the application a various ritual paints and symbols. Increases with points added.
10 points- Increases the strength of the body through various ritual paints and symbols. With points added, the effect increases.
15 points- Greatly increases the natural agility of the self through the use of various ritual paints and symbols.
25 points- Can greatly increase the protection offered by any armor, relative to the amount of protection it already offers. Requires a lengthy spell.
40 points- Can greatly increase the amount of power a weapon has when it strikes something. Requires a lengthy spell.
50 points- Can aid others with his abilities.
60 points- Can increase perceptions through careful ritual.
75 points- Can invoke the previous abilities without any ritual, in a weakened form.
100 points- The self becomes nothing more than a juggernaut, tearing through scores. This can only be done with intensive preparations that can last many weeks.

Name of ability: Blood
Amount of points: 10
Description of ability: Uses blood to influence the world. Hurt the self to hurt others, feed from the weak and grow ever stronger.
5 points- Can derive from fresh blood magical energies.
10 points- Can derive from flowing blood new vigor, and minor healing. The effect increases with points added.
15 points- When undergoing a ritual, bloodletting will increase the effect, relative to the amount of blood.
20 points- A sacrifice may be used to cast the most powerful of rituals.
30 points- Cuts appear on the body of the caster, greatly boosting the effects of any active abilities. This can not be done very often for fear of hurting the self.
40 points- Cuts appear on an another's body, increasing the effects of any enhancements or hexes greatly. This bleeding is usually superficial, though is fairly painful
45 points- Blood may be used in sparingly alongside ritual paint to increase effects.
60 points- Can use open wounds to slowly drain the life from another.
75 points- Can use own blood to heal another.
100 points- All blood nearby can be used to empower abilities, though the blood will disappear in the process.

Elemental magic:

Fire: 0 points
Water: 0 points
Wind: 0 points
Lightning: 0 points
Earth: 0 points
Dark: 0 points

Name of custom element: (name your element)
Number of points: (how many points?)
Description of element: (what does it do? why does it not fit in with the basic elements?)

Signature Attacks: (Signature moves are attacks that you have created during your fighting. In order to have one, you must have it approved in the profile update thread. These do not take points, yet use the points you have already placed. )
Name of Attack: (a long name or just a basic name, you do not have to have an incantation to use your attacks yet it helps for description.)
Number of points: (How many points equivalent for each of your skills used in this. Ex: 5 water 5 wind can be combined for an attack called snowball. These do not take extra points, but explain the amount of points you already have. You can a very small amount of the points you have on an element, to explain it is a weaker attack. Or extremely powerful.)
Description of Attack: (what does it do exactly? Does it have any special effects?)

Combination attacks: (Any attacks in which you combine your signature attack with another person’s signature attacks should be placed here, fill out the same form as above, yet place the name of the person who you are making the attack with)

(If a beast has been purchased, then it will be added right here. You may purchase one in the shop for 100 points)

(If a transformation has been purchased, then it will be added here. This may be purchased from the shop for 100 points)