Im 13, I have study a little bit about some wicca. I have studied in many subjects on this, but some seem like a blur. I want to know a lot about the craft. I want to know elemental magick... for starters, when it comes to the earth. I also wouldn't mind trying to learn the basics to start Hydrokinesis. I know this isn't like what hollywood shows it to be. Im not the person who is like "OH!, ... I want to be a vampire because they suck blood, and sparkle" -___- Like yeah, sucking blood is kinda cool ... but no -___- it dont work like that. I also really want to learn about talismens, and charming something. I really am interested in that. I am also interested in voodoo, I would like to learn the basics of it. I studied myself on ghosts... I know little about them, but they still very intrigue me. None of my friends are like me so its kinda hard to ask for some help, once in a while. Especially when you almost get yourself killed, and you get hurt. -__- But I also want to learn how to make a servant, I understand the basics of that too. I also recall reading, that some people have the ability to change the color of things, like their eyes, or a shirt for example, I would love to know if this is true of not. I also want to know about a ton of other things too. If your interested in helping me I would love if you could please fill out a form for me, .. so I can know what you have to offer...

Username -
Real Name-
Age (Dont have to fill in, I just like to know.) -
What you know (Please list everything.. I didnt put everything I wanted to learn down here) -
How much free time do you have a week -

I would love to at least get one person to reply to this about that. I would seriously be VERY happy.