Character Name: Lethe

Age: unknown
Physical appearance: A small spirit, without a physical form. It was given shape by a gift from Ruo Salem, and had a certain insight about the world. With very little size, it looks like a black ball, with white eyes. It has no features, and without a mouth, its voice echoes.
When in its Physical form, which is very difficult to maintain, he has pure black skin, with medium length white hair. His eyes remain the same yet small black horns match his darkened skin and have a very sharp edge, which are not used for combat. He also has six foot wing span Black bones out of his back, and are not used for flight, but instead for combat. A halo has essence as his spirit form, which seems to be what he was before. Wearing Japanese style bottoms, and an opened up robe, the creature looks to be regal.

Personality: Sinister, and proud. The creature is very cunning, and very manipulative.

Occupation: Mischief Maker

Biography: Born from a confused forest, he was only a few hours old when the events of his life took place.


Name of weapon: Acheron
Number of Points: Anywhere from 1-250
element: N/A
Weapon Skill: Extreme power. This weapon can stop almost any power attack, and can kill a genesis with “a single flick of a wrist.” Its true powers are near unknown.
Description: A long katana, with silver blade, and pure black hilt.


Name of ability: Cocytus
Amount of points: 100
Description of ability: This ability is passive, and when someone comes close to Lethe, they feel an undeniable sense of sadness, and of uncontrollable grief. They experience living nightmares that can cause severe mental distress. Those with the gift of Phlegethon are immune.

Name of ability: The Gift of Phlegethon
Amount of points:
Description of ability: This is an ability that can be given to those only by Lethe. It gives the user his gift. The gift grants the user extreme strength speed and power should they activate it. Each time they do without his consent they must “owe him one favor.” When he does consent, it can give them access to powers they don’t normally have and gives a boost of +50 points to each stat during its use. The gift cannot be used any longer than 10 posts in a row, without them losing their souls to the fire. When activated, a monochrome flame surrounds them.

Elemental magic: Unable to use any element besides his own.
Name of custom element: Styx
Number of points: 250
Description of element: It gives hate. It causes them to doubt the resolve they have, and fight those close to them. This element can send forward as an attack, but is always characterized as a screaming face in the energy that expels from him.