Alright everyone, welcome to the newest feature addition of NUR known as Service Lockers. This space is provided for you, the users, as a safe and secure place for you to store important posts, profiles, and ideas for easy access. Before you set up your locker there are a few things that you should know about these service lockers...

1) Each Gaian may have ONLY ONE locker within the service locker facility. (Even if you have more than one RPC)

2) Any locker that does not contain the membership code (fully filled out) will be red flagged, and if not corrected will be deleted.

3) A locker that has been abandoned for approximately 4 months, unless placed on hiatus hold, will be moved to the recycling bin.

4) All lockers are to be considered a normal post, unless given permission by the crew.

5) These lockers are meant to be a personal work space, and should be respected by other members. You should not post within another persons thread unless given written permission.

6) The crew reserves the right to delete, or remove offensive posts within threads involving racist, cybering, or illegal actions.

7) The Service Locker Application card is required within the first opening post of your locker. This acts as a name tag so that it is easier to find.

8.) The title of your locker's thread need to be "(Your Gaian Name)'s Locker." Anything less will be considered a joke, and removed.

[align=center][size=18][u]Service Locker Application[/u][/size]

[u]Locker #:[/u] (4-digit number)

[u]Gaian Name:[/u] (Your Gaian Name)

[u]Guild Status:[/u] (Member, Crew, VC, Captain)

[u]Written Permission:[/u] (People you allow to post inside your locker)


NOTE: No acceptance process is needed for a service locker. As long as you follow the rules their will be no crew intervention.