Toxic Pepper
I've heard this many times before. Happens all the time in my school. I think you should go out with whichever one you like more. It's never a good idea to say yes to someone because you feel sorry for them, because then they get a false sense of hope. If you like W for other reasons rather than pity and sweetness, than stay with him, but if the issue is who you should date, I think you should date K, because if you really did like W, then this whole problem wouldn't have happened.

Of course, I have no idea who they are or what they are like, and this is just me quickly picking your brain for information (does that sound gross?). For all I know, the three of you could be aliens for a planet similar to ours, and you have twelve hundred fingers, each representing a different aura of feeling you can experience, which light up when you dance merrily, or darken if you, oh, I don't know, fall down a well... not that I want that to happen, even to a twelve-hundred fingered alien person... so.... yeah....

P.S. How many fingers do you really have?

how did you come up with that!? XD

Well, it is The Random Guild.

lrol, true.We have to expect the unexpected.

Eh, it's what I do.

btw, Iliaddict, I'm glad you got it all worked out. I think you made the right decision. I would give you a hug, but my commander has not yet authorized interplanetary computer hugs for me. He told me it was because the last inter planetary hug we had was.... well.... messy.... if you know what I mean. Some guy once hugged one of the people from the Planet of Scissory, and one thing led to another and BAM! interplanetary lawsuit. Do you know how much PAPERWORK I had to fill out?! I wasn't even working here at the time!! *sigh* Anyway, hopefully will you find another love, maybe one with twenty-seven fingers like yourself. Wouldn't that be a treat? That will truly be a beautiful day indeed. Here, have a penguin head- <(")