Character Name: Arya Bjartskular

Age: 2012

Physical appearance: Arya is five foot six inches, with reddish hair that falls to her waist, though most of the time she keeps it in a series of braids that are kept back behind her. Her tanned skin has a reddish tint to it and has soft silvery red scales in certain places that has a soft luster to them. Sprouting from her forehead are three different silver horns, two of which curl upward over her head and her long pointed ears. The third one protrudes from the middle of her forehead, though it is shorter and barely goes past her hairline. Her bright violet eyes are dazzling and show off the intelligence that she hold, though the scars that run from her hairline show a violent past that she rarely will divulge to anyone. Both her hands and feet look that of a human save for the long claw-like fingernails (and the scales) that are sharp and can cause serious damage if she chooses. Last but not least is her tail. The same color of her skin her long tail is usually curled around her waist, the heart shaped tip tucked into the waist band of her pants.

Arya's wardrobe is extensive allowing her to have the clothing she needs for anything that she should encounter. Her favorite outfit consists of a dark colored leather cuirass worn over a crimson tank top and dark colored jeans with mid-calf leather boots.

Personality: Arya's personality and how she acts depends on the situation. She is known to be cold-hearted and merciless when needed, though she can be kind and sweet if she wants to. She is very loyal to her friends to the point that she would rather die for them then to see one of them harmed.

Occupation: despite the fact that she is a very unforgettable face, Arya enjoys her occupation as a mercenary for higher. Usually working for the highest bidder, she uses her wiles and tricks of her trade to get close to her target(s) and dispatch of them quickly.

Biography: Born two millenia ago, Arya was the offspring of a fire daemon and a young human woman whom he fell in love with. Fear for the young childs life split the two, the daemon returning to his realm while the woman raised Arya in secret. The secret was soon found out and her mother died trying to protect the young child. Wandering, she was adopted into a small gang of misfit demons who taught her how to steal and defend herself, usually using the small Arya to distract their targets before enacting their plans. As she grew older, she caught the eye of one of the leaders of this group, a young fire demon, who taught her how to use the two abilities she had received from the demon blood in her veins, training the young woman to hone these abilities. After a few attacks that left many people dead, most of them innocent, she realized that he was using her. Killing the entire group save those closest to her, she struck out on her own, though she continued to use her knack for getting close to people and murder them to make her money as a mercenary to put food on the table and drink in her stomach.


Name of weapon: Swish
Number of Points: 10
element: none
Weapon Skill: (Ability for the weapon)
Description: Swish is a small curved dagger and the main weapon of Arya. The handle is a dark cherry wood color with a small amount of gold on the very end of the hilt. The black metal that makes up the blade contains soft silvery runes along the blade, though Arya has no clue what they say. She received this dagger from the demon who had trained her.

Talent(s)/Ability(s): (fill out this form for each new ability)

Name of ability: Put it out Before you burn something down!
Amount of points: 5
Description of ability: Arya can at any point in time call upon the fire daemon blood that runs through her veins and produce small amounts of fire. The silvery flames produce heat and burn anything that they touch, though they are usually sporadic and tend to not work all the time when she needs them.

Elemental magic: (the N/A is where you insert the number of points if it has no points then put 0)

Fire: 10 points
Water: 0 points
Wind: 0 points
Lightning: 0 points
Earth: 0 points
Light Or Dark: 0 points

Signature Attacks: n/a
Name of Attack: (a long name or just a basic name, you do not have to have an incantation to use your attacks yet it helps for description.)
Number of points: (How many points equivalent for each of your skills used in this. Ex: 5 water 5 wind can be combined for an attack called snowball. These do not take extra points, but explain the amount of points you already have. You can a very small amount of the points you have on an element, to explain it is a weaker attack. Or extremely powerful.)
Description of Attack: (what does it do exactly? Does it have any special effects?)

Combination attacks: N/A

(If a beast has been purchased, then it will be added right here. You may purchase one in the shop for 100 points)

(If a transformation has been purchased, then it will be added here. This may be purchased from the shop for 100 points)