Character Name: Ral`oul vitare

Age: 24

Physical appearance: With a large amount of hair, flowing through this see through white shirt, I am a beautiful man. With long gorgeous brown hair, and big muscles, I wears very tight blue jeans, showing off my junk at all times. The tightness of the jeans is extreme. Far tighter then can be possibly described. My eyes are so super duper. I mean, really super duper. They even change color every few seconds, always looking very enticing and seductive. Wearing no shoes ever, my hair is constantly blown in the wind, damn that’s sexy. Through years of training, I have also achieved the ability to pull roses out of thin air. Whenever I can, I love to show my body. It is just really sexy. I am not too tall, but not to short, weighing 230 pounds. BUT! Don’t worry, it looks as though I weighs less. Where… does the rest of that weight go? *cough* sure are tight jeans.

Personality: I am Diamonds.

Occupation: Adult entertainer. Nothing wrong about that? It’s a job isn’t it! Don’t judge me for that! Everyone needs to be entertained. NO! MY STERNUM IS NOT FOR SALE. Quit asking. . .

Biography: From a large combination of roofies and Viagra, things are really confusing all the times, I don’t quite rememberz dat one thing yesterday happened.


Name of weapon: Charming complexion
Number of Points: 75
element: Sex.
Weapon Skill: With my charm, I can entice anyone into falling in love with me, thus wanting my pure intense ride, in the end, I always seem to have more money, and some of your belongings. Damn, I am one good lover.
Description: My rock hard . . . face makes everyone want to be with me.

Name of weapon: Whip of Passion
Number of Points: 75
element: Passionate Passion
Weapon Skill: My whip bring out the best of people, as I whip them, they always moan, while those who are not into my PURE unadulterated loving will receive the flower pedals of my furry/fury. I will serenade you with my whip, which has the special ability to turn into a guitar. I can play your hearts music while making love to you. My feet can play as well, in case I need to use my hands. Or vice versa, if your into that sorta thing.
Description: The handle of the whip was made from my tears, while the whip itself is made of a rose stem, flower pedals falling from it. I often spin it around me, and use it for enticing those who are already in love with my manstosterone. Which, as we all know, is everyone. I lick the whip sensually, and all is well. ALL IS WELL…ALL OF IT. ALL TWELVE INCHES OF IT.


Name of ability: my **** <-- those are just stars, no illicit meaning behind them
Amount of points: 75
Description of ability: *coughs*

Elemental magic:

Fire: 15 points
Water: 15 points
Wind: 15 points
Lightning: 15 points
Earth: 15 points
Light Or Dark: N/A points

Name of custom element: Sex
Number of points: Enough.
Description of element: This… speaks for itself.