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Beloved Genius

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 03, 2011 11:25 pm
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 04, 2011 10:55 am
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I have
15 candles on my birthday cake.
When I was born the doctors told my parents that I was a
I play the
Princess in this story.
When I transform I become
Power Break .
I love
my Guardian Chara, my friends and drawing.
But I hate
people who use their Guardian Charas for evil, ghosts and liars.
Do not tell anyone but I like
no one.

This is my past...

Amaya is the youngest child of three and the only girl of the prestigious Yamaguchi clan. However, she is a mistress' child and has been looked down on her whole life. The only people who cared for her was her late-father and her two older brothers who taught her many 'boy' things such as fighting and how to fix cars; but her Aunt-and current head of the family- disapproved of such 'unlady like behaviour' and put Amaya on a strict regime in order to comb an 'unwanted child' in a lady that the family could be somewhat proud of.

Due to her Aunt's 'training' Amaya was unable to do the things she loved as a child (martial arts and climbing trees) and was taught things like dance and tea ceremony in order for her to become a proper lady. As her 'training' continued, Amaya become less and less outgoing and more shy as she spent most, if not all, of her time indoors. By the time she was 12, Amaya had become a proper lady who had mastered the basics. Now it was time for her to move onto to learning converstion and how to walk properly.

It was during the 'advanced course' that Amaya's Guardian Chara was born. Her Guardian Chara introduced herself as Haru and that she was what Amaya wished she could be. The two instantly became the best of friends and Amaya could (secretly) do the things she wanted with Haru.

At the age of fourteen she was sent to Seiyo High School in order to 'gain experience among the common folk' and was asked to joined the Guardians who, as she found out, also had their own Guardian Charas. Amaya accepted and became the Princess due to her grace but shy attitude.

Currently, she is in her Sophomore year and is joining with the other Guardians to stop the Easter Company from draining Guardian Charas.

People say I can be...

Amaya is quite shy due to her aunt's strict regime. She had spent most of her childhood indoors and did not have much interaction with those outside her family and all of whom are much older than her. This also caused the girl to become a quiet teen who observes more than she acts. Though is pushed far enough she can and will lash out.

Amaya has been told she 'walks with grace' and 'does things with grace' because she is the Princess of the Guardians when in fact she was forced to learn the proper way for a lady to walk by her family. She doesn't like this compliment as it is a constant reminder of the childhood she never wanted.

Amaya is also a good artist. Art was one of the things she was happy to learn from her Aunt and she spends as much time as she can drawing in a small sketch book she carries everywhere.

Amaya loves her Guardian Chara and her friends dearly and would do anything for them. She also holds a resentment for her family, minus her late-father and older brothers, and hates them though she hides those emotions deep, deep down in her heart.


Hey there! My name is Haru .
If you hadn't figured it out I'm a
girl .
I am a Guardian Chara that belongs to
Amaya Yamaguchi .
When I look in the mirror I see

People say I'm...

A tomboy through and through. I prefer doing guy things like playing Chara football and skateboarding over girly things like dress up or shopping. I'm the type of Guardian Chara to speak my mind and say things that Amaya would be to reserved to say.

Our Chara Change is...

When Haru and Amaya Character Change, Amaya gains a green, lightning bolt on her cheek and she becomes a total tomboy. Amaya loses all her grace and shyness and becomes a girl who loves fighting and doing sports and other 'boy things'. She also becomes much more outgoing and friendly and will speak her mind no matter what. Amaya is also much more reckless and will often 'jump before she looks.'

Our Chara Transformation is...

When Haru and Amaya Character Transforms they become Power Break and Amaya's outfit changes to this; she also gains a giant, yellow hammer as a weapon. Her main attack is Smashing Hit and it is capable of knocking cars around like paper. Also, in this mode, Amaya's strength increases ten fold.

Unfortunately, Smashing Hit is a one chance sort of attack in which if it actually connects with an opponent it's damage is incredible, but all one has to do to avoid it is to step out of the way. In order to combat this, Power Break mainly throws things at her opponent and only uses her hammer in close combat.




Beloved Genius

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Beloved Genius

9,700 Points
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 16, 2011 4:12 pm
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I have
16 candles on my birthday cake.
When I was born the doctors told my parents that I was a
I play the
joker in this story.
When I transform I become
Miyu .
I love
cooking, art, music.
But I hate
cleaning, work, school.
Do not tell anyone but I like

This is my past...

When Sammy was in school people began to tease her and then ignore her. She hated how people acted, but her parents didn't notice. They were always working so she couldn't bother them. Sammy was often hi e alone to fend for herself while her mother and father worked. Her mom was a teacher and her dad was a reporter. She didn't like either of their jobs because it took them away a lot, but she acted happy for them. Her parents often called her a blessing not seeing her real pain. As she got older Sammy wished she was different. She wanted to be stronger then she was and suddenly she had eggs. There were three of them and it startled her.

As she hid the eggs from her family she was curious. They were very beautiful eggs, and Sammy couldn't imagine where they came from. At school one day she was being ignored again but suddenly she started to yell and her outburst got her noticed. People slowly started to see her and her pain. This was when she was acquainted with Fear. Not long after she fell for a boy, but she couldn't talk to him without stuttering. She decided her life was ruined and then she was comfortable around guys. She became good friends with all of them and she could flirt really well. Charm was the second one alive. Trouble came last when a group of friends asked her to join a band. Sammy had no taken what so ver but she tried so harm. Trouble made her appearance for the first big concert a week later.

With her three charas Sammy felt lost and confused. She was so different she felt weird. She felt like she wasn't even herself anymore, but as her charas gave her courage and confidence she grew to love them and herself. Now her charas and her are inseparable as they become the new joker in the guardians at school. She hopes all will go well.

People say I can be...

Sammy is calm and quiet. She is very submissive and shy because she was often teased. It was nothing vet serious, but after a while she didn't want to talk around er class mates. Her grades suffered for this, but no one paid attention, so her demeanor changed. He became overly cheerful so people would notice her. It worked for a while and everyone thought she was always happy, but she really wasnt. She likes helping people but she is super shy, so sometimes it's hard for her.


Hey there! My name is Fear, Trouble, Charm.
If you hadn't figured it out I'm a
Female .
I am a Guardian Chara that belongs to
Sammy .
When I look in the mirror I see
Trouble Charm Fear.

People say I'm...

Fear is very loud and obnoxious, but she doesn't take anyone's crap. Her attitude is fairly hard to handle as she is very arrogant and cocky. Her abilit to tell fears are er worst aspect as she often uses it against people. She is quite the confident little chara though and she loves her family. Fear is very artistic and loves drawing and cooking.

Trouble is quite the opposite. She is quiet and thoughtful and she often can be caught playing musical instruments or singing. Trouble is good at dealing with people who annoy her and she is the best prank puller. Her calm exterior fools people into thinking she is perfect. She is very devilish if pushed the right way.

Charm is as her name states. She is charming and charismatic. She loves all people and her influence can get almos any guy to fall in love. Sh always knows what to say and often she is a peace maker. She knows she is good though and this only makes her ego inflate. Charm is very elegant but athletic. She can't say no to a good challenge no matter how demeaning it is. She is also very blunt and straightforward.

Our Chara Change is...

When Sammy character changes with Trouble she pulls pranks on everyone. Her cute attitude blossoms and she seems the most adorable and when a persons guard is down she strikes with some prank. Her eyes turn pink and her clothes automatically change to bright colors. She is sweet and adorable until you lest expect it

When she character changes with Charm she becomes very proper and charismatic. People fall at her words and properness. She gets a rose tattoo on her hand but it is in black and white. If she doesn't like something though she calls you out on it and tells it how it is. She is very blunt and most people do not like that. She tends to have people love her or hate her.

When she character changes with Fear she becomes loud and angry. Her moods shift quickly and her ability to handle pressure or teasing is extreme. She can be vey cold and mean if she has to but she tries to be nice. Her hyper SSS is over the top and if made upset there is no stoppig her. She tends to fight with those she hates, but at least she comes out on top. Fear is her worst personality but she keeps her safe. Her clothes all become dark and gothic looking to portray her thoughts on the world. Also she gets blue streaks through her hair.

Our Chara Transformation is...

Double Trouble - Sammy becomes very fast and quick thinking when Trounle and her bond. Her hair goes from green to blue and it gets put back into a ponytail. She wears a light mini skirt and a belly button shirt with a sash around the middle. On her back she has two twin swords one is blue and one is red. They represent different moods and when someone is hit with them they are either angry or sad, but the effects do not last long and it can only be used once. She has a defensive attack called Mood Swap where her and the attacker switch moods. This is a risky move but it is used in hopes that her confidence and arrogance increase causing a strength increase.

Fear's Closest Desire - Sammy changes differently when bonded with Fear. Her outfit goes all black, baggy black pants, a baggy t shirt with a skull on it. There is a chain in her left pocket that she uses as a whip. Her hair goes all white and it hangs down a little below her chin. Flowers decorate it giving her goth look a bit more flare. She has an attack called Fear Sphere which is used as a last resort. If needed, and she is beaten down badly, she can exchange her entire bodily energy to create a large circle around her. A weak minded persons who walks inside this circle is shown their deepest fears. Also her eyes go all black and she can see a persons deeper fear to use against them.

Charming Talons - Sammy's best look is when her and Charm are bonded. She wears a long, turquoise dress that slits up the left side. Her hair is pinned up beautifully and her weapons are razor sharp fans. She is the lady of the show in this change, and she is very dangerous. She might be slow but she analyzes everything. Her main attack is the dance of fans. She can hold four fans in her hands and does an elaborate dance at a very high speed. If these fans hit their mark it hurts.


PostPosted: Thu Jan 12, 2012 12:31 pm
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I have
Eighteen candles on my birthday cake.
When I was born the doctors told my parents that I was a
I play
Easter's Model in this story.
When I transform I become
Free Flight.
I love
Music, Freedom, Relaxing.
But I hate
Being caged, Working nonstop, Sushi.
Do not tell anyone but I like
No one .

This is my past...

Adriana is an orphan. Her mother died when she was born and her father never got over it. Sure, he loved Adriana but he missed his late wife and he never really got used to being without her. So, when Adriana was five years old, he left her at a daycare center, which was odd since he never used to do that, and he went to the lake nearby their house and drowned himself. It was several hours after the daycare center closed that people began worrying and it took them two days before they found his body in the lake. After the funeral she went to live with her grandmother for about a year before she died of old age. After that, Adriana was alone and she got sent to the foster care system. She stayed in the system for eight years and she always felt like she was caged. She never really had any freedom and she was always picked on when she was in the foster care home and she hated every minute of it. Every other kid in the home pulled on her hair and kicked her around just because they thought she was weird or strange or they didn't like the way she looked at one of them. And none of the adults in charge did anything to stop it, they just acted like nothing was happening.

One day while she was laying down on her bed, she felt something in her blankets. When she went to check it out, she noticed a white egg with wing marks on it. Adriana had stared at it for awhile but had to quickly hide it when one of the bullies came into the room Adriana had shared with a few others. Luckily at that time he didn't feel like bothering her and just grabbed something from his buddy's bed and left again. Adriana had then taken out the egg and freaked a bit when she saw a crack in it. After watching it a bit more, the egg finally hatched and Alaee came out telling Adriana that she was a Chara and that she represented the freedom that Adriana wished to have. From then on, Adriana and Alaee were best friends. Though their fun didn't get to last forever. After awhile, one of the bullies got pissed for no reason and decided to take it out on Adriana, but once he did start, Adriana freaked out and Alaee cause a Chara Change to happen. Once the Change activated, Adriana accidentally used her ability to steal the energy from the bully's unhatched Chara egg, which made him stop hurting her. It was only later that Adriana knew what she'd done and no one else realized what happened though. This didn't happen again until the other main bully tried something and Adriana made it happen again.

About a week or two after the second occurance, people from the Easter company came to see Adriana. They made her a proposition and agreed to adopt her and give her a job, if she did a seperate job for them. Adriana didn't waste a minute and decided to work for them, so eight years after she went to the foster care system, she finally left. She and Alaee left and joined Easter. She became a model for them and even enjoyed it at first, before she realized how much work it was. Deep down she still kind of loves it but at the same time she believes it a pain as well. She also works to help them with their ultimate plan and at the same time goes to the Seiyo High School every now and then when she isn't working too much or too tired to go there. She's in her senior year there and knows all about the Guardians there and their Charas but doesn't allow them to know that she herself has a Chara since they would most likely want her to join them, when she is actually against them.

People say I can be...

Hardworking and calm. On the outside, Adriana seems to be a dedicated and hardworking person who will do nearly anything to get further into her career. Which is kind of true. Adriana has two types of personalitites. The first is her more well known one and they one she usually tries to let other people see. In her first personality, she is calm and loyal to people, such as Easter. She never talks back and she always does as she's told. When working she always strives to be the best she can be and will always do everything possible. This is the personality she has when around others, mainly those she works with or for. Her other personality is lazy and relaxed. She never tries to do anything she doesn't need to and she is actually more happy and smiles more when she doesn't have to act all uptight. This is the personality she uses when she has free time or when she is around people she trusts. Though she rarely trusts anyone anymore and only does things when she is ordered too. When she gets annoyed, sometimes she begins speaking in Latin or Spanish, which her grandma had begun to teach her before she died. Adriana had even taken lessons when possible after she joined Easter because she wished to be more like her grandmother was.


Hey there! My name is Alaee.
If you hadn't figured it out I'm a
Female .
I am a Guardian Chara that belongs to
Adriana Reveil .
When I look in the mirror I see
This is me.

People say I'm...

Alaee is a carefree and ditsy Chara. She is also careful not to bug Adriana when she is busy though she does indeed love to play around with her when possible. But she does have times when she is clumsy and will even hurt herself, and sometimes those around her. She absolutely loves Adriana and will do pretty much anything she can to help her and make her happy. One time she even tapped her mouth shut because she knew she was being a bother, without Adriana telling her too. She can be smart when she wants to be but she doesn't always realize the need to be smart, so most of the time she just appears to be stupid. Alaee is always carrying around an arrow clenched in her fist, she just loves to play with it when she is bored.

Our Chara Change is...

When Alaee causes Adriana to Chara Change Adriana becomes more carefree and sometimes more clumsy. When she gets mad in her Chara Change form though, her abilities somehow cause the wind to pick up as if she was controlling it. When she is clumsy, she seemingly always pulls off a minor miracle, much to the surprise of others. When need be, Adriana can use her second ability to steal energy from eggs, but only unhatched eggs, not hatched. When her Chara Change activates, it causes her hair to slightly chair color, but its barely noticable and an arrow appears in her hand.

Our Chara Transformation is...

Adriana and Alaee's transformation is called Free Flight. In this form, Adriana's hair turns to a silver-white color and she gains long pure white wings, which she uses to fly. She also wears a thigh length white dress that hugs her body and a blue-black shawl that is usually hanging on her arms, along with long white boots that go to her knees. In this form, Adriana has heightened speed as well as great agility. Using both, she can fly to great heights in the sky, which she does for fun just because she can. Adriana has a long silver bow that was made out of oak that helps her fight when in this form.

Adriana has three attacks that she is able to use. The first, Kaze no Ya, uses her bow, she summons arrows made of pressurized air. She can fire multiple arrows at once, and cause them to burst before they touch their target, causing a blast of air to send the target flying backwards. The arrows themselves aren't very sharp, and even if they hit, will not cause much, if any, damage. The second attack, Umo no Tsubasa, can only be used on heart eggs, this attack uses her wings. She spreads her wings and her feathers float through the air and as Adriana twirls around her feathers shoot at the eggs, causing them to loose their energy, which she can collect. This attack is one of the reasons Easter has recruited her. Her final attack, Kurai Henkan, is her least favorite, yet most powerful. During this attack Adriana's wings turn black and her feathers float around her and cause those around her to become sleepy, they do not always fall asleep, but there is a chance. As the feather float around her, arrows form and get shot at the sky before falling back towards the target. If they hit the target, should the target be another Chara user and they were in their own transformation, they get forced from their transformation, but should the target be something other than a Chara, it may cause them slight pain before causing them to black out for a minimum of three hours, and when they wake up they have no memory of what happened to them. Regardless of who she attacks, Adriana is always forced out of her transformation after the attack is complete if it succeeds. The chance of this to succeed is about fifty-fifty and Adriana never wants to use this unless there is a dire need to use it.



Beloved Genius

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Beloved Genius

9,700 Points
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 14, 2012 9:17 pm
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I have
16 candles on my birthday cake.
When I was born the doctors told my parents that I was a
Male .
I play the
Prince in this story.
When I transform I become
Charming Prince .
I love
Spicy food, Akio, Having Fun.
But I hate
Rude people, X-Eggs, Dishonesty.
Do not tell anyone but I like
no one, yet.

This is my past...

Hikaru was born to a wealthy family, his father; owning a large set of companies, his mother; a pianist, and his older brother. For a while they lived happily. Hikaru and his brother received everything they could have ever asked for. They were living the life every normal kid would have wanted, being loved by everyone around them and brought up well with the best education and support. When Hikaru was 12 though, his mother was overcome with an unknown illness. His father did whatever possible to help her, but in the end it was useless. Hikaru's mother died, leaving his father heart-broken. Hikaru was unsure what to do without his mother there. He was lost, and so was his father and brother.

After his mother's death, Hikaru's father became engulfed in his work and completely ignored him and his brother. He acted as if they had never existed and Hikaru could not accept the fact that his father didn't acknowledge them as his children. Hikaru couldn't understand why he would treat them as such when they used to be such a happy family. When asking his brother, she simply ignored him and walked away. Even his brother had begun to stray away from him and Hikaru had begun to feel so very alone. One day he approached his father and asked him why he no longer cared for them. In response he slapped his son hard across the face and sent him flying to the floor. Looking at him in disgust, he simply responded, "Because I wish that you were never born." That's when Hikaru knew that his life would never be the same again.

Soon after that event, Hikaru went into a depression and locked himself in his room for weeks. Even if he wanted to leave, he feared that once he left the room everything would still be the same again, he would still be alone. One day he finally left his room, accepting the fact that his father would never love him. He moved into his Uncle's house and lost all contact with his father and brother. He became a child that was angry at the world, pushing everyone away from fear of being hurt anymore then he had already been. Hikaru began to get into fights, eventually getting to the point where he became a delinquent. Students avoided him in school, having heard of annoying rumors that were far from true. Teachers ignored him from lack of faith in his studies and gave him disapproving looks. If anyone really did confront Hikaru, it was either a fellow delinquent or someone asking for a fight.

In his second year of high school, Hikaru met Ami Hasagawa who had just transferred in as a new student. Hikaru had disliked her from the very beginning despite Ami's kindly nature. She would ignore Ami's attempts at greeting her and reject any offers of friendship, but Ami never seemed to give up the hope of being Hikaru's friend. One day, Hikaru had come across a fight, only to see that it was a rather distasteful girl trying to get Ami to apologize for something. Hikaru pulled the girl away from Ami and told her to get lost or else. After the girl had ran away, he asked Ami what she had done to piss her off. Ami gave him a kind smile before telling him that the girl had been speaking about Hikaru in a bad manner. Ami couldn't stand for it and asked the girl to apologize. The girl, who had been trouble from the start, had gotten insulted and tried to force Ami to apologize instead. After hearing this, Hikaru gave her a pat on the head and smiled for the first time in a long time, moved by such a gesture.

Hikaru and Ami became close friends and he had cared for her. Soon enough, their friendship had begun to evolve romantically and they had become inseparable. They had become a couple, him becoming a better person because of it. He had stopped smoking and now avoided fights, turning his bad attitude around. Falling in love had changed him for the better. Despite being this close, Hikaru had no idea of Ami's past and her current state behind the scenes. Unknown to him, Ami suffered heavily at home and school. At home, she was constantly scrutinized. Her mother and father constantly belittled her, calling her a "good for nothing" or a "waste of their time". While at school, Ami was constantly bullied just for being Hikaru's girlfriend. She never told her friend, out of fear that she would only blame herself, and she never told her family since they never seemed to care. Every night she would constantly cry herself to sleep and hurt herself intentionally, never telling Hikaru a thing about all of her troubles.

Tragedy struck when one day when Ami didn't come to school. Hikaru had just thought she was taking the day off, but that changed when the school had an assembly meeting. Ami Hasagawa had committed suicide. The next day, there was a memorial. Students who weren't even her friends had come, just to get out of class and the speeches were made with empty words. No one had even known Ami, not like Hikaru had. No. Hikaru hadn't even felt he truly knew her. So many things were unnoticed to him... He felt a failure as a friend and had trouble becoming close to others. He had never cried a single tear but instead, mourned from within. A part of Ami remained within him after that, changing him into a more cheerful person, though more protective of others as well. He is much softer around those around him and has become a kind and outgoing person. It's been two years since Ami's death, and two years since he decided to become a better person, but he has never stopped blaming himself.

People say I can be...

Hikaru is very boisterous, as well as being very stubborn, air-headed, and very immature. He can be rather childish and inconsiderate, qualities that he takes no real notice of. However, when he is in the presence of a lady, his personality takes on a different appearance. When in the presence of a woman, he will transform into a complete gentleman. He will be a very kind young man, and very well mannered- qualities that make him an excellent guy. In this state, he is very considerate to women, making sure they are in the perfect state of comfort. All in all though, he is a very honest and loyal person. Hikaru tends to bring confidence to others around him, though he himself truly has no confidence in himself. In the past, Hikaru was a very hateful and violent person, but tragedy has transformed him into someone opposite of that. Now, he does whatever it takes to protects those close to him, if he will let them get that close.


Hey there! My name is Akio .
If you hadn't figured it out I'm a
Guy .
I am a Guardian Chara that belongs to
Hikaru Nakamura .
When I look in the mirror I see
a handsome guy. .

People say I'm...

Rude, arrogant, and immature, Akio is almost exactly similar to Hikaru in every aspect. However, his enact ability to flirt in almost every given situation is amazing. Unlike Hikaru though, Akio is unusually optimistic, always looking to the bright future rather then holding on to a dreary past. Also, he is all the more brave and dashing, truly fitting the image of a Prince. (Though he prefers to be called King Akio)

Our Chara Change is...

When Hikaru character changed with Akio, his eyes turn a beautiful honey color. His personality becomes that of a truly dashing gentleman, despite his increased flirting capability. His tone becomes rather self-obsessed and he begins to refer to himself as "The Great Me", with an amazing amount of self-confidence. His physical strength and speed is increased during a character change, leaving him to be a very difficult opponent.

Our Chara Transformation is...

Hikaru's character transformation with Akio is called Charming Prince. When Transforming, Hikaru's hair darkens to a deep gold color and his clothes become more elegant and princely. He holds a beautiful silver sword which has a bronze hilt. His main attack is Shining Sword, in which his sword will begin illuminating brightly, and will be able to cut and purify almost anything. Unfortunately though, this attack takes a lot of energy from Hikaru, usually leaving him in a weak state when he transform back to his normal state. During this character transformation, Hikaru's agility and strength is greatly increased and his body becomes more flexible, helping him to defend himself against attacks.


ll Vintage Nerd ll
PostPosted: Sun Jan 15, 2012 7:19 pm
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I have
18 candles on my birthday cake.
When I was born the doctors told my parents that I was a
I play the
Scout/Tracker 1 in this story.
When I transform I become
Ringleader and Hard Sound .
I love
libraries, rooftops and the moon.
But I hate
loud and clingy girls, goody-two shoes and .
Do not tell anyone but I like
no one.

This is my past...

Touya comes a bad family in which he is the eldest of three; his father was abusive and his mother did not care for her children at all. Everyday, one of them would recieve a beating and as the oldest, Touya shouldered this more than his younger siblings. His life at home affected his school life as well as Touya was at the bottom of the class and would barely pass each grade. His scoial life was null and he had no friends.

As he grew, Touya wished that he had the ability to smile through the sufferring like those he read in books or heard about and Joker was born. Joker helped Touya through his middle school life and he was able to make some friends and forget about the problems at home. However, things grew worse and worse and Touya, again, wished that he could say the things he really felt to his parents and Akira was born and allowed Touya to vent his feelings to his parents, but this caused him to be kicked out of the house ad Touya did leave, with his younger siblings as well.

After that day, Touya left his siblings with their grandparents and he moved to Seiyo where he was recruited by Easter to work for them. He agreed and is keeping an eye on the Guardians and drains children of their Heart's Egg.

People say I can be...

Touya is a very reclusive person. He is the loner of the class and does not talk to people much outside the Easter Company; however, his 'bad boy' attitude coupled with his good looks has caused many girls to fall for him - something he abhors with all his might. He tends to skip class and leave school when the noise and girls get too much for him to handle and he can often be seen in quiet places like libraries.


Hey there! Our names are Joker and Akira .
If you hadn't figured it out we are both
Males .
We are Guardian Charas that belongs to
Touya .
When I look in the mirror I see
Joker and Akira .

People say we're...

Joker is a happy Chara. He loves entertaining people and his favorite thing to do is magic. He is always smiling and laughing and is good at making others happy.

Akira is a rebel. He tells people what he thinks and doesn't sugar coat things and is viewed as being harsh. He doesn't listen to authority figures well and has a laid back, go with the flow kind of aura.

Our Chara Change is...

When Touya Chara Changes with Joker his gains three blue diamonds under his left eye. Touya becomes very happy and open with his emotions and tries to make everyone around him happy as well. He is prone to doing magic tricks in his state.

When Chara Changing with Akira, Touya becomes a full on rebel. He does not listen to anyone and his say anything and everything he thinks so you'd be better off not asking his opinion on something.

Our Chara Transformation is...

When Chara Transforming with Joker, Touya's appearance becomes this though the outfit is blue instead of red. His weapon is a deck of cards that can explode on contact and he throws them like kunai and shuriken. His weakness in this state is that cars can only go a certain distance and anything outside twenty feet falls to the ground.

With Akira they Transform into Hard Sound. Their weapon is an electric guitar and their attack is Rock Notes in which large music notes are strummed out of the guitar and into physical form. The notes can push opponents down and away. Their one weakness would be that if the guitar is broken then their weapon is no good.




Beloved Genius

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Beloved Genius

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 23, 2012 11:44 am
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I have
16 candles on my birthday cake.
When I was born the doctors told my parents that I was a
I play the
Bishop or the Ace in this story.
When I transform I become
Hana .
I love
My Guardian Charas, cooking, CHOCOLATE.
But I hate
X eggs, Ignorant People, and People not believing In Themselves..
Do not tell anyone but I like

This is my past...

If anyone looked at Alex's life, they would pity her. Alex's mother died after giving birth, and her father took care of her. Her father would never believe in her though. One time Alex failed a test, and her father gave her a sad, disappointing look. Her father always believed in her doing great things, but he just ended up sad and disappointed. Alex thought that her father was just wasting his time believing in her, because she never lived up to her dad's expectations. She would always try and try and try, but then she would just fail and keep failing. Anyone could see the regret and disappointment in her father's eyes, even Alex herself.
And on Alex's 10th birthday, her dad committed suicide, leaving her just money and nothing else. Of course Alex never wept over this, she hardly knew her dad. She barely spoke to him, and she barely learned more about him. People kept pitying her, both parents died on her birthday, but Alex never wanted the pity, she never did.
As Alex grew up into middle school, she developed a crush over some guy who wasn't known. She was determined to win his love with cooking. But however, when she confessed and gave him cookies, he said it tasted bad. Even Alex knew, because she knew she wasn't cooking material. So instead of weeping, Alex practiced. But no matter what she made, it always tasted bad. So she kept wishing and wishing. And then, the next day, there was a red egg and a little person came out of it. Her name, was Ichigo. And as Alex learned more about Ichigo and Guardian Charas, she understood what they were meant for. And Ichigo helped her become the self she wanted to be, which was to cook better.
Then for school, it was Art Class. Alex was the worst at it. She was the worst in the whole school. But she still tried. Sometimes she was made fun of, and then Alex was determined to paint/sculpt/draw better. And by the next day, another egg that was purple, hatched and another person came out. Her name, was Shiro. Shiro helped Alex more by making her the self she wanted to be.
And to the present day, Alex, Ichigo, and Shiro help each other and stick together. Sometimes they get in a jam, but they get through it.

People say I can be...

Shy and quiet. Alex tends to not be in situations. But when she was picked to be a guardian, the whole school knows who she is. She is known as cool and calm, but sometimes Alex isn't like that. Sometimes whenever Alex is angry and mad, she would outburst whatever is on her mind-which isn't good. Alex cares deeply for the other Guardians and for her Guardian Charas, and would do whatever to help them. She tends not to make a lot of friends other than the Guardians, and Alex doesn't really want to.


Hey there! My name is Shiro and Ichigo .
If you hadn't figured it out I'm a
Female .
I am a Guardian Chara that belongs to
When I look in the mirror I see

Ichigo and Shiro

People say I'm...

Energetic and playful for Ichigo. Ichigo is always finding a positive side to a bad situation. She can always put a smile up on Alex's face when she is down. Shiro is calm and collected. She is more quiet, but she can always be a loudmouth sometimes. Shiro is straightforward and blunt. She hardly shows expression, but she'll smile a lot. Whatever is on her mind, Shiro will say it-even if its an insult.

Our Chara Change is...

Whenever Alex Chara changes with Ichigo, Ichigo will say, "Straw-Ber-ry-Change!" Because Ichigo means strawberry, and Alex is changing into Ichigo's personality. After Ichigo says that phrase, a bright pink light will go over them. Alex will then be all energetic and outgoing. She would always smile and hum.
When Alex Chara changes with Shiro, Shiro will say, "Wh-ite Color Change!". Shiro will say this because her name is related to the color, White. And when Alex Chara Changes with Shiro, she will be more calm. She will focus on what she's drawing and become serious. Alex would understand artwork more and would be calm and collected.
Our Chara Transformation is...

For Ichigo, Alex would be able to sweet talk anyone. When she transforms, her weapon is a large spoon and a bowl of dough. With this, Alex can throw a move called "Sweet Tooth" Where Alex would be able to make batter and throw it at the opponent. Alex also has a special, powerful move called "Whips of Cream" Where Alex will make a batter of whip creaming, making so much hoping to drown the enemy. Alex will be able to change into this when she changes with Ichigo.
When Alex changes with Shiro, she will be able to get everyone amazed by her coolness. Her weapon and a canvas and a paintbrush that slowly changes colors. Alex has a cool move called, "Anti-Poison Paint" Where Alex would sway her brush and hoping to drown the opponent. Her powerful move with Shiro, is called, "Paint-able Canvas" Where Alex would be able to draw anything on the canvas she has, and she will make it come alive. Alex will change into this when she changes with Shiro
However, her special moves, "Whips of Cream" and "Paint-able Canvas" would only happen to be used for one time during the change. And if Alex uses the move and transform to her original self, she will become very tired.


PostPosted: Mon Jan 23, 2012 11:46 am
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I have
Sixteen candles on my birthday cake.
When I was born the doctors told my parents that I was a
I play the
Queen in this story.
When I transform I become
Orchid Star .
I love
Books, solitude, and daydreaming.
But I hate
Socializing, miso, and idiots.
Do not tell anyone but I like
No one you know!.

This is my past...

When Maika was younger, she used to be friendly and open to everyone. It was because she was oblivious to everything that happened. But she wasn't dumb. Her mother and father divorced when she was little and her mother moved her across seas to America away from her brother and sisters. She was the oldest, so her mother got custody of only her. Eventually her mother got remarried to an American guy. He was abusive and a drunkard, so she slowly lost her ability to talk to others. Her mother divorced and remarried regularly, and the guys were always rude.
By the time Maika was thirteen, she had lost all of her ability to socialize with others. Her father had finally been able to afford a good lawyer and got custody of the teenage girl. She was able to be with her siblings again, but she felt terrible. She felt like she wasn't strong enough to protect them. One night, she made a wish that she could be strong enough to tell others how she feels, and she woke up in the morning to see a chara egg. The egg hatched during school when she got mad and threw a book at kid and she ran to the rooftop.

People say I can be...

Blunt, irritable, and ignorant. Still, Maika really isn't any of those things deep inside. She can't tell others her true opinion easily, and she still can get easily irritated by others. She means well, and is very nice to her friends. She's been outgoing lately and has shown others her true self. She is pretty selfless and hard working at times, but she also needs her own space from time to time.


Hey there! My name is Pansy .
If you hadn't figured it out I'm a
Girl .
I am a Guardian Chara that belongs to
Maika Miharu .
When I look in the mirror I see
moi~! .

People say I'm...

Bi-polar. Pansy can be sweet and caring, but she also is willing to give others a piece of her mind. In fights, she Is the one on the sidelines and looks at the others sadly while shaking her head. Pansy can be fierce and mad when she wants to, which is when others shouldn't bother her.

Our Chara Change is...

Scary. The moment Maika shies away from giving her opinion, an orchid appears in her hair and she seems taller. She ends up giving her opinion no matter how harsh it is, and she gives the facts how it is.

Our Chara Transformation is...

Orchid Star. Maika seems to dress into a kimono that is a light orchid color, and there is an orchid in her hair that is let down freely. She throws small ninja stars that are shaped as petals, and she purifies eggs with petals of orchids and pansies. She has a fan that she can create winds with. Her weakness is fire, something that Maika seems to fear.


Vampire Hunter Mari


Beloved Genius

9,700 Points
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Beloved Genius

9,700 Points
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  • 50 Wins 150
  • Marathon 300
PostPosted: Mon Feb 06, 2012 1:58 pm
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I have
Seventeen candles on my birthday cake.
When I was born the doctors told my parents that I was a
Female .
I play the
Jack in this story.
When I transform I become
Rodeo .
I love
growing things, trees and working.
But I hate
not having anything to do, the city and cars.
Do not tell anyone but I like
someone. It doesn't really matter who.

This is my past...

Regan's family have moved all over the world. America, Spain, Germany, Russia, Brazil and finally, here. Since her parents were always working she had to grow up a bit quicker then most children, learning how to read a business chart and learning new languages within a few days. They are a close and loving family but her parents had demanding careers so it was hard to spend time together as a family. Regan understood but she still hated when they had to move. Which happened a lot. Her father works for a contractor and since he was fluent in 5 languages he was sent all around the world as a negotiator. Her mother is a fantasy writer that is well known so she is always away on tours. Regan is a loner who is always okay with being alone in an empty house but it wears on her.

She can't stand the way the cities smell and how there is never a quiet moment in them. She always has a cell phone so her parents can reach, just in case there is an emergency. Like when they have to suddenly move because of a new placement. The best place she every lived was in the country side in America for 6 months. She enjoyed the isolation, the quiet and it enabled her to really concentrate on her work. Since Regan moved so often she learned in an alternate school (home schooling and working over the internet) the quiet really helped her be at peace and concentrate on her studies (which included karate).

When they moved from there, on the plane ride over to Germany she found an egg sitting in her lap when she woke up. She thought it was a gift from her parents as an apology for uprooting her again but they didn't know anything about it. The first night in a new city she sat on her new bed and rolled the egg in her hands and it cracked open and out popped Rodeo. The opposite of everything she was and everything she ever wanted to be.

With encouragement from Rodeo, she started trying to make more friends now that she has become the Jack/Rook at the club at her school but so far it is not going as planned.

People say I can be...

Type A. Meaning she's high strung, competitive, ruthless and determined. She is ready to start the day and succeed no matter what the cost and God help anyone who is standing in her way. This is helpful because she is going to be a leader in the business market one day as well as in karate competitions where her awards in various countries have one her many awards. Regan is determined to make a good life for herself and if that means stepping on a few toes and hurting a few feelings that is fine by her. She loves keeping busy and is always on a new project because without on she feels empty.


Hey there! My name is Rodeo .
If you hadn't figured it out I'm a
I am a Guardian Chara that belongs to
Regan Marie Vega .
When I look in the mirror I see
me working.

People say I'm...

Honest to a fault. Rodeo is a no nonsense country girl who believes that hard work and trying your best is more important then winning. She wants what is best for Regan Marie (she is the only one who calls her by her full name) even if that means allowing her to lose (or shutting off her alarm for the morning when she is sick). She just wants everyone to be happy and live a fulfilling life.

Our Chara Change is...

When there is a chara change, Regan generally becomes nicer and more relaxed. Her whole stance relaxes and she smiles and laughs more. Rodeo takes over without Regan's consent, especially when Regan is tired or starting to get overwhelmed. It forces her to rest and let go so she can be at the top of her game. Her eyes gain a hint of green and she obtains more freckles. A small tattoo of three apples show up on her left breast also show up. Most of Regan's friends are made while they are under chara change because of the relaxed personality.

Our Chara Transformation is...

Regan and Rodeo had to compromise on the costume and phrase that activates it. A simple "Let's do this" causes the transformation but it is technically referred to as "Farmer's Daughter" (which both hate). The costume was designed by Rodeo and much to Regan's horror, it was designed under the idea of "if you got it, flaunt it". During the transformation, Regan's hair stays the same brown color rather then switching to Rodeo's blond. As far as attacks go ranged attacks consist of lassoing an enemy, dragging them close and then beating them with her fists and her farmer/ninja skills.


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