Here is where you can collect prizes! Depending on what you get here, you can get some really cool stuff! Spend your WC *Wretched Cash* here on joyous prizes!

Conversion rate: 1 WC for 3 points *if you really wanna be boring*

Fun Prizes!: Buy some for your friends biggrin

Chicken Cannon: Fires a rubber chicken out of your arm at upwards of 250 mph. Does no damage upon impact but bursts into confetti. It has a strong recoil and mostly acts as hilarious. Costs 3 WC

Cross Dressers Fantasy: Equip this to change your gender! You can switch between male and female whenever you want! Costs 3 WC

Google Eyes: Make your eyes change color whenever you see fit. Costs 1 WC

Jester's wand: Swing around a baton that gives rainbow steam from the back. It randomly smells like either farts or cinnamon . . . or both. Costs 3 WC

Stuffed Dragon Toy: *Only usable once* A gigantic dragon the size of a sky scraper will swoop out of the sky, and roar at your enemy, then make a loud violent explosion, turning itself into cake. Costs 3 WC

Toast Gun: A metal, carbon automatic pistol, but with a twist, instead of shooting deadly bullets, it fire toast. Either with peanut butter and Jelly or various flavors of your choice. Each time you fire, a little cute child's voice says. "TOAST!" 4WC

Star: A marble sized Star that you can carry in your pocket. It has no purpose but to talking with a cute innocent smile. It is always said, but the secret is to make it mad. What will happen? (Crew will dictate if you have made it mad or not) 2WC

Walnut of Fate Action Figures: Are you a big fan of The Walnut of fate? Then for a Short time only, collect the whole set of Walnut of Fate Action Figures. Each with its own Unique catch phrase. Each sold separately, no refunds. 2WC Each*

Fate: The basic form of the Walnut of Fate.

Peanut man: The transformation where Fate turns into a peanut.

Cornelius the 4th: The great great great great grandfather of Walnut, he is old but fun to play with.

Buff Fate. Fate had suddenly grown the body of a body builder, muscles large and huge. But has the head of a walnut.

Serious Prizes:

Fire Ice Sword: A sword made from Fire and Ice, combined with the extreme heat of fire, and the bitter cold of Ice. 15 WC

Blitzkrieg Hammer: A hammer, that shoots a barrage of missiles from the head When you press a shiny red button on the handle. 15 WC

Ball and Chain: An enormous ball of the element darkness, and the chain being made from light. 12WC

Chaos: A buster sword with the elements of Fire and Darkness, as its forged steel. 14WC