Since I joined Matope, I've been trying to come up with a solid kimeti concept. I've had a lot of ideas, but when this one came to mind, it took the proverbial cake. 3nodding So exciting!

Naming Dream
Chased through a black sky
Falling, but you catch yourself
And every movement is one of precision.
Though gales challenge your course
And danger draws nearer than ever,
You are a Leaf on the Wind
All will watch how you soar.

...teehee. Now on to the rest:

Possessing a rather adventurous nature, Leaf on the Wind can often be found wandering the swamp in search of new, interesting, and even bizarre sights. He enjoys being around other kimeti, but isn't lonely when left to his own devices, either. Leaf on the Wind likes to think he is easy to get along with; he's loyal, generally laid-back, and has a uniquely dry sense of humor. Strangely, he tends to be at his calmest when faced with controversy or danger.

kin name: Leaf on the Wind
kin species: Kimeti
gender: Male
growing or non: Non
request: Based off of this image here, he wouldn't be a Cosplay kimeti, rather, a kimeti inspired by the aforementioned picture of Wash from Firefly.

Filled part of the other form out, as well. Covering my bases so I don't forget anything!

Your username: Gryphillian
Kimeti Name: Leaf on the Wind
Buck or doe: Buck
Color and markings: I made a silly little color palette for easy reference, but I’d like the colorist to have a lot of artistic licence with this guy! The only specifics I'd say were a must would be the general color scheme, namely hair and eye color. The rest (markings, pattern, etc.) can be interpreted however the colorist would see fit!
Edits: Hair style edit (something similar to the reference) and a slight smile. This is a happy kimeti. c: