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Lieutenant Shotgun

PostPosted: Thu Dec 29, 2011 6:12 pm
j ɛ ʟ ʟ ʮ ƒ ι s ɦ++++++++++s τ α r ƒ ι s ɦ

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Only LieuShot can post here. Thanks!
PostPosted: Thu Dec 29, 2011 6:19 pm
The j ɛ ʟ ʟ ʮ ƒ ι s ɦ Profiles

Felixx Tattem Vaughan

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What's your name again? Felixx - Tattem - Vaughan, as I had previously said.
What should I call you? Felixx, but at times I do prefure Tate because I don't necessarily like my name.
Can I ask how old you are? Seventeen, do I not look it?
When's your birthday? October 13th.
Height? 6' 3 and 1/2" tall, thank you.
Weight...? 181 pounds, the last time I checked.
Eyes? And odd gray/green; depends on the light and such, of course.
Hair, dye, et cetera. A natural jet black.

What's your life like? My life is nothing to complain about. My father is a high business man. He co-founded some business that invests in the inventions of others and such. My mother had caught his eye one day as he passed her on the street going to get coffee, they met, fell in love and had me along with my three older siblings, I the youngest, of course. Everyone had their quirks and had already set off their lives in the direction of the more... theatrical, musical, or athletic point of view. The general things boys would go to, but I decided to go in a much different direction, the direction in which I was more familiar and comfortable with seeing as where my father was.

Like I said, I had nothing to complain about... well, for that time being. Later in my life when I was about fourteen, my parents split for the usual reasons people split: They 'weren't happy anymore', they tended to fight more and more often and they had gotten together and married too quickly; quite young and foolish like always seems to be happening more and more often now-a-days. My siblings sided in the settlement to go with my father seeing that he was the richer one and was able to support their selfish little heart, but I sided with my mother since she was going to be alone... and I had a heart... I really didn't want her to be alone. Then, later, I was accepted into the Jellyfish Program for my high accademics, outstanding memory and computer skills, hoping to get somewhere in my life like anyone else would... and I just mainly wanting to be sure I would be able to have a stable job so I would be able to support my mother.

What are you like? I'm mostly quiet unless I'm with people I'm truly comfortable around and that list is very very solemn; shy, I suppose. I'm quite the independent one at most of the time... sometimes very private and to myself. I have been told that I can be decently studious. And I also may, at times, can be arrogant, but I never mean to be! I'm also very stubborn once my mind is set on something -- hard-headed, I guess... But it's who I am and I can't help myself.

I rarely act out, but if I get the chance, I will be just a bit playful. I like to laugh and be in a good mood as anyone does. I had to grow up pretty quickly when my parents got separated, I had to become my own person so... So when I can, I will be childish if it's a perfectly appropriated time... or sometimes... inappropriate. And I also have a temper, but most people in life do, anyway.

Name some things you love. Sweets, preferably chocolates and especially dark chocolates, especially on cold and stormy nights. I also enjoy most salty snacks, like anyone else does. I love cold weather and my family, of course, but that's a given. I enjoy a good book now and again as well as any loud music that has meaning, being alone, but not too often; and other things as such.
And some things you hate. The common idiocy quite a few people seem to have so often these days, obnoxious and ignoraance, as well as hot and overly bright and sunny days, they always seem to give me headaches. I also hate fighting and yelling of any kind, I had grown up with so much of that that I prefer and tend to avoid it now. And I really dislike cats.
Some hobbies? I am fairly decent at piano and I'm well into some photography as well, but never anything too interesting to intrigue people, I'm sure..
What are you famous for? I have a fantastic, almost eidetic memory, as well as computer skills - hacking and such. I can also play piano, but never have I played in front of anyone before.

Anything else? I wear glasses, I know bits of Irish and I'm sadly allergic to cats... and I'm cumsy as hell at the worst times...

Who are you really? Ink Stained Felixx

Verra Listette Jennings

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What's your name again? Verra Listette Jennigns
What should I call you? My middle name, Listette, some people can call me Lissy
Can I ask how old you are? Sweet Sixteen
When's your birthday? November Eighteenth
Height? Last time I checked 5'4''
Weight...? Just around one-hundred and ten pounds..
Eyes? A soft brown, but because of the contacts I wear, they appear almost pink-ish.
Hair, dye, et cetera. It's naturally a light brown, but I like to die it to have a soft pink shade, some say it looks strawberry blonde.

What's your life like? There have been the ups, and there have been the downs. To start it off, I'm the babby of four. My older brother, Damien, is twenty-two, then there are my twin brothers, Matthew and Johnathan, who are two years older than me, just graduating high school.

Oh, did I forget to mention that I was the oopsie baby? Well, my mom, Jennifer, had gotten her tubes tied after having Matt and John, but apparently it wasn't done well enough, or some miracle happened, because after two years of boinking, mom began to feel sick every morning, have huge cravings for random foods, and gain weight like no tomorrow. Her and my father, Jason, knew exactly what it was, she was pregnant, they just didn't know how. After many doctor visits, they discovered that moms tubes weren't tied well enough.

Down the road nine months, they still didn't know my gender, but mom had a nice clue, out popped me, after a very risky pregnancy I might add. Mom parents were thrilled, mom really wanted a baby girl. Everything I had coming into the world was pink, mom was hell bent of having a girl, and dad was relieved to see she had one.

When I was ten, my parents seemed to grow apart, they weren't an ideal match in the first place, my mother was a starfish when she went to school, and my dad a jellyfish. Mom attended more parties, and dad slowly spent more and more time in his study. It took two years for them to finally realize they weren't right for each other, and split. They were only worried about my brothers and I, but we understood, we were smart kids.

The custody battle wasn't scandalous or anything, Matt and John were going to a boarding school, and mom lived closer to it, so she got them, Damien was about to graduate and move off to college, so he stayed with mom for the few remaining months, and then there was me, I was still in middle school, so I would stay with dad, until high school, where I would technically live with mom, but attend the same school as my brothers, and spend my summers with my father. My parents were really cool with each other, they even remained friends, so holidays weren't such a terror, we all got along.

Any ways, when I was fourteen, one summer with dad I was walking home from the park, I usually went there with some of my friends to hang out, and I spotted the cutest and skinniest puppy I'd ever seen. Of course, being me, I grabbed it up and took it home. After a month of nursing and babying it, the vet declared the puppy healthy and well. Now, he lives at my dad's, ironically named Joey. (Dad hates the name Joey.)

Now I'm about to go into my junior year, and I'm kind of excited, I missed my friends.

What are you like? Well, I'm really shy around people at first, it's not that I'm self conscious or anything, well, that's not the reason, I just, people scare me. In fact many people scare me, the only thing I can do without fear is to read, or do my homework. Of course, there are a few other things, but those are unimportant. I will talk to people, however, it just takes a bit, like if someone needs help, and it's very obvious, I'll try to help, but I'll probably not talk that much. You could say I'm just a sweetie, since, even though I'm pretty shy, I'll help anyone in need. It's just in my nature to help people and things. At school, I only talk to people that aren't my friends if I have to. Though, with my friends, I'll talk normally, sometimes a lot, I have to be in the mood to talk a lot though. I do have mean things to say, but I reserve my comments to the confines of my head, only nice things slide put from my lips. I'm terribly caring, hurt or baby animals, helpful or kind people, close friends, family, you name it, I'll care for it deeply. Unfortunately this tends to hurt sometimes, but I keep quiet and carry on through my life. I'm pretty selfless, sacrificing my happiness for the sake of others, but it just seems like the thing to do in my head.

There is a small side of me, one that has only ever really been seen once or twice in my life. It's a deep rooted temper in me, originating from unknown places. I have self control though, control to keep my mouth shut and my head down if something is grating on my nerves.

Oh, I can get pretty sarcastic, in a humorous way at least, but only around people I really trust, people that just have the vibe to go with it, or under my breath. It's the small feisty side of me. Example, if one of the school witches is being dumb, I might mumble under my breath something sarcastically mean, but this is only after much agitation, or if it's a bad day. Eight times out of ten, I'll keep the comment in my head.

Name some things you love. Obviously my family and friends, and Joey of course. Other than that, I love books, any books, though I tend to gravitate more towards romance novels. Music, though that's a bland topic, I usually go for the alternative pop, rock and pop, though I can occasionally enjoy country and classical. I love watching ballets, and I'm a closet sweets lover, why I hide it is beyond me.
And some things you hate. Dark Chocolate. I absolutely hate it. Like seriously, simply the fact that someone can look at it, or even make it, is gross to me. It's so bitter and just, ugh. I could go on and on. I also hate the typical things, bugs, animals that can hurt me, the dark (the stuff that can happen there is enough to have me shivering in fear), and overly talkative and nice people, like those people that just won't leave you alone, and never shut up? Yeah, I'm terrified of them, to the point where I pay attention the the people that are like that, and avoid them at all costs.
Some hobbies? Drawing, sketching, that jazz, but others seeing my art is rare. I can write things on occasion, but I only dabble, never a novel. Right now I'm reading up on baking and cooking in general, but don't expect me to cook you a full course meal and a huge chocolate cake as desert, I still burn cookies to a crisp.
What are you famous for? I guess I'm a good artist, and I can probably sing a good note or two, but I'm far from special, I am smart though, and I intend to do well in academics.

Anything else? I know bits and pieces of many languages, but I only fully know English and German, though I'm working on French. I adore gymnists and dancers, but those are just in my dreams, I could never do that stuff. I can't even dance with a boy, though, I haven't even kissed one, so that's a moot point.

Who are you really? -AngelusVindemia-

Conlaodh Kade Campbell

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What's your name again? Oh, me? My name is Conlaodh (Like "Kun-lee") Campbell
What should I call you? You can call me Kade
Can I ask how old you are? I am actually nineteen, I got held back a couple years for absences.
When's your birthday? Feburary twenty-ninth, actually (Haha so technically I'll be turning five next year. XD)
Height? 5'7"
Weight...? 105 lbs
Eyes? Yellowish brown, although I am a fan of contacts.
Hair, dye, et cetera. My natural haircolor is brown but it has been bleached and dyed half blue, half purple with a black and blue racoon tail underneath my left side.

What's your life like?
Well it all started when I was born... (Haha) I had the average childhood, spoiled until I was eleven when my first little sister was born. She was and still is absolutely adorable, but she started to get neglected when she became the middle child three years later. So after my other sister was born, my mom got "fixed" (for lack of a better word) and next thing I knew, I came home to my father crying and half of our stuff gone. So now she's just a whore. Enough of that drama, though, I have not suffered much from this, only the older of my sisters seems to be suffering.
But anyway, at first glance I kind of seem like a normal person, and I try to hide my problems with the world, I figure I'm not important enough to bother people with my problems, y'know? So after my life started going downhill, I began cutting (to avoid crying and complaining) and the joy that it brings is just indescribable. You will never see me without some sort of music playing in my ears, by the way.

What are you like? Well after a mental breakdown at the age of fourteen, I kind of figured out who I really am. I am mentally insane and have been sent to the "crazy-house" several times hince the being held back a couple grades. Anyway, despite my mental issues, I am able to contain myself in public, but thoughts of murder are probably not something that should be concealed for too long. And if anyone actually had the heart to get to know me they would learn that I am a very selfless, sweet, and funny person.
Needless to say, trying to hide very large scars is hard to do when your mother is trying to rape you...(Don't worry, I beat that b***h down, so there was none of that going on).

Name some things you love. I love making people laugh, it's kind of the only way I make friends. I also love music, as I said I'm constantly listening to it. And despite my mental issues I am quite smart and talented. I could have been in the Starfish program, but I usually excell too quickly in a large group and am slowed down. I love playing piano and guitar (calouses to prove it) and I also enjoy drawing (although I am not too good at it). Oh, and I LOVE math, SUUUPER good at it.
And some things you hate. I don't much care for singing (That song is like my anthem, by the way), but everyone seems to think that I can do it. And I hate talking, it's my biggest fear, honestly. (I'm afraid of bothering people or scaring them off like so many before). Oh and I hate straight-jackets. Meh! >.<
Some hobbies? I've already said piano and guitar, and I suppose singing. Oh and I like to skateboard. Other than that, I like to try and excel academically, in math and science especially.
What are you famous for? Uhhhhh, yea, kind of famous for almost killing my mother on several occasions.

Anything else? Yes, although I listen to absolutely everything (with the exception of a lot of Country) I am usually rocking to some extremely heavy death metal. Like RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWR! <3 Teehee. Aaaand I have a very, very serious case of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), but I never mention everything that bothers me because I fear speaking.

Who are you really? TaishoSei8Death

Elizabeth Mikinu Cotswold

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What's your name again? Elizabeth Cotswold
What should I call you? Just Elizabeth, i have a pet pev of people calling me Lily, you have to be extremely close to me to call me that name.
Can I ask how old you are? I'm sixteen years of age
When's your birthday? August 12th
Height? 5'1"
Weight...? One thirty five, i have hips on me..Not something that i'm too proud of.
Eyes? Light blue with small specks of black thrown in there.
Hair, dye, et cetera. I'm an all around natural sandy blond.

What's your life like? I was born in England and raised there. London was always a good place to be with it's grand tea and cookie taste. Being raised in a place like that my family was pretty wealthy but not over board of being rich. My father was into stocks and my mother had her own retail company. We were pretty well off. My mum and pa always signed me up for lessons with the guitar and what not. Mostly piano where my Pa found very elegant for me to play whenever we had company. Growing up even more to when i was around the age of ten my father shipped me off to live with my uncle since i never went anywhere without it.

My uncle lived in France were i had to learn to speak french and take my time with people. It was a lovely place to live as well, always love in the air. But then again i thought when my time was up being taught how to be in stocks i would return to live with my father and mother. They sort of didn't care to take me in since they had been traveling the world. The burden of a child tagging along was a bit much. So to prove myself to them i did my fathers taxes and expanded my knowledge of getting into the business of owning my own company.

What are you like? I am an all around smart allic. I can't hold my tongue as much as i would like to. I can also be a bit on the OCD side. I need things to be in certain order so i know, how and where and when to deal with that certain situation at that certain time. I never can take a break from doing this which sometimes irritates me and puts me into a bad mood. But it's my own bad habbit right?

Now a little bit more of the whole tongue deal. This is just a spin off of my OCD to correction of people, not just object but people too. If someone seems to be getting out of line i will analyze them and then come at them with a quick attack of knowledge.

Name some things you love. Books, Asking Alexandria, Art, Computers, Poetry.
And some things you hate. Disorder, Bad Anime, Horrid colors, Undisciplined people, Loud people.
Some hobbies? Cooking, Painting, Taking Pictures, Bird Watching, Walking Dogs, Animal Sitting.
What are you famous for? The Piano, Famous Paintings, Working with computers, Hacking and Analyzing.

Anything else? I know how to speak French

Who are you really? Asuniki  

Lieutenant Shotgun

Lieutenant Shotgun

PostPosted: Thu Dec 29, 2011 6:22 pm
The s τ α r ƒ ι s ɦ Profiles

Garemus Ryo Yashida

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What's your name again? Garemus Yashida
What should I call you? Ryo, Hyo-kun if you're a close friend
Can I ask how old you are? 17
When's your birthday? October 13
Height? 6' 1"
Weight...? 210 pounds
Eyes? Pale blue with dark green flecks.
Hair, dye, et cetera. Naturally black, but at the moment dyed to a deep teal with lighter blue highlights.

What's your life like? Boring, to be blunt; my father dragged me all over the country, working for everyone from Metallica to Skid Row and Poison; at the moment he's trying to get into the music world through Carlos Santana, and doing a bad job of it. As for me... I like music, though I'm better at drawing sometimes.
I rarely had friends until I got chosen for this Pacific Academy.... we were always moving, so I didn't really get a chance to put down roots until recently. Makes life a general pain in the bum, if ya get me drift. I did stay in contact with one friend, however... Bonita Peterson.

What are you like? Cool, sarcastic, irritable at times. I tend to speak with a strong Irish accent most of the time.
Name some things you love. Skid Row, Motley Crue, Santana, running, sketching.
And some things you hate. My father, irritating fangirls, classical music (gives me a headache), rap (just don't like it in general),, stalkers.
Some hobbies? Martial arts, writing (sometimes songs, sometimes stories)
What are you famous for? I seem to be able, at times, to come up with melodies that rival those of Santana and I'm a passable actor.... though I'm fine with working behind the scenes.

Anything else? other.

Who are you really? Kaosujin Ryu

Bonita Zachary Peterson

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What's your name again? Bonita Peterson...you got a short-term memory or something?
What should I call you? Bonnie - please don't call me Bonita. I hate it. (Some guys have become accustomed to calling me Bunny, too. The jury's still out on that one.
Can I ask how old you are? Sixteen.
When's your birthday? December 25th. I was born on Christmas...legit.
Height? 5' 8".
Weight...? Like 115 pounds, I do believe. I was anorexic at one point or another, but then I realized I'm beautiful and got help.
Eyes? Gray-blue. Depends on the light and what I'm wearing.
Hair, dye, et cetera. A light brown with some highlights.

What's your life like? Pretty damn nice. Let's start from the top.

I am a rape baby. My mom, Allison, was in a relationship with the man I call dad, Jeff, when she was assaulted. They were both seventeen, and mom's extremely religious (and terrifying) dad threatened to disown her if she aborted the pregnancy. So mom didn't exactly grin, but she still bore it (that sounded cooler in my head). She went through the morning sickness and the gas and gave up her body for a baby she never wanted. She ended up having a c-section, as well, which just added insult to injury. Her mother, my grandma, was one of the few sane people in her family and offered to help mom raise the baby, me, as much as she could, so Allison could become an adult. Mom gladly accepted, but kind of forgot about me.

Jeff was a much more attentive parent, despite the fact I didn't live with him and he couldn't help financially. He ended up breaking it off with my mom when I was three, but remained in good graces with my grandma and stayed in touch with me. When I was five, he made a deal with my biological grandparents - they would keep custody of me until he graduated and got a job. Then they would hand me over, and I'd be his kid, pretty much. Dad worked his way up the ladder of power or some s**t at this retail company, becoming one of their youngest execs. I ended up living with my dad very happily. I've seen my mom once since I was seven, and I don't plan on doing it again - it was hard seeing her, and probably a million times harder for her to see me. (She told me I have my father's eyes, and broke down crying. It was traumatizing.)

Dad and I live very luxuriously with his boyfriend Steven (dad was one of those people who didn't realize they were in the closet till later in life) and his eleven-year-old son Cain. I'm sups excited to get back to being a starfish, as lame as it sounds.

What are you like? I'm a princess, really. A modern princess. Pretty, stylish, talented - and irritatingly self-aware. Irritating for other people, that is. I'm fully aware that I'm a b***h, or at least I'm perceived as one, but I try to tone it down. I can dish it out, but only if you really piss me off - and I hate retaliation, so I try to avoid that kind of s**t. I'm very, very picky about people I'm friends with - I won't isolate someone, but I only trust a few people (no, I don't have latent trust issues. Like I said, I'm just picky). I don't like to ******** with people that are smarter than me - as in, I wouldn't pick on someone. I'm not a bully. I wouldn't pick on someone who's stupid, either, because I'm right there with them.

I'm a go-getter, an attention-seeker. My motives for doing things are really quite obvious, but I'm not manipulative. I don't have a long enough attention span to be manipulative. Anyway, I'm a happy person. An optimist. I definitely have a 'holier than thou' air about myself, but I don't actually think that, really. Not that I'm some secretly scared little girl. Whatever. On that topic, though - I'll be the first to jump in and help or volunteer to do whatever. I'll always want to read aloud in class or get up and act during improv. Let me tell you this, though. I may carry myself well. I may be polite. I may give adults the impression that I'm a well-rounded young woman. But I am a slut. (I have turned many knobs in my life, if you know what I mean) I am an actress. What I'm saying is - I don't know. I'm a very inconsistent person. Nice to meet you.

...I don't think I said anything substantial in that. But, other points to make, blah blah blah - I like to think I'm not as shallow as I seem. I can read the atmosphere and give tough love, things like that. I'm not academically smart (I do the work, and that's good enough), but I am, streetwise. You wouldn't see me in a woman's prison strutting my s**t, if you catch my drift. (Or, I know my place.) Otherwise...yeah, I think that's it.

Name some things you love. Classical music, opera, pop (like, the top 40 and s**t), classic rock n' roll, house music, reggae - and most other kinds of music. I love foreign crap too... anyway, I love clothes, shoes, shopping, doing nails and hair, being with family and friends, singing, The Legend of Zelda, pokemon, boys, having a good cry now and then, jogging, volleyball, rugby, basketball, parties, My Little Pony, saying slang words that piss people off, getting dressed up or being comfortable - and stuff.
And some things you hate. Bugs, the dark, cold water, reading, being embarrassed, bitches (yeah! I'm a hypocrite! Take that!), when people say 'haters,' and the grammar police. It's like, ******** you. I made a typo. I'm dyslexic.
Some hobbies? Nails and hair and blah. I like to do puzzles and play board games...and I love video games. I'm horrible at pretty much everything, especially Mario Kart... I'm really not a nerd though. You won't see me defending my title as a fan or anything. Oh, by the way - don't know how I forgot this. Sports! I love them, like I told you a bit ago...I'm on the school's volleyball team (player seven!) and I plan on signing up for basketball.
What are you famous for? Singing, pretty much. I love the performing arts, which is mostly why I'm in the starfish program. I'm also a pretty good actress.

Anything else? I've been in one or two community center musicals, and two school musicals. Darr. Oh, and, I did ballet when I was younger, and while any sliver of grace I had is gone, I can get up on the tip-tips of my toes still. Kinda. It hurts like a b***h. Also, like I said, I'm dyslexic. It's embarrassing, but reading and spelling are still difficult for me. I try my best.

Who are you really? Lieutenant Shotgun

Alexandre Demetri Ferdinando

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What's your name again? Well it's obviously Alexandre Demetri Ferdinando, why bother asking twice?
What should I call you? Alex...betcha' couldn't guess that one. Unfortunately I don't seem to have a pet name....but I'll survive
Can I ask how old you are? Seventeen
When's your birthday? November 5th
Height? A nice even 6 feet
Weight...? 172lbs
Eyes? Light green...however I prefer wearing my red colored contacts. I had a choice...glasses or contacts....obviously I chose contacts with a twist.
Hair, dye, et cetera. Just a simple black, lucky for me it's natural.

What's your life like? I was never in poverty. I never had to ride a school bus to school even. I was one of those rich kids always escorted to the private schools. My mother was a beautiful brunet. Her hair always a had a slight waive and she could make anyone believe anything. She was a sharp tongued loyaler who worked for major clients. My father was a tall slender man with dark black hair and glaces that always his his eyes. He was some sort of CEO or something of that nature.They were both full of love, yet I had other plans even as a child. In my opinion I ruled my parents. When scolded I teared up, when praised it fed my lovely little ego. At school I didn't start causing girls to swoon until middle school. I was sent to study abroad and I was sent to some rich kids school. That's I started to play piano, and flirt with the lovely ladies. The girls there were easy. Just play a little tune and they fell in love. So I just craved more and more of a challenge. Yet one had yet to appear. I got regular payments and letters from my parents. I know they only wanted me to be successful. Each track event and piano concert I had was attended by them both.

I remember getting a letter from them both saying that they were sending me to another fancy private school. Sure I thought it would be another simple la di da boring school. But when I first arrived I got the challenge I always wanted. I was categorized as a "Starfish". A little weird at first, but then I started to like it. I've grown accustom to the usual. The normal divide between "Starfish" and "Jellyfish". I've got friends, and I've had fun. The only thing different is that my parents stopped visiting. I don't mind, there old and it was bound to stop. When I found out about the new plan to mix the groups intrigues me as well. At first I thought it would most likely end in chaos, but know I'm excited. It's another challenge and I want to prevail. I'm still unsure how but I will and that is the just of it.

What are you like? I will admit it, I have major flaws. I am somewhat selfish. I want what I want. I also am slightly arrogant and the biggest flaw I have would be that I can't lose. Everything do I must win. I must always be first, and I will do whatever needed to be best. Yet I don't always achieve that goal, and it only feeds that evil fire. It's like a vicious cycle, but I don't hate the flaws. I like them, I like who I am as a person and others respond to that. Surprisingly a lot of people don't mind my flaws. That is just one of my wonderful perks. Oh did I mention my over confidence. Its a sad but true fact. For example... I'm telling you all this and I know you still wont hate me.

I'm not just a flaw book. I do have some good things. I have an unlimited amount of second chances for people. I swear I don't think it's possible for me to hold a grudge, or hate, or unable to forgive. I truly think it's imposable for me to have these feelings. Not to brag, I also believe I'm quite charming. I try to be polite to new people (my friends are another story) and I always listen. Now how I respond is a different story. But I will always listen to someone and be there. If I sound like a jerk when I try to help, that's your problem, but I will be there if needed. That reminds me, I always repay a debt and never forget a promise. I may be a jerk at times but I am a man of my word and I will go to my grave like that.

Name some things you love. I love mostly two things, cute girls and having fun with them. The more adorable they are...the more I want them. In all honesty I actually don't have very many thing I love. I do enjoy rich and spicy food as well as cold weather. Oh yes I like running and playing any genera of music on the piano. As long as I can play it I don't mind
And some things you hate. Clothes. As weird as that may sound, something about putting tons of clothes on, with layer over layer. If you sweat it just trapped under all the clothes and just overall gross. I also despise people taking away whats mine. Call me selfish if you wish but I have a competition in me....I just cannot lose.
Some hobbies? Well I do enjoy something outside of chasing lovely women, I enjoy running. Something about running in the crisp morning makes everything clear and I can think. It's so fun and as a bonus it increases my heath.
What are you famous for? What I'm best known for is my ability to play the piano. It is just as wonderful as running. I love making music. It's sometimes like I get lost in the beautiful harmony. I still am not the master but I would love to compose my own stuff. I can also act. It's a backup skill. If I can't get something just put on a sad face and people are like putty in your hands.

Anything else? I'm fluent in french. Other than that I don't have much more to say...

Who are you really? Nano Code

Sophia Alexandria Smirnov

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What's your name again? Geeze, I said my name was SOPHIA ALEXANDRIA SMIRNOV!
What should I call you? Sofie, Alex, So-So (Haha....)
Can I ask how old you are? Seven-Teen!
When's your birthday? February Thirteenth
Height? 5'6"
Weight...? One Hundred and Twenty Pounds. I'm Curvy...hehe
Eyes? I have sexy BedRoom Eyes. (Grey)
Hair, dye, et cetera. Naturally?...Ick, I'm a Brunette. Black Hair. But I Bleached it and now I sport a nice shade of Platinum.

What's your life like? Nothing flashy. My parents moved here from Russia many years before I was born. They had met at a Concert. My mother was the lead in a Ballet recital and my father, The Goverment Dignitary he was, was taken back by my mothers nature and wooed her instantly. Things were different back then. Women had no back bone as some do today. The quiet meek housewife my mother is, still is, and my father is still quite the professional. Things hadn't changed, they seemed rather in love still, but, whatever, onto the present.

Here I am! This school is quite nice. My parents decided to move back home and left me here...to fend for myself. It isn't so bad. I made a few friends, some more than others. I pride myself in my studies. Sure, it isn't anything Academic, but my type of studying will keep me in the lime light for years to come. A thing most.."Book Worm" Types wouldn't even know about.

What are you like? Nothing Special. Well, Not really, I am totally special. Nothing about me is a lie, I don't hide my feelings from anyone. If you have a problem with me, I would hope you would come to my face and say something because, well, if you don't and I find out later, well, things won't be so great for you? I have, slightly, what some would consider "Border Line Bi-Polar", well, thats kinda what the doctors think, I just assume I need to see some sort of Anger Management classes, or atleast a Punching Bag. Something to take my agression out on? That would be awesome.

On the other hand, (Please take into the above statement about "Doctors"), I cna be slightly sweet. Despite my...tendency to be a bit all about me, I can be quite sweet and the best friend you could have. If you take into consideration that.."Acidic Tongue" of mine, we can be just fine! Art is usually the only thing that brings out the brightness in me, most can see it, and if you can't well, The self-centered part of me has something to say to you about it.

Name some things you love. Oh my, well, I love Chocolates. Not just any kinds, I like White Chocolates, even better if they are on Strawberries or Pretzels, lack the Salt. Classical Music, Stringed instruments, Body Modifications, Those sorts of things.
And some things you hate. I really really dislike Animal Abuse. How could you hurt such things? They can't really fend for themselves and you do such things? That's horrible. I also dislike Dark Chocolates, I'll bake it into things, but, well, if I can avoid it, I will. Mathmatics, I dislike that. I'm not good at it, won't ever be good at it, and won't even try.
Some hobbies? Oh! I love to Bake! Sure you have to keep a steady diet for the sorts of things I do, but I can't deny baking! It's so great...Cupcakes are my specialty! But This is not to say that I can't bake other things...Just don't ask me to cook. I'm the type of person who would order food and place it on tables and take the props.
What are you famous for? Me? Oh? You haven't heard? I am quite talented in Acrobatics. Contortion to be specific. Dancing aswell, but my own type of dancing. I try my best to relate Contortion into my dancing. Also, on that note, I Hoop. Hooping to be precise. I'm trying my best to practice my Fire Hooping techniques..but, well, so much singed clothing can go so far...

Anything else? I can speak Two Languages (Not including English), One Being Russian and another being Romanian. Their slightly the same..but..well, not really.

Who are you really? CandyCane831  
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