Guys, I know this has nothing to do with the guild at all but I was hoping I could get some signatures for this petition. Three dogs were beat mercilessly in Greece. With a sledgehammer. One dog was killed. The man beating the dogs stuffed it into a trash bag and started to kill the other two. One of the dogs escaped, the other was beat. He didn't die though. Neighbors of the foul man tried to stop him, but he threatened to do the exact same to them if they intervened. A kind woman called the police and the man was arrested. The dog that got away was rescued as was the other that was beaten. The beaten dog is tramatized and badly hurt but he'll pull though. He now fears humans.

The man is being punished, yes, but this petition is so that the basterd gets the maximum punishment posible. They only need a few more signatures! They've reached 9,416 signatures out of the 10,000 they need. Help please..

The site: