Crimson Omen

A while back, I sent out an RLC that wasn't accepted due to time and workload, but she's been hovering in the back of my mind ever since.

Kin name: Crimson Omen.
Kin species: Kimeti
Gender: Doe
Growing or non: Non
Request: This, or reversed
Edits? Extra leg fur. And hair, with the type and color and length and, essentially, everything up to the colorist. Surprise me!

Personality: Omen is a strange, frightening doe who believes that drinking blood, mixed with the leaves of a certain plant she grows, allows her to have visions of the future. The fiercer the prey, the better the vision; foxbuns give her nothing at all, while alligators can send her into a trance for hours. She has become an adept huntress, albeit one covered in scars from hunts that nearly went wrong. She is obsessed with the macabre, fascinated by the frightening, drawn irresistibly to images of horror.

When she speaks of what she sees, she tells of a distant and strange future, of a rocky forest where the only thing that stirs is ash on the wind. She speaks not with fear, but with reverence; the great disaster that she foretells will cleanse the world and make way for the rebirth of everything, or so she believes. The wild hallucinations of a mad kimeti, perhaps -- but even if she is mad, she is clever, fast, and strong, and her eyes are keen and sharp.

Naming Dream: The red moon hung low in the sky, casting its red gaze over the swamp below. Strange rocks had sprouted in it, uprooting and strangling the trees, and the muddy water would no longer quench anything's thirst.

She ran and ran, heart pounding wildly, every breath choked by ash. A fire, a great fire, had left everything gray and dim. She ran onward, knowing that she could not look back, that if she did the fire would consume her -- and then she fell.

The red moon glared down at her, a crimson omen that foretold only doom.

When she woke, she ached with the knowledge burned into her mind.

She did not fear that day.

She welcomed it.