Kin name: Laughing Otter
Kin species: Kimeti
Gender: Doe
Growing or non: Non
Request: Mostly a colorist interpretation of this palette meant to be inspired from an otter in a river.

Personality: Playful and fun-loving, with a child-like temperament. Otter's never taken anything seriously, and doesn't ever plan to. She loves nothing more than fishing, swimming, and anything else that involves hanging out in or around water, and unfortunately her worry-free nature can leave her vulnerable to crocs if she's not paying attention, which she rarely is. It doesn't seem to bother her though, and to her friends' chagrin, she refuses to see any reason to stop doing what she likes to do best.


A flash of movement on the shoreline. A lithe, furry form vanishes into the water with nary a ripple. The waters remain still for several moments. Where did it go? It just disapp- wait, there! A head pokes out from the water's surface, quite a ways from the shore. The otter (so that's what it was!) now has a small fish in its mouth. Rolling to its back to float in the water, it grabs a hold of the fish with its paws before chowing down. It then seems to spot its audience, grins and lets out a low chuckle before turning back over and diving into the water to disappear once again.