User Image There is a very distinctive movement in the background of his dream.

A young mother stands on a hill with her children, safe from the grips of the caiman horde below. She thanks him for sending the menaces away.

Flocks of birds circle overhead, singing their songs and dropping feathers to surround him because he chased away the crows that were stealing their eggs and harassing them.

Two owlcats present him with a very precious leaf with healing powers to stomp out the bleeding from wounds gotten from their rescue.

The stars twinkle above in thanks for all that he has done.

A buck among them that protects and helps, no matter the cost. His coat of brilliant red and twinkling gold, and legs of shadow. He has hair of moth's silk and fur of baby's breath. He conquers his foes and comforts the sad.

He is the Hero of the Swamplands.