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Ok, so I just a spontaneous idea... Plus I've basically seen it everywhere in the furry world... Who's up for a Team Fortress 2 Roleplay? I know, it sounds legit. Now here's how it's going to work.

For the newbies, there are two factions, The RED (Reliable Excavation Demolition) Company and the BLU (Builders League United) who are battling against each other. There are various classes that you may use and various things that you may do in this rp. You may socialize with your fellow brothers and sisters and have fun with them, or you can go to war with the opposing faction! Seems simple enough. There are three battle points in this rp, Lumberyard, Granary, and Ravine. You must have someone to fight against in order to engage in battle at the point. 1v1, 2v2, or 3v3 are the only available combinations, it must be even. You have only one character, use them wisely. Once you die, there are no respawns, everything you've accomplished will be gone, just like you, so if you are about to die in a point, there is no shame in wussing out/retreating back to your base. The winner of the match by either forfeit or killing, that company will control the point until challenge. Sounds simple, right? It is. Rules.

1. You cannot hit anyone, anywhere, at any given time in a match, you're not a god. (Absolutely no godmodding, auto-hitting, or ANYTHING related to that.)

2. Teams must be notified if the other team plans to attack a certain point, so teams can be formed. (Please post OOC of what battle point that you will be attacking so that another may match your attack and the other team may be notified. Nobody likes an unfair fight.)

3. Romance between workers is encouraged, as it is a great motivator. Although, if things get dirty, close the curtains. (Romance is fine to PG-13, but past that, and head to the PMs.)

4. Please send your resume to the admin of the company to join said faction for approval. (PM me of your profile so I may approve your profile, or tell you to change something. Include the picture of your character also, and stay true to the frame of the original character.)

5. There are default classes that could be used, but if you are a special kind of worker, I would love to hear your skills. (If you want to make a custom class, be prepared to list the personality, outfit, weapons and equipment, and history if you would like. You may also change the gender of your class if you would like to be female.)

6. The fight will occur in a manner such as this... (You roll a 100 sided dice once you attempt to shoot, hit, or hurt the opponent in any way. The guide is: 0-50 = Miss, 50-90 = Hit, 90-100 - Critical Hit.)

7. Help our faction win the war against the RED/BLU! (Have fun, and try not to let the other faction gain all the points.)

Please refer to the Wiki for more information:

Accepted Soldiers:

(If on RED, please change color of text to Red on posts for organization and so we don't get things messed up.)

(If on BLU, please change color of text to Blue on posts for organization and so we don't get things messed up.)

Username: Chaos Starlight
Name: Chaos
Height: 6'
Weight: 165 lbs
Age: 21
Class: Scout
Description of Class: Semi-Automatic Lever-Action Shotgun, Dual Wield Wingers, Sandman Baseball Bat
Personality/Bio: I'm nice, sweet, a little smug sometimes, competitive and adorable. My parents were both part of the RED company and I disliked RED ever since I was born, I ran away as soon as I said that RED sucks, being shot at is not a good thing. Then, I came to BLU and became part of it.
Sexuality: Bisexual
Special Attributes: I can heal minor wounds, because my mother was a medic and taught me how to heal before I left, and I have increased Melee damage, as my father was a Heavy.

Username: Guardian Wolf 117
Pic: Me
Name: James
Sex: Male
Height: 6ft 1in
Weight: 134 lbs
Age: 27
Class: Sniper
Description of Class: Huntsman Bow, Submachine Gun, Tribesman's Shiv
Personality/Bio: James is a quiet, deadly guy. He prefers his bow over any rifle and his specialty (and hobby) is pinning RED's to the wall by their heads. He is drawn away from the team, but he is rather nice if you get to know him.
Sexuality: Bisexual
Special Attributes: Special Poison arrows and he is stealthy like a spy.


Pic: (Can I see you? Link please.)
Name: (What do I call you?
Sex: (Pretty straight-forward.)
Height: (How tall are you?)
Weight: (How much do you weigh? If female, you don't have to answer... *wink*)
Age: (How old are you?)
Class: (What are you?)
Description of Class: (If custom)
Personality/Bio: (Tell me about yourself.)
Sexuality: (*smirks*)
Special Attributes: (Only 2, cannot be overpowered, what makes you different.)