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PostPosted: Sat Feb 04, 2012 2:31 am
PostPosted: Sat Feb 04, 2012 2:38 am
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I K n o w W h o I A m ! ! : :
Abel Nico Legend

B u t D o I R e a l l y ? ? : :
Keshin User 1

I ' v e L i v e d T h i s L o n g . . . : :

B u t I ' v e N e v e r C h a n g e d ! ! : :
Abel is usually a quiet person at heart, but inwardly he's always thinking. He's definitely not the kind of person you would want to meet on a dark night in a deserted alleyway that's for sure. Head strong and fierce, Abel never backs down from a challenge or stop fighting for what he believes in, and sometimes that may annoy people but he never lets it get him down. He still has Jack after all. A natural born leader, he cares about others as well, even though he might not know them. But beware; if you betray him and cause him to lose faith in you, you may never get it back...

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C a r e f u l W h e r e Y o u P o i n t T h a t T h i n g ? ? ::
Jack the Ripper

R e t u r n A g a i n . . . ::
Completely and utterly twisted. There are really no other words to describe him. Sure, he loves Abel like family, but other than him there is no one else Jack cares about. He is no gentleman, but if Abel wants it then he can be nice; sometimes. His mood swings are infamous; sometimes he can be as sociable as a cliff, and the next moment he might be wanting to dissect something/one to see their guts out of pure curiosity. He's full of witty remarks and dry, sarcastic humor, but Abel puts up with that because it's a nice change from the people he usually meets. Besides, Jack is technically a part of him, so he has to come to terms with that anyways.

' C a u s e N o O n e E l s e C a n T e l l . . . ::

I ' m G o o d A t T h i s ! !::
[Keshin abilities here]

I t T e l l s M e W h o I A m ? ? ::
[Relationship with Keshin here;; do you guys get along or are you always at each other's throats? Five sentences minimum]

I C a n ' t R e m e m b e r . . . : :
[Biography here;;One paragraph [Five sentences] Minimum]

I D i d n ' t A s k F o r T h i s ! ! : :
[Why you were thrown into Terminal Island Here]

I D o n ' t L i k e B e i n g T o l d W h a t T o D o ? ? : :
Hunter Crawl



PostPosted: Sat Feb 04, 2012 2:42 am
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I K n o w W h o I A m ! ! : :
Kain Christian Legend

B u t D o I R e a l l y ? ? : :
Keshin User Current Champion

I ' v e L i v e d T h i s L o n g . . . : :
Twenty one

B u t I ' v e N e v e r C h a n g e d ! ! : :
[Personality here]

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C a r e f u l W h e r e Y o u P o i n t T h a t T h i n g ? ? ::

R e t u r n A g a i n . . . ::
[Keshin personality here]

' C a u s e N o O n e E l s e C a n T e l l . . . ::

I ' m G o o d A t T h i s ! !::
[Keshin abilities here]

I t T e l l s M e W h o I A m ? ? ::
[Relationship with Keshin here;; do you guys get along or are you always at each other's throats? Five sentences minimum]

I C a n ' t R e m e m b e r . . . : :
[Biography here;;One paragraph [Five sentences] Minimum]

I D i d n ' t A s k F o r T h i s ! ! : :
[Why you were thrown into Terminal Island Here]

I D o n ' t L i k e B e i n g T o l d W h a t T o D o ? ? : :
Hunter Crawl
PostPosted: Sun Feb 05, 2012 2:35 am
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I K n o w W h o I A m ! ! : :
Liam Eckhart Paige

B u t D o I R e a l l y ? ? : :
Keshin User 4

I ' v e L i v e d T h i s L o n g . . . : :

B u t I ' v e N e v e r C h a n g e d ! ! : :
Despite the harsh reality he has to face in Terminal Island, it's pretty amazing how carefree this dolt is. He hadn't been so when he had first arrived on the island, having at first been a rather gloomy and unapproachable person. It is most possibly thanks to the few good people he had manage to meet on the island who continuously pushed him to always look forward in life that made him who is he is currently. Keep moving forward, never look back. The past is the past and though it may have been painful, do not waste away drowning in it but live on with the memory of it. They were wise words and he chose to live by them and it was basically all that keep him going on the island. It was a slow process to heal, especially when the wound happened to be an emotional and mental one but Liam was able to carve his way out of his depression and made the 'happy-go-lucky' persona he carries himself as now. He became the kind of guy who would laugh in the face of danger; which he does often enough really. Optimistic, straightforward and witty; these are the few words that can easily describe him. Ambitious and passionate, he likes getting straight down to business, never one to hide behind lies and provocations. Liam tends to act out in fits of passion, openly expressing his opinions or feelings rather than keeping it bottle in as he would have done in the past. He's pretty clever too despite all his innocent smiles and goofy behaviors and he can easily get under you skin if he finds you with your guard down. He is.. odd, to put it simply; a most fitting word to describe him indeed.

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C a r e f u l W h e r e Y o u P o i n t T h a t T h i n g ? ? ::
The Jolly Roger

R e t u r n A g a i n . . . ::
Though with an appearance of a skeleton, he behaves like what one would call a gentleman. With his cane, top hat, tux and cravat, and an English accent, he certainly do fit the criteria of one. Eloquent in speech and manners, he doesn't really come off as a fighter, or a pushover for that matter. Though it seems that there is not much to expect from a guy made of bones, you would be surprise by what he is truly capable of. Behind his gentleman facade, he is actually a guy with a rather perverse and dry sense of humor and could either be seen running around cracking lame jokes, singing some out of tune song, or pointing out someone's faults. He and Liam are very similar in that way, though the Jolly Roger tends to take his joke a bit farther than his user does which usually place his user in rather unwanted and dangerous situation. The Jolly Roger is not a being that is easily angered though if you are found badmouthing his Afro, do prepare to suffer the consequences.

' C a u s e N o O n e E l s e C a n T e l l . . . ::

I ' m G o o d A t T h i s ! !::
He's as good a musician as he is a swordsman. The tune he plays on his violin are capable of invoking different emotions/behaviors on his opponent, depending on what it is he plays. A slow and soft tune could put one person to sleep while a fast pace and upbeat tune could make another dance uncontrollably. He is like a puppet-master and a deadly one at that. Certain tunes can even dull the human senses, allowing him him to conceal his presences completely from his opponent. It would appear as if he vanished into thin air, even though he is actually still standing before them. Hiding in plain sight, they say. The skill is rendered useless however when faced with someone with a strong six sense. In such times, The Jolly Roger is forced to rely on his sword, which happens to be his main weapon. The cane conceals a sword with the hook of it serving as the handle. It is long, sharp and very deadly and can cut almost anything. Being made of bones gives him much advantages also as it makes him very light on his feet, allowing him to move faster than most.

I t T e l l s M e W h o I A m ? ? ::
They could be brothers, well as much as a talking skeleton could be anyway. The Jolly Roger has a more perverse sense of personality compared to Liam though. Other than that, they are basically best buddies who can easily crack jokes with one another and or pull pranks on other people. A mischievous duo, they are. The Jolly Roger has a habit of taking things to far though and that would usually spell trouble for his user so Liam is not very happy with that aspect of his Keshin. Aside from that, hey get along well enough with one another to be able to work together, and actually able to show respect where it is needed. They make a formidable team, for despite their comedic personalities, they are perceptive and are able to quickly strategize battle formations and predict their enemies movements of which can give them the upper hand a majority of the time.

I C a n ' t R e m e m b e r . . . : :
Liam Paige and his younger brother, Ethan Paige, were born to two very irresponsible parents. They were the type of people who like to indulge in things and sometime, tend to go a bit overboard. Only having eyes for one another, its a wonder why they even bother to have children in the first place. Going off on vacation just the two of them, they would always leave Liam all alone to tend to the his baby brother and the lonely and empty house. Because of this, Liam grew up to be a very independent and responsible person. He never asked for help and always strives to do things as best as he can. A hard worker you could say and he never seem to let anything bother him. That's the kind of person he shows to other people anyway. So young and already, he was showing the world a mask that hid the loneliness he felt within. His brother was not much of a companion and though Liam was responsible for the other, Ethan was secretive and preferred to keep to himself.

Things changed somewhat when he attain his Keshin. The Jolly Roger was a pain in the a** at first, but they got along well enough once Liam had gotten over his initial fear on meeting his afro headed skeleton gentleman. The Jolly Roger's constant presence didn't take away much of his loneliness. To relieve stress, he secretly participated in illegal Keshin tournaments but it did not prove to help much. Nevertheless, Liam continued on and longed still to fill the missing void inside him and that eventually came to be in the form of one Adrian Vox, his next door neighbor. Having come into his life, they became fast friends and that eventually lead to being lovers. He looked up to Adrian, finding the boy to be so wild and carefree, adventurous and fearless. A person who didn't seem to have a care in the world and did what he, himself, thought was right. Liam admired that about the other and hoped that they would be together forever. Being with Adrian, Liam was able to forget about his own problems with his family and was able to just be the kid that he was. Life was now prefect, he thought. Too bad he wasn't able to see the seed of jealousy slowly growing within his brother's heart whenever Ethan saw Liam and Adrian together.

The end of those blissful days came when Liam found the person he thought he loved in the arms of another, his younger brother no less. Thing basically went downhill from there. It was as if Karma had it out for him, tossing one tragedies after another his way. Unable to face them, he left, not returning until he had his emotions under control. Greeted with the news of their death upon his return, it left quite an impact on him and it was only thanks to his Keshin that he did not go completely insane. He was unstable enough as is at the time. It didn't help much either though when he was falsely accused of being the murderer. Being a Keshin user, it only made him more ill favored by the authorities. With falsified evidence, corrupted judges and greedy lawyers, he was quickly enough found guilty of the crime. Like all Keshin Users, he was taken to Terminal Island. Liam had only been nineteen when he'd first come to the Island. For 5 years, he survive the hell hole that the place was and it had changed him, though for the better or worse, it is unsure.

I D i d n ' t A s k F o r T h i s ! ! : :
He had been frames for the murder of his lover and his brother, having believed that Liam killed them in his fit of anger when he had caught the two in an affair with one another.

I D o n ' t L i k e B e i n g T o l d W h a t T o D o ? ? : :
Gandering Fool



PostPosted: Mon Feb 06, 2012 2:49 am
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I K n o w W h o I A m ! ! : :
Salem "Spade" Deckett

B u t D o I R e a l l y ? ? : :
Keshin User 2

I ' v e L i v e d T h i s L o n g . . . : :

B u t I ' v e N e v e r C h a n g e d ! ! : :
Quiet, cold and often very unfeeling, Salem is the complete opposite of his younger brother; he doesn't like to talk with other people and prefers lonliness and solitude to large groups of people, which is easy to recieve thanks to his very antisocial tendancies. That's not to say he's a terrible person, though; rather with Sean and his Keshin Hallibell he ends up being very friendly, gentle and patient, quick to forgive and teach...it might just be that his standards are fairly high, is all. A habitually intelligent creature, Salem rarely participates in activities which have no point, or won't serve to further teach him something instead preferring to sit and observe the crowd, and his sense of humor, while present, is very dry and rarely exercised. Salem dislikes talking about himself and doesn't enjoy being asked a lot of questions, but is very loyal when he finds a reason to respect you. In that sense, he and his brother are exactly the same; how they seem is not necesarilly how they are, but discovering that might take a little digging, especially since Salem doesn't enjoy talking to others.

This is awesome~ ^____^ Both are accepted~~~ I'll go put them up right away >w<
<333's Snipe xDD

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C a r e f u l W h e r e Y o u P o i n t T h a t T h i n g ? ? ::

R e t u r n A g a i n . . . ::
While Hallibell has the appearance of a mature feminine form, the truth is she usually posesses the mental capacity and personality of a small child, amused by pretty much everything, always making mistakes, saying the wrong things and giggling like some sort of strange demonic creature out of a horror movie. When she's around Salem however, everything changes; next to Sean, nobody loves and cares about Salem more then Hallibell and as such she always does her best to make him look good, so when in his company Hallibell transforms into a perfectly eloquent, ladylike figure, the change often being so sudden that other residents have more then ocassionally wondered if she posesses split personalities. A free spirit, Hallibell can often be seen without Salem and that's when she tends to be rather detrimental, stirring up trouble both completely and unintentionally; of course in her mind she's done nothing wrong, and will only attone for her mistakes at Salem's decision. Speaking of Salem, don't anger him unless you're okay with a grieved Hallibell advancing upon you with a knife or some other riduculously sharp or damaging object; his happiness and pleasantries come first to Hallibell, and irritants will be dealt with quickly and efficiently.

' C a u s e N o O n e E l s e C a n T e l l . . . ::

I ' m G o o d A t T h i s ! !::
Hallibell is best used for long range attacks, as her primary ability lays in the power of manipulating unseen energies for both offensive and defensive capabilities; for someone who doesn't understand what that is, it means she's psychic, a tool which she also uses in everyday life, especially to move around since she doesn't have any eyes. This power can be used and formatted in a number of way, depending on how Salem wants to make use of it; among the possible applications are a ball of energy, creating fields to disrupt any mental or subconcious attacks upon her person, and creating an invidable shield of energy to protect from physcial attacks. She can also use it to temporarily control an opponent, but the time limit depends on how much energy and focus she can give to the ability so it isn't often used.

I t T e l l s M e W h o I A m ? ? ::
Salem and Hallibell get along famously well; she makes him smile and is the only other person capable of doing so besides his younger brother Sean, and in turn he keeps her in check, allows her innocence to grow while being sure she doesn't endanger anyone else outside of a match. While their personalities are perhaps a bit different, unlike Sean and Snipe they manage to use their differences to indulge one another so their relationship never gets too far out of hand; if one makes a mistake the other is quick to correct it. The two are not often seen together as Salem allows Hallibell to exercise plenty of free will, but should he have need of her, she'll come running almost immediatly, to comfort, protect or cause him amusement. Conversely, Salem will always be the first person to praise and forgive Hallibell, as long as she learns from her mistakes and doesn't go too far with the damages she likes to cause.

I C a n ' t R e m e m b e r . . . : :
Born as the oldest sibling of three, Salem was raised in a comfortable two story house, prodigy son of a prominant violinist mother and a rarely at home, stern and disciplined CEO father with a lot of responsibility to shoulder; between presenting himself as an appropriate older brother to his younger siblings Sean and Natalie and making sure his parents were proud of him, needles to say Salem grew up pretty quickly and didn't have a lot of time for fooling around. By the time Sean was entering middle school, Salem had already graduated early from high school and gone on to become a violinist, like his mother; he greatly enjoyed it, but his father on the other hand often told Salem that pursuing such an intrest was something meant for someone of Natalie's gender, and so against his will the violin was taken away and replaced by books of business and a grant for law school. That was fine with him, of course; anything to keep his parents, who had already been in a rocky relationship for a number of years over their conflicting passions and personalities, happy. Aware that the two were going to couples therapy, at an early age thanks to his quick departure from school, Salem was enrolled in a private institution for law and applied the skills he'd used for violin to learning the ways of the court. But how was he to know that if he'd stayed just a little longer, he would have been able to prevent his entire world from crumbling?

It happened one late night in March, when Salem recieved an urgent call from his younger brother Sean; turned out their father hadn't been coming home late due to work. Oh no, but his secratary had sure kept him company, especially when their mother had been gone on long violin concert tours. Needless to say divorce papers were drawn up very quickly, rights for Salem and Sean going to their mother, rights for Natalie going to their father; it would have been best for all three to go together, but for some reason their father remained adament about keeping Natalie to himself. Salem had assumed it was because Natalie, the youngest, sweetest, the most innocent, had always possessed a special place in their father's heart, how she'd loved him so much. And as it turned out, their father did love Natalie. Loved her in the sense that no child should ever have to endure, and he continued loving her that way for years until at the age of nine, their sister finally ran to the police and confessed of her continuous raping. Sean in particular was very angry, so upset with what his father had done to their sweet baby sister.....but Salem, having loved Natalie the most, more then anyone, found himself absolutely livid; it was at this time that Hallibell came to be, and she spoke to him of wicked things, devilish, terrible plots to make amends. One in particular, she crooned, would surely punish their father for what he had done to the once happy family. So it was that particular july evening that Salem crept to his father's house, lighter and box of matches in hand, Sean following close behind....

The whole house went down in just a matter of seconds, all of their father's expensive decor catching fire like a wild forest fire; what they had forgotten to check though, was if the man was still inside. The police found evidence at the house, left behind accidentally by Hallibell and Snipe, footprints and draggings through the rubble; needless to say, the results were conclusive and the two brothers were put away on Terminal Island, where they've been ever since. Their mother and sister still beleive that someday they'll be able to get out, but five years is a long time...maybe too long for them to wait.

I D i d n ' t A s k F o r T h i s ! ! : :
Charged on dual accounts of murder and arson along with his younger brother Sean.

I D o n ' t L i k e B e i n g T o l d W h a t T o D o ? ? : :

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I K n o w W h o I A m ! ! : :
Sean Connor Deckett

B u t D o I R e a l l y ? ? : :
Keshin user 3

I ' v e L i v e d T h i s L o n g . . . : :

B u t I ' v e N e v e r C h a n g e d ! ! : :
Generally pretty upbeat and a little naiive, Sean doesn't seem like the sort of person who would belong on a place like the island he was committed to; he's a good guy, usually quite friendly if not a bit stubborn in his personal beleifs and obligations, and he tends to be fairly open minded and doesn't mind sitting down for a conversation every now and then. Out of the many residents of Terminal Island, Sean seems to be one of the more optomistic individuals, and is always trying to find the good in every situation or person, no matter how impossible it may seem. But at the same time, one should never be fooled by how sweet and easy a target Sean might appear to be; for one, Snipe is always, always hovering in his shadows, and he's not nearly as patient as his Keshin is so if you overstep your boundaries, you can be sure you'll find a black mass following you around until you wet your pants. Sean enjoys causing mischief when he can get away with it, and has probably pranked everyone on the Island at least once, with the exception of his older brother, who has to continuously keep Sean's tendancies in check or else there's a chance he might just end up starting a physical fight for the fun of it. A good friend, but a terribly nightmarish enemy.

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C a r e f u l W h e r e Y o u P o i n t T h a t T h i n g ? ? ::

R e t u r n A g a i n . . . ::
Snipe is rather...emotionless, at best; for one, since he has no head it's almost impossible to tell how he's feeling, and even if he did have one, most likely it would never change expressions (in fact, some of the residents of Terminal Island like to take bets on who can actually piss Snipe off to a noticeable point). He's not a gentleman, and he's not very sociable or friendly; Snipe is usually, best put, simply there to do his job and to do it well, though thanks to spending all his time with Sean he's got an almost ugodly amount of patience. While usually a little slow on the uptake of simple concepts like a smile or a handshake, Snipe is by no means unintelligent, and enjoys spouting off cultured remarks that usualtly fly right over the heads of most of the Island residents; anyone who can keep up with his intellect is usually given at least a small amount of begrudging respect....at least until you hit the ring. Like Sean, there's definately another side to Snipe...and it's not one you want to be on the recieving end of, especially if you manage to somehow make him angry.

' C a u s e N o O n e E l s e C a n T e l l . . . ::

I ' m G o o d A t T h i s ! !::
Snipe is best when taking the advantage of the element of suprise, as he tends to be there one second, and gone the next. The secret behind this? Snipe is capable of melting into shadows, little pokcets of darkness, etc, and using them to his benefit as he can move between them, recover under their safety and shelter, and create various offensive objects from their natural energy; simply put, when Snipe is in his element it doesn't matter how many steps you plan ahead, you're completely and utterly screwed. However, should Snipe be caught in a place without much shadow, he's still able to hold his own pretty well; body-wise he's incredibly durable, and makes use of his two large swords to cause physical damage,, as well as his chain like arms to cause restrictions. He might advance a bit slower, but there's no pulling punches when it comes to his attacks.

I t T e l l s M e W h o I A m ? ? ::
Sean and Snipe get along pretty well, but not to the point where either would call the other a friend, or anything affectionate like that; their differences in personality are pretty obvious, and only coincide when fighting for a common goal, such as the desire to win a match in which they blend together seamlessly and efficiently. Usually Snipe tends to think of Sean as more of a child he needs to babysit, and as such is always hovering along in the nineteen year old's shadows, watching out for him; Sean sees his Keshin as a killjoy who doesn't know how to have any fun, but appreciates his protective, patient nature all the same. They aren't excessively close, but always tend to be together all the same in a very symbiotic nature; Snipe offers protection and intelligence, while Sean offers a more bright, cheerful and human outlook on life. They have their bickering moments (which is more like Sean yelling at a brick wall), but have never actually seperated themselves very far so where one is, the other is sure to be nearby.

I C a n ' t R e m e m b e r . . . : :
Born as the middle sibling of three, Sean was raised in a comfortable two story house, the second son of a prominant violinist mother and a rarely at home, stern and disciplined CEO father, not being given a lot to lie up to; stuck between his prodigy older brother and small little sister Natalie, the better part of Sean's youth was spent fooling around and trailing after his older brother, wanting to be something special, wanting to hold his own.Seperated from Salem at an early age thanks to the differences in their intelligences, Sean developed the role of taking care of Natalie, especially when his mother was touring and his father was at work; in all honesty it didn't bother him much, and so Sean poured all his energy into making sure his baby sister was happy, and perfect and everything good in his world. Easier said then done, especially since not soon after her birth Sean's parents started attending couple's therapy, but still, Sean remained hopeful, and continued on like things would turn out normal. But they didn't turn out that way, not at all.

One evening in March, Sean took a short trip to his father's office to bring him dinner; he didn't expect to see his father's secratary with her arms around him, taking the position that should have been his mother's. Needless to say Sean informed Salem immediatly and divorce papers were drawn up very quickly, rights for Salem and Sean going to their mother, rights for Natalie going to their father; it would have been best for all three to go together, but for some reason their father remained adament about keeping Natalie to himself. Sean hated the decision, did everything he could to change it, but all the pleading in the world could have never changed his father's mind; he wanted Natalie to lived with him, stay with him. Sean would have never guessed that rape was part of that dealWhen Natalie finally informed the police at the age of nine, Sean lost it, giving way to Snipe, who spent his days shadowed over Sean in a fit of livid rage.Salem however, he was even more a wreck then Sean, and thanks to Snipe, the younger male easilly caught onto his older brother's plans; burn the house down, destroy all evidence of his father's horrid deed.

The whole house went down in just a matter of seconds, all of their father's expensive decor catching fire like a wild forest fire; what they had forgotten to check though, was if the man was still inside. The police found evidence at the house, left behind accidentally by Hallibell and Snipe, footprints and draggings through the rubble; needless to say, the results were conclusive and the two brothers were put away on Terminal Island, where they've been ever since. Their mother and sister still beleive that someday they'll be able to get out, but five years is a long time...maybe too long for them to wait.

I D i d n ' t A s k F o r T h i s ! ! : :
Charged with dual accounts of murder and arson along with his brother Salem.

I D o n ' t L i k e B e i n g T o l d W h a t T o D o ? ? : :
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