(the selkie)

Tough and strong like any Tidewalker is, Skin is also, unlike most Tidewalkers, both naive and trusting. Flirtatious and fun-loving, she is known to occasionally shirk a watch for the sake of a swim--her favourite thing to do.

There is at times, however, a certain sadness to her. For reasons she cannot understand she feels for lack of a better term homesick; some Kiokote she has met have proposed the idea that she suffers from a strange and distorted form of the Ache. But an ache for what, she is not sure...

(the dream)

The seals are darting through the foam; they are part of the water, their spotted bodies quick and agile.

She moves and hides among them in her stolen spotted skin.

(the quest)

A Kimeti doe, heavily edited.

Her basic appearance is one of muted grey-browns. Her coat is medium-deep and freckled with darker spots on her dorsal side and paler ones beneath; in tone it is redder around her midsection (like the tanned skin of a young girl) and greyer at her limbs. Her scales are smoothed down and sleek, and her horns are short and blunt.

Her eye is edited to be large and black like a seal's, with a worried brow; it peers between tangled strands of wet black hair.

But her largest edit is the pale spotted sealskin that drapes across her shoulders and flanks, with a bloody scar on its shoulder.