The story

Jak, Daxter, Keira and Samos find this strange time machine at the end of Jak and Daxter. They get propelled literally 200 years into the future. Jak is now about 17 years old. Everybody gets sent flying off as a giant Metalhead busts from the huge portal. Turns out Jak isn't the lucky one as Erol, the Krimzon Guard Captain and a bunch of Krimzon guards literally surround the mute teen Jak, and with the bunt of their gun knock him out. Daxter promises to rescue Jak in about two years, while Jak is hauled off to the fortress (Prison). This is really where we meet Erol and Baron Praxis. Jak is experimented on with dark eco for two years as his innocent nature disappears. Jak is then picked up by Erol and growled at, as Baron Praxis picks him up and places him down hard "You're lucky you are still alive, boy.."

How will Jak get out of this one and will Daxter really rescue his comrade in the two years like he promised?

Choose your character and role-play it out. I want something to read by you guys.