User Image
Erebus' Moon

Marketplace Listings:
User ImageErebus' Moon

Erebus' Moon's Were-poses:
User Image Erebus' Moon Luxuriae (you are mochi)
User Image Erebus' Moon Luxuriae (you are rabbit)

Description of Were-poses:
Erebus' Moon Luxuriae (you are mochi): A very tiny white rabbit with black ears and beady, little eyes. It has a round body, which resembles an egg or, what it's named for, Mochi (marumochi).

Erebus' Moon Luxuriae (you are rabbit): A black rabbit that hovers above the ground by using it's ears, which act as wings (when moving in a virtual world, the ears spin like the blades of a helicopter). It has red eyes, a white tail, and wing-like ears that end in a white tip.

Alchemy Item

Obtainment Method:
Step 1: Make sure your alchemy level is 10.

Step 2: Obtain the following items: 1,000,000 Gaia Gold, 1 Formula 10: Erebus' Moon, 3 Hermes' Moon (Any gen.), 1 Mercury's Moon, and 1 Dark Matter.

Step 3: Go to the Alchemy page, click on the the tab labeled "Ready", find Erebus' Moon's formula, click "Complete", then click "Craft".

Warning: Only click on "Craft" if you're entirely sure you're willing to lose the items required to craft it. Successfully obtaining Erebus' Moon by crafting it is not guaranteed because the chance of success is set to "low", so you might suddenly lose all of the rare ingredients you've collected, only to end up with nothing. This may also happen more than once if you attempt to try again.

Gaia's Description of Erebus' Moon:
If you're lucky enough to catch a full moon on the clearest of nights, legend speaks of a special visitor...

User ImageHermes' Moon - (This was the first one released; It has 2 Were-poses)
User ImageMercury's Moon - (This was the second one released; It has 2 Were-poses)

Date first appeared on Gaia:
2011-07-15 (July 15, 2011)

Announcement Appearances:
Announcement #1: Item Alchemy Has Arrived!

Erebus' Moon seems to make references to the Moon rabbit.

Erebus' Moon's poses (along with it's counterparts) seemed to be named after Lunar lacus.

Erebus' Moon Luxuriae (you are mochi), assuming it's similar to it's counterparts, will probably have small white spots that appear when you move in a virtual world.

Erebus' Moon as seen in the Alchemy announcement (Item number 5, top right corner).