Ok so I thought it would be fun to open a mini freebie Pixel shop (i have more of them just click the links in my signature for more) but these here are free! you may request more than one kind of topping ^^

NEW ITEM!!! POKECONES just specify you want a Pokecone and the name of the pokemon. Also include whether or not you want it shiny smile

If anyone wants to open a joint shop with me feel free to discuss it smile

Flavor of Icecream: (or color)
Flavor of Syrup: (or color)
Toppings: (include color)
Dish or Cone or Shake:
Other Info:

I have several generic toppings for ice cream if it isn't on the list no sweat I can make a small thing if need be! BTW they don't actually have to be anything that makes sense note list.

List of already made toppings: Gingerbread man, Moon, Candy cane, Mint, Star, Rainbow, pinapple, sprinkles, candy corn, heart, Chocolate, blueberries, watermellon, cherries, strawberries, pumpkin, kiwi, raspberry, gummi bear, blackberry, snowflake, marshmallow, banana, mint leaf, honeycomb candy (MORE TO BE ADDED LATER!)

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OCTOPETS!!! cost 1k

Name of pet:
Base Color1:
Base Color2:
Pattern reference photo sad if you have a special color pattern)
Day or Night:
Sleeping or Awake:

Current Animals available (ask and I can make another one)- Dog, Cat, Fox, Wolf, Rabbit
Borders (I can make more just ask)- Carrots, Bones, Icicles, Horse Shoe, Pearls, Bamboo, Flowers
Backgrounds (I can make more just ask)- Barn, Cave, Underwater, Snow, Bamboo forest, Dog house, Garden, Den, Night sky
Emote:- Annoyed, Sad, Bored, Happy, Angry, Frustrated, Hungry, Loved, Dead, Sleeping, Starstruck

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