My sword sliced through the pathetic demon and it crumpled to the ground. Something glittered inside the belly where it lay. I walked over and crouched down. It was a jewel of sorts. A shard of a jewel. As I pulled it out I realized exactly what it was a shard of. A shikan jewel shard! Even with a shard it was a pathetic demon. Congratulations, you suck! I thought at the worm like creature. I spat on its face and walked away pocketing the jewel. The forest was filled with demons. All I needed was to find the one that stole my family from me. I could retire from this business after that! It would be so simple!

"What are you doing in here slayer?" A voice boomed behind me. I put my sword at and turned around. Another demon. A full demon and this one was not pathetic. A wolf-demon.
"Slaying. Do not make a move or I may have to kill you."
"You are not getting payed for services are jyou? I suppose you are a rogue?" The demon was adorable. His hair was in a pony tail and his muscles were very visible in his little clothing. Pelts. He had pelts.
"I am not a rogue slayer. Slayers do not become rogue. Not to mention, I do not wish to be payed for my services. It has its own reward killing demons."
"Tsk, tsk, Slayer what is your name?" The demon asked.
"Ayame, yours?"
"Karmeand." He responded. I ignored my gut instinct to attack. Perhaps he wasn't an evil demon. Maybe he was just curious as to why I was slaying any demons that crossed my path and attacked.
"If you don't mind I would like to be on my way. I have a lot to get through and so little day light left."
"Do you mind if I join you? Not all the demons are pathetic as this one is." Karmeand kicked the body part near him.
"I can handle myself thank you." I replied turning away, sheathing my sword. I felt and heard Karmeand walked up next to me.
"I will accompany you anyways." I sighed, but remained silent. I mean if Songo could handle the presence of a demon, may he be a half demon, then I could too. Songo has been my role model since I joined the demon slaying business. I was told tales of her accomplishements since the second I asked about others. The walk was quiet and Karmeand didn't try to converse with me.